Classification and specification (2024)

Section 31 and 32 of the Trade Marks Act 2002

This document provides guidelines on sections 31 and 32 of the Trade Marks Act 2002, which concern the classification of goods and services and the breadth of a specification. These Guidelines do not constrain the judgment and discretion of the Commissioner of Trade Marks, and each application will be considered on its own merits.

1. Introduction

Section 31 of the Trade Marks Act 2002 (“the Act”) is concerned with the classification of goods and services.

Under section 31(1) of the Act, the goods and services in respect of which registration is desired must be classified according to the edition of the Nice Classification in effect at the time of application for registration of the trade mark.

Any question arising as to the class or classes within which the goods or services fall will be decided by the Commissioner 1.

Section 32(1) of the Act allows a single application to be filed in either one class or more than one class.

Section 32(2) of the Act is concerned with the breadth of the specification of goods and services, and is virtually identical to section 20 of the Trade Marks Act 1953.

2. Classification of goods and services

Section 31(1) of the Act states:

Goods and services must be classified, for the purpose of registration of a trade mark, according to the edition of the Nice Classification in effect at the time of application for registration of the trade mark.

New Zealand uses the Nice Classification system 2, an international classification system that comprises 45 classes. This system groups together similar goods or services. The classification system is set out in detail in the International Classification of Goods and Services (Nice Classification) published by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO).

The current edition is the Twelfth Edition of the Nice Classification which came into force on 1 January 2023 under the Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of Registration of Marks 3.

The international classification system was established in order to enable efficient searches for conflicting trade marks worldwide. The system is of benefit to Office staff, but also benefits outside users who wish to check whether there are registered marks in use that conflict with marks they are using or propose to use.

Goods and services are divided into 45 classes. Classes 1 to 34 pertain to goods and classes 35 to 45 pertain to services.

Changes are made to the international classification of goods and services from time to time. These changes are incorporated in new editions of the Nice Classification. Changes to the international classification are proposed by the Preparatory Working Group and confirmed by the WIPO Committee of Experts. Major changes are avoided wherever possible, but may be necessary to remove anomalies and inconsistencies and to make improvements with new entries.

2.1 Classification system

Under earlier legislation, the different editions of the Nice Classification were incorporated into the Schedules to the Trade Mark Regulations 1954. However, as the Schedules are no longer in force, all references to the Schedules to the Trade Mark Regulations 1954 have been amended.

The IPONZ database and the journal now record the previous Schedule and Classification Systems as follows:

  • Schedule 4 (bases of Fourth Edition of Nice Classification is referred to as Nice Classification Schedule 4)
  • The Eighth Edition of the Nice Classification is referred to as Nice Classification Schedule 8
  • The Ninth Edition of the Nice Classification is referred to as Nice Classification Schedule 9
  • The Tenth Edition of the Nice Classification is referred to as Classification Schedule 10
  • The Eleventh Edition of the Nice Classification is referred to as Classification Schedule 11

The Ninth Edition of the Nice Classification came into force on 1 January 2007 4. The main changes to the Nice Classification as a result of the introduction of the Ninth Edition are set out in Appendix 1.

The Tenth Edition of the Nice Classification came into force on 1 January 2012. The main changes to the Nice Classification as a result of the introduction of the Tenth Edition are set out in Appendix 2.

The Eleventh Edition of the Nice Classification came into force on 1 January 2017. The main changes to the Nice Classification as a result of the introduction of the Eleventh Edition are set out in Appendix 3.

The Twelfth Edition of the Nice Classification came into force on 1 January 2023. The main changes to the Nice Classification as a result of the introduction of the Twelfth Edition are set out in Appendix 4.

New versions of the current edition are released annually on 1 January. These changes are minor and our guidelines and databases are updated to reflect the modifications. Details on the specific changes can be found can be found online at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) website as they are released.

2.2 Importance of classification

The specification of a trade mark is important both before and after registration.

While an application is still pending, it is in relation to its goods or services that a mark is tested for distinctive character (section 18), misleading reference and offensiveness (section 17) and confusing similarity to other trade marks (section 25). In encouraging applicants to make the specification precise, and by ensuring that the goods and services are classified correctly, examiners lay the groundwork for sound decisions in these areas. If an application has been registered in the wrong class, later searches may not find it and IPONZ may then inadvertently register two conflicting marks.

Once a mark is registered, the scope of the applicant’s rights in the mark is defined and limited by the scope of the specification 5.

The owner of a registered trade mark may need to take legal action against infringement by another trader. One of the key questions in such an action is whether the mark complained of is being used for the same or similar goods or services as those of the registered mark.

It is vital therefore that the Court and all concerned are clear about what goods or services the registration covers. Applicants with registrations that are not clearly defined may have difficulty defending their rights, as the court may deem that their registrations do not cover the goods or services the applicants believed they had protection for.

2.3 Classification resources

WIPO publishes the current classification schedule, with class headings, general remarks and explanatory notes online.

WIPO, the UK Patent Office and the United States Patent and Trademark Office have online databases containing a list of goods and services. Although some of the items in these databases appear in the Nice Classification lists, others are not specifically mentioned there. The databases may thus be of assistance in determining the correct classification of goods or services that are not listed in the Nice Classification books.

View the United States Patent and Trademark Office classification database.

The Classification Annexure, which is annexed to these Guidelines, should also be referred to as it lists a number of common classification issues.

3. Classification examination

We will examine the application to ensure the goods and services are clear and have been correctly classified. When examining a specification of goods or services, an examiner must consider four things:

  • Whether the nature of the goods and services is clear (section 31)
  • Whether the goods and services are correctly classified in the class or classes applied for (section 31)
  • Whether the specification contains a registered trade mark or the applicant’s own mark
  • Whether the applicant has applied for an unreasonably wide range of goods and/or services (section 32(2)).

3.1 Clear specification

It is the responsibility of applicants or their agents to submit specifications that clearly set out the goods and/or services the applicants wish to cover in their applications.

If an examiner is unsure about the meaning of a particular item, the examiner should ask the applicant for either an explanation or an amendment to the specification.

3.1.1 Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations are generally acceptable in a specification providing they are well known, for example, VCR or CD-ROM. Unusual terms are acceptable if they are common in the particular trade, known to the examiner, or if the applicant has provided an explanation that can thereafter be viewed by outside parties.

3.1.2 Punctuation, spelling tautology and formatting

Where the specification is unclear due to poor punctuation, examiners should ask the applicant to correct this 6. The examiner may suggest appropriate alternative punctuation.

Examiners will correct any obvious spelling errors, including adding spaces where required, but should ask the applicant where the spelling error is not obvious.

However, where the wording of the specification is unclear, then the examiner will request more information from the applicant, or alternatively, suggest appropriate alternative wording or punctuation.

In addition to the points noted above, IPONZ applies standardised formatting to trade mark specifications of goods and services in line with current international best practice.

  • Specifications should take the form of a single sentence commencing with a capital letter and ending in a full stop;
  • The body of the specification should be in lower case, except for acronyms and proper nouns;
  • Goods and services in the specification should be separated by semicolons or commas instead of listed on separate lines;
  • Double spaces are removed

To help applicants comply with the standardised format, our website incorporates an automatic reformatting function in the online trade mark application form.

Applicants retain the ability to file specifications in the format they choose, however, the examination team may reformat specifications so that they comply with the formatting standards of IPONZ. The reformatting of specifications will not change the scope or nature of the specification.

3.2 Correct classification

The onus is on an Applicant to ensure that goods and/or services are filed in the correct class or classes 7, and to submit a specification that clearly sets out the goods or services the applicant wishes to cover. However, it is the responsibility of the Examiner to check whether the goods or services applied for have been correctly classified.

The following resources should be checked by the examiner in this order:

  • Nice Classification, Parts 1 and 2.
  • General Remarks and Explanatory Notes sections of the Nice Classification books.
  • Classification Annexure: Common Classification Issues.

Where a trade mark applicant has previous registrations in respect of an incorrect specification, this does not justify allowing the later application to proceed with a similarly incorrect specification. If an error has occurred, it should not be perpetuated. In some instances the registered specification will have been correct as at the date of application, as international classification standards can change over time. It is important that the goods or services applied for are correctly classified in light of current international classification standards. Although consistency is desirable, prior registrations in respect of a particular specification are not binding on IPONZ.

If the correct classification cannot be determined on the information currently available, the examiner should write to the applicant requesting further details.

The Examiner may defer examination where:

  1. some of the listed goods/services fall within classes additional to those that have been nominated and paid for; or
  2. no class was indicated on the application, and the listed goods/services fall within a greater number of classes than has been paid for.

Where an Applicant explicitly lists goods or services which are incorrectly classified, the Examiner should bring this to the Applicant’s attention in the Compliance Report. In this situation, the examiner should give the Applicant the opportunity to either:

  • Delete the incorrectly classified goods or services from the application;
  • Transfer the incorrectly classified goods or services to the correct class where the other class exists in the application; or
  • Add an additional class or additional classes to the application in which the goods or services in question are correctly classified 8.

Where the Examiner does not raise a classification concern in the initial Compliance Report and the applicant is aware that the application contains incorrectly classified goods or services, the applicant may still apply to the Commissioner to delete or transfer the incorrectly classified goods or services or add a class or classes to the application pertaining to those incorrectly classified goods or services.

3.2.1 Transfer

Where there are incorrectly classified goods or services in a multi-class application, an applicant may transfer 9 items from one class to another.


The applicant files a multiclass application in classes 39 and 43. The application includes “travel agency services and accommodation reservations” in the class 39 specification, although “accommodation reservations” fall in class 43. The examiner will ask the applicant to transfer “accommodation reservations” to the class 43 specification.

An applicant may also transfer incorrectly classified goods or services between different applications, where the trade mark applications:

  • are for the same trade mark(s); and
  • have the same filing dates and, where applicable, the same convention priority dates; and
  • are in the name of the same applicant; and
  • are classified according to the same classification system.

Where the transfer of incorrectly classified goods or services is from an application that is still at examination status to an application that has been accepted, the transfer may still be made; however, the whole application will be re-advertised.

Where the transfer of incorrectly classified goods or services is from an application that is still at examination status into the specification of a registered trade mark, the transfer may still be made; however, the part of the specification which has not been advertised will be advertised before it is merged with the registered trade mark.

3.2.2 Adding a class

Where there are incorrectly classified goods or services, the applicant may apply to the Commissioner to add additional classes to an application until the time the application is accepted 10. The addition of classes cannot broaden the scope of the original application, and such an addition will be subject to an additional application fee(s) 11.

For more information on adding a class or classes to an application, see the Practice Guidelines on Adding a Class to an Application.

3.3 Classification in other classes

Some goods and services appear in more than one class in the international classification system. For example, beverages may be classified in classes 5, 29, 30, 32 and 33, and building materials may be classified in classes 6, 17 and 19.

Care must be taken when a generic item appears in one class, and a more specific item appears in another. The specific item overrides the general item. The general item is often marked with an asterisk in the Nice Classification to indicate that those goods or services are also classified in other classes.


Shoes are classified in class 25, and marked with an asterisk. Orthopaedic shoes are specifically classified in class 10, and shoes for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire are specifically classified in class 9.

In the past, applicants were required to add “all being goods/services in this class” (or similar wording) to satisfy IPONZ that the goods or services had been correctly classified. It is no longer necessary to qualify specifications in this way. The onus is on the applicant to ensure that the application is filed in the correct class, and to submit a specification that clearly sets out the goods or services the applicant wishes to cover. The examiner should check the specification and draw any errors to the attention of the applicant. However, as long as the goods or services applied for can fall under the class applied in, the examiner will assume that the applicant has applied in the correct class.

Using the example given above, an applicant who applies for shoes in class 10 will be assumed to be applying for orthopaedic shoes.

3.4 Specifications that contain trade marks

A registered trade mark 13 or an applicant’s own mark must not appear in a specification.

3.4.1 Specifications that contain standard trade marks or collective trade marks

Specifications should only include generic descriptions of the goods or services. The presence of a word mark on the Register should be taken as evidence that the word(s) in that mark are not generic for the goods or services listed in the specification of that registered word mark.

Where the applicant’s own mark or a registered trade mark appears in a specification, the examiner will raise a concern and ask the applicant to delete the mark from the specification. The applicant may substitute a generic description of the goods or services.

Any amendment to the specification must not have the effect of extending the scope of the goods or services claimed.

3.4.2 Specifications that contain certification trade marks

The owner of a registered certification mark has the same rights as those attached to a standard trade mark registration, including the exclusive right to use – and allow other persons to use – the certification trade mark.

Where a registered certification mark appears in a specification, the examiner will raise a concern and ask the applicant to delete the certification mark from the specification. The applicant may substitute a generic description of the goods or services, or the wording from the certification mark’s specification.

Any amendment to the specification must not have the effect of extending the scope of the goods or services claimed.


1053827 TEQUILA is a registered certification trade mark in class 33. Instead of the term “tequila”, applicants can substitute one of the following:

  • spirits protected by the appellation of origin “Tequila”
  • alcoholic beverages made from the agave tequilana weber blue variety

3.4.3 Table of registered trade marks that cannot appear in specifications

The following table sets out common examples of registered marks that often appear in applicants’ specifications and suggested alternative generic descriptions. The list in this table is not exhaustive.

WordClassTrade mark numberPossible alternative description







778949, 798638

operating system for mobile phones

mobile phones using operating system program


41, 42

1101000, 643014

digital representations of characters




baby strollers


24, 25


babies’ sleeping bags (class 24)

one piece garment without opening (class 25)



90467, 712351

adhesive plasters, dressings




bath fizzies




insulating materials




small close-fitting hats, head-hugging brimless caps


29, 30


snack foods namely Bombay mix (nuts, pulses, dried vegetables and dried fruits predominating) (class 29)

snack foods namely Bombay mix (cereal products, rice and noodles predominating) (class 30)




ball point pen




digital optical disc that uses blue-violet laser




wireless communication apparatus




coffee plungers




tight-fitting undergarments, tight fitting hosiery




body board


3, 5

208547, 629049, 738084

cosmetics containing preparations prepared from botulin (class 3)

pharmaceutical preparations prepared from botulin (class 5)




plastic bubble sheets for wrapping or packaging








cellulose sheet




co*cktail sausages




small pieces of toasted or fried bread




shirt fronts, dickeys (shirt fronts)




quilted eiderdowns or padded quilts




caramel sauce or caramelised milk sauce




plasters, bandages, dressings




portable cooling apparatus, ice boxes




spinning fidget toys




non-contact water polo for beginners




laminated building material



105659, 128313

flying discs (toys)








muesli-type breakfast cereal




high definition multimedia interface




vacuum cleaner








whirlpool baths




small military-style vehicle



92171, 138118





reusable cups, reusable mugs




New Zealand retirement savings scheme




plastic laminate sheets




synthetic fibres and filaments







295222, 600478

flash drive




baby strollers


9, 16, 17, 26

53877, 65674, 65675, 65711, 67851

polyester film








heat resistant acrylic plastic


16, 28


modelling materials (class 16)

toy modelling dough (class 28)




ice creams on sticks, ices on sticks




grip holders for smart phones




adhesive notepaper




portable cooking apparatus












fifth generation reduced instruction set computer architecture




in-line skates

RUBIK (in 'Rubik's Cube')



three-dimensional cube puzzles


16, 17

248258, 248259

adhesive tapes




adhesive tape




building glass with light transmission properties altered by voltage, light, or heat




fabric covers for providing shade from the sun








chipboard consisting of bonded oriented wooden strands




alcoholic beverages made from the agave tequilana weber blue variety, spirits protected by the apellation of origin "Tequila"




insulated flask




plastic or glass food storage containers


3, 5


petroleum jelly (class 3)

petroleum jelly for medical purposes (class 5)


10, 26

285671, 119143

self-fastening medical padding, strapping and belts (class 10)

self-fastening synthetic fabric (class 26)




portable audio equipment




grass and weed cutting machines




electro-photographic copying machine


9, 25, 41

809572, 832415

aerobic fitness programme incorporating dance moves

3.5 Specifications that contain geographical indications (GIs)

Geographical indications (“GIs”) are signs that identify goods which come from a particular locality, region or territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.

Geographical indications can be registered in New Zealand under the Geographical Indications Registration Act 2006. The Office maintains a register of geographical indications, which can be accessed on the IPONZ website.

Geographical indications register

Specifications should only include generic descriptions of the goods or services. A geographical indication (“GI”) that is registered in New Zealand may not be used as the name of a good in a specification, in a class relevant to the GI. A suitable generic description of the good should be used instead.

A GI that is registered in New Zealand can be mentioned as part of the description of goods in a class relevant to the GI, provided the goods originate in the place the GI relates to and comply with the other requirements for that GI. Where a specification term mentions a GI that is registered in New Zealand as part of the description of the goods, the wording used must include a generic description of the goods and clearly identify the GI as a GI.

3.5.1 New Zealand and foreign GIs that are registered in New Zealand for wines and spirits

New Zealand GIs and foreign GIs that are registered in New Zealand for wines and spirits may not be used in specifications as the name of a good, in a class relevant to the GI.

Where a class 32 or class 33 specification includes a New Zealand or foreign GI that is registered in New Zealand as the name of a good, the examiner will object that the term is unclear. “Scotch whisky” is not acceptable as a specification term in class 33, for example, as Scotch Whisky is a registered foreign GI for spirits.

Examiners will also object where a class 32 or class 33 specification term mentions a registered New Zealand or foreign GI, and the wording used does not include a generic description of the goods and clearly identify the GI as a GI.

Where an applicant wishes to indicate that the goods originate in the place the registered New Zealand or foreign GI relates to and comply with the other requirements for that GI, the applicant may use the following format to describe the goods.

Acceptable specification format


“[GI name]” (GI) [products covered by the GI]

“New Zealand” (GI) wines

“Bannockburn” (GI) wine

"Scotch Whiskey" (GI) spirits

"Napa Valley" (GI) wines

Applicants can use alternative wordings provided they include a generic description of the goods (such as “wines” or “spirits”), and the GI is clearly identified as a GI.

3.5.2 European GIs that are registered in New Zealand as EU FTA GIs

New Zealand signed a free trade agreement with the European Union (“the EU FTA”), which is now in force. On 1 May 2024 when the EU FTA came into force, New Zealand registered the European GIs listed in Section A of Annex 18-B of the EU FTA. These GIs cover a wide range of goods (primarily foods, wines and spirits), and are referred to as registered EU FTA geographical indications (“EU FTA GIs”).

A list of the registered EU FTA GIs can be viewed in the following document.

New Zealand - European Union Free Trade Agreement: Annex 18-B: List of Geographical Indications [PDF, 1.6 MB] — Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

EU FTA GIs that are registered in New Zealand may not be used in specifications as the name of a good, in a class relevant to the GI.

Where a specification includes a registered EU FTA GI as the name of a good, in a class relevant to the GI, the examiner will object that the term is unclear. “Port” or “ports” are not acceptable as specification terms in class 33, for example, as Port is a registered EU FTA GI.

Examiners will also object where a specification term mentions a registered EU FTA GI, in a class relevant to that GI, and the wording used does not include a generic description of the goods and clearly identify the GI as a GI.

Where an applicant wishes to indicate that the goods originate in the place the registered EU FTA GI relates to and comply with the other requirements for that GI, the applicant may use the following format to describe the goods.

Acceptable specification format

Acceptable specification terms


"[GI name]" (GI) [products covered by the GI]

“Jabugo” (GI) meats


“Abondance” (GI) cheeses


“Throumpa Thassou” (GI) olives


“Lübecker Marzipan” (GI) confectionery


“Aceto Balsamico di Modena” (GI) vinegar


“Bordeaux” (GI) wines


“Irish Whiskey” (GI) spirits


Applicants can use alternative wordings provided they include a generic description of the goods (such as “cheese” or “vinegar”), and the GI is clearly identified as a GI.

Where an applicant’s goods do not originate in the place the registered EU FTA GI relates to or comply with the other requirements for that GI, the applicant should use alternative, generic wording in the specification. See the table below for some examples.

European GI

Goods covered by the GI

Specification term(s) using generic wording




white, brined cheese made from goat’s milk

white, brined cheese made from sheep’s milk




nutty, pale yellow, firm cheese made from cow's milk




bluish-green veined cheese made from cow’s milk using Penicillium glaucum


Parmigiano Reggiano


hard, dry, grateable cheese




soft blue cheese made from sheep’s milk using Penicillium roqueforti




brandy distilled from the fermented residue of grapes


Irish Cream


liqueur made from whiskey and cream




amber-coloured fortified wine




aniseed-flavoured liqueur




fortified wine made from a blend of wine and brandy




sparkling wine made from Glera grapes




fortified wine made from white grapes


3.5.3 GIs that are not registered in New Zealand

Examiners will not object that a specification term is unclear because it is a GI, or mentions a GI, unless that GI is registered in New Zealand.

Where an overseas GI is not registered in New Zealand, we encourage applicants to avoid using the overseas GI in a trade mark specification as the name of a good, in a class relevant to that GI. We also encourage applicants to mention the overseas GI (in a class relevant to that GI) as part of the description of goods in a specification, only if the goods originate in the place the overseas GI relates to and comply with the other requirements for that GI.

Where an overseas GI is not registered in New Zealand, and the applicant wishes to indicate that the goods originate in the place the overseas GI relates to and comply with the other requirements for that GI, the applicant may use the following format to describe the goods.

Acceptable specification format

Acceptable specification terms


[products covered by the GI]; all the aforesaid complying with the specifications of the geographical indication “[GI name]” protected in [country of origin]

cheese; all the aforesaid complying with the specifications of the geographical indication “Blue Stilton” protected in the United Kingdom


wines; all the aforesaid complying with the specifications of the geographical indication “Barossa Valley” protected in Australia


4. Broad specifications

Once a mark is registered, the scope of the applicant’s rights in the mark is defined by the scope of the specification 14. Registration of a mark with a very wide specification may cause problems for both IPONZ and subsequent applicants.

If IPONZ allows registration of a mark with a very broad specification, that mark is more likely to be raised as a citation against future applications. Future applicants may be blocked from getting registration for their own trade marks, even though the owner of the original mark is not actually using their trade mark on all the goods or services stated in the specification.

When examining a specification of goods or services, an examiner should consider whether the applicant has applied for an unrealistically broad range of goods or services.

Section 32(2) of the Act states:

The Commissioner must not register a trade mark in respect of all of the goods and services included in a class, or a large variety of goods or services, unless the specification is justified by the use or intended use of the sign.

Therefore, a concern will be raised under section 32(2) of the Act where the examiner considers the specification applied for is too broad or that it is commercially unrealistic that the applicant would use the mark in relation to that broad range of goods or services. For example an application that specified every item listed in the Nice Classification for a single class, for instance class 3 would appear to be unrealistically broad.

Where an Examiner raises concerns under section 32(2) of the Act, the applicant can usually overcome those concerns by –

  1. agreeing to limit the specification of goods and services; or
  2. satisfying IPONZ that they have a definite intention to trade in all of the specified goods or services applied for. For example, IPONZ will consider statutory declarations wherein the applicant shows use of the mark in relation to all of the goods and/or services claimed.

Applicants should also refer to the General Annexure and the Computer, Telecommunication and Online Goods and Services Annexure for guidance on what terms will concerns be raised under section 32(2) of the Act.

4.1 Factors to consider

When determining whether concerns should be raised under section 32(2) of the Act, examiners should consider the circ*mstances of the particular case. Examiners should ask: “is it commercially realistic that the mark will be used in relation to the wide range of goods and/or services specified in the application?”

In answering this question examiners should take into account the applicant themselves and the types of goods and services in which the applicant is known to trade. For example, a large company may be more likely to provide a wide range of goods or services than a smaller company. Each case must be considered on its merits, however, large companies should not automatically be granted wider rights than smaller applicants.

It may be helpful to check whether the applicant has previous registrations for a similarly wide specification. However, as stated above, each case must be considered on its merits. The fact that an applicant has a previous registration with a wide specification should not automatically be taken as justification for allowing a later application to proceed with a similarly wide specification.

4.2 Class headings

The Nice Classification class headings 15 are only an indication of the goods and services that are included within a particular class.

When a class heading is used as a specification, it loses its capacity to function as a class heading and becomes part of an application or registration as a statement of goods or services. Therefore, a claim for a class heading does not equate to a claim for all the goods or services that may be in that class. An application which specifies a class heading only claims protection in respect of the goods or services actually stated in the heading, or that may be clearly encompassed by the heading.

This is particularly relevant when considering whether an amendment to overcome concerns raised under section 31 or 32(2) is acceptable, or whether an alteration or correction of error is acceptable.


The class heading for class 15 is “musical instruments”. Applicant A applies to register a mark in respect of “musical instruments”. The applicant then wishes to amend the application to “trumpets; music stands; cases for trumpets”. This would not be acceptable as “music stands” and “cases for trumpets” are not musical instruments and are not encompassed in the specification as originally filed and the amendment would constitute a broadening of the original specification.

Applicant B applies to register a mark in respect of the class heading for class 9. In order to overcome a section 32(2) concern the applicant requests that the specification be amended to “computer software for graphic design”. This would be acceptable for registration as the class heading for class 9 specifically includes computer software.

As an application which specifies a class heading claims protection only in respect of the goods/services actually stated in the heading, or may be clearly encompassed by the heading, concerns under section 32(2) of the Act will not, in the main, be raised for applications which contain specifications that are drafted in the form of the class heading.

5. Commissioner's ruling

Section 31(2) of the Act states:

Any question arising as to the class within which any goods or services fall must be determined by the Commissioner, whose decision is final.

Section 31(2) of the Act gives the Commissioner the power to decide any questions arising as to the class within which any goods or services fall.

From time to time IPONZ receives requests for a Commissioner’s ruling on the correct classification of goods or services. An Assistant Commissioner deals with these requests.

6. Conversion to the current Nice edition

The owner of a trade mark registered with a specification classified under a previous Nice Classification Schedule may apply to the Commissioner for conversion of the specification to the current Nice Classification Schedule (Edition of the Nice Classification) 16.

Where a person applies for conversion to the current Nice Classification Schedule, they will be required to submit the following information 17:

  • The name of the owner;
  • The address for service;
  • If the owner has an agent, the agent’s name; and
  • The registration number of the trade mark.

An applicant for conversion may also nominate registration in additional classes if the current registration falls into additional classes under the most recent edition of the Nice Classification 18.

6.1 Notice of proposed conversion

Where the Commissioner receives an application for conversion, the Commissioner must first notify the applicant for conversion of the proposed form of the conversion 19. The applicant will be sent a Notice of Proposed Conversion, advising the proposed form of the conversion. Where the applicant does not agree to the proposed conversion, the applicant has a right to a hearing on this matter.

A time limit will be stipulated, being not less than one month from the date of the Notice of Proposed Conversion, in which the applicant must indicate that it wishes to be heard before the Commissioner exercises his power to convert the application 20.

Appendix one - changes to the Ninth Edition of the Nice Classification

New indications added


Chemical additives for oils

Additives (Chemical –) for oils

Oils (Chemical additives for –)


Joss sticks


Refractory construction materials of metal


Bracelets (Encoded identification –), magnetic

Encoded identification bracelets, magnetic

Identification bracelets (Encoded –), magnetic


Covers for vehicle steering wheels

Steering wheels (Covers for vehicle –)


Sprays for personal defense purposes

Sprays for personal defence purposes


Insulating refractory materials

Refractory materials (Insulating –)


Refractory construction materials, not of metal


Fermented vegetable foods [kimchi]

Soya milk [milk substitute]


Compilation of statistics

Statistics (Compilation of –)

Layout services for advertising purposes

Sponsorship search


Restoration of musical instruments

Musical instruments (Restoration of –)

Installation of doors and windows

Doors and windows (Installation of –)

Windows (Installation of doors and –)

Swimming-pool maintenance

Refilling of toner cartridges

Toner cartridges (Refilling of –)


Providing access to databases

Voice mail services


Franking of mail

Traffic information


Layout services, other than for advertising purposes


Consultancy in the field of energy-saving

Energy-saving (Consultancy in the field of –)

Research in the field of environmental protection

Environmental protection (Research in the field of –)


Sauna services

Solarium services

Health spa services

Visagists’ services

Pharmacists’ services to make up prescriptions


Computer software (Licensing of –) [legal services]

Licensing of computer software [legal services]

Lost property return


Inspection of factories for safety purposes

Safety (Inspection of factories for –) purposes

Rental of fire alarms

Fire alarms (Rental of –)

Rental of fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers (Rental of –)

Registration of domain names

Domain names (Registration of –)

Existing indications deleted




Aggressor repellent chemicals

Self-defence (Chemical preparations for -)


Winding keys of metal


Spawn (Mushroom - )


Statistical information

Existing indications changed or transferred

Current class

New class (if applicable)




Oil cement [putty]

Cement (Oil - ) [putty]



Duckboards, not of metal



Fulling of cloth



“Storage of electronically-stored data or documents” amended to read “Storage (Physical -) of electronically-stored data or documents”



Arbitration services

Intellectual property consultancy

Consultancy (Intellectual property –)

Copyright management

Management (Copyright –)

Licensing of intellectual property

Intellectual property (Licensing of –)

Intellectual property watching services

Legal research

Litigation services

Amendments to class headings and explanatory notes


New class heading/Amendment to class heading or explanatory note


In the Explanatory Note under “This class includes, in particular:” delete in the text of the second paragraph:

“--- exploitation or ---”


In the Class Heading Replace:

“Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal services.”


“Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software.”

In the Explanatory Note:


“Class 42 includes mainly services provided by persons, individually or collectively, in relation to the theoretical and practical aspects of complex fields of activities; such services are provided by members of professions such as chemists, physicists, engineers, computer specialists, lawyers, etc.”


“Class 42 includes mainly services provided by persons, individually or collectively, in relation to the theoretical and practical aspects of complex fields of activities; such services are provided by members of professions such as chemists, physicists, engineers, computer programmers, etc.”

under “This class does not include, in particular:” add: “– legal services (Cl. 45).”


In the Class Heading replace:

“Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals.”


“Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals.”

In the Explanatory Note:

under “This class includes, in particular:” add: “– services rendered by lawyers to individuals, groups of individuals, organizations and enterprises;”

under “This class does not include, in particular:” delete: “– legal services (Cl. 42);”

under “This class does not include, in particular:” add: “– computer services for the protection of software (Cl. 42);”

Appendix two - changes from the Ninth Edition to the Tenth Edition of the Nice Classification

New indications added


Biological tissue cultures other than for medical or veterinary purposes

Genes of seeds for agricultural production

Stem cells other than for medical or veterinary purposes


Repositionable paint patches


Aloe vera preparations for cosmetic purposes

Balms other than for medical purpose

Douching preparations for personal sanitary or deodorant purposes (toiletries)

Dry shampoos

Drying agents for dishwashing machines

Lip glosses

Massage gels other than for medical purposes

Breath freshening strips


Ethanol (fuel)


Aloe vera preparations for pharmaceutical purposes

Diapers (babies' napkins)

Pearl powder for medical purpose

Babies’ napkins (diapers)

Reparations for reducing sexual activity


Arbours (structures of metal)


Brake pads other than for vehicles

Gas-operated blow torches

Wind turbines


Draw wires (hand tools)

Emery files

Fish tapes (hand tools)

Wire strippers (hand tools)


Cell phone straps

Global positioning systems (GPS) apparatus

Light-emitting diodes (LED)

USB flash drives


Love dolls (sex dolls)


Body rehabilitation apparatus for medical purposes


Bread-making machines

Hydromassage bath apparatus

Light-emitting diodes (led) lighting apparatus

Fabric steamers

Electric appliances for making yogurt


Brake pads for automobiles

Headlight wipers

Spare tire covers

Spare tyre covers

Spare wheel covers


Belts adapted for ammunition

Hand grenades

Side arms (firearms)


Beads for making jewelry


Bass drum sticks


Correction tapes (office requisites)

Document holders (stationery)


Marking pens (stationery)

Trading cards other than for games


Pouch baby carriers


Porphyry (stone)

Prefabricated houses (kits)


Baby changing platforms

Interior textile window blinds

Knobs, not of metal

Paper blinds

Wall-mounted diaper (napkin) changing platforms

Door bolts not of metal

Indoor window shades (furniture)

Indoor window blinds (shades) (furniture)




Body bags


Ski gloves


Arm bands (clothing accessories)

Beads other than for making jewelry

Bobbins for retaining embroidery floss or wool (not parts of machines)


Textile wallpaper


Portable games with liquid crystal displays

Arcade video game machines

Ascenders (mountaineering equipment)

Chips for gambling


Poles for pole vaulting

Scale model kits (toys)

Slot machines (gaming machines)

Video game machines

Bags especially designed for skis and surfboards


Ajvar (preserved peppers)

Aloe vera prepared for human consumption

Non-alcoholic egg nog

Processed fish spawn

Preserved garlic

Fish mousses

Vegetable mousses

Processed seeds

Processed sunflower seeds


Cheeseburgers (sandwiches)

Ham glaze

Noodle-based prepared meals

Pesto (sauce)

Fruit coulis (sauces)

Cake frosting (icing)

Chocolate mousse

Dessert mousses (confectionery)


Aloe vera plants

Spinach, fresh


Aloe vera drinks, non-alcoholic



Pre-mixed alcoholic beverages, other than beer-based


Telemarketing services

Organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes


Drilling of deep oil or gas-wells


Transmission of digital files

Transmission of greeting cards online

Wireless broadcasting

Transmission of greeting cards online


Aircraft rental

Transportation logistics


Cryopreservation services

Sandblasting services


Coaching (training)

Conducting fitness classes

Disc jockey services

Games equipment rental

Personal trainer services (fitness training)

Production of music

Toy rental

Vocational retraining

Organization of fashion shows for entertainment purposes


Digitization of documents (scanning)

Handwriting analysis (graphology)

Monitoring of computer systems by remote access

Provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting

Water analysis

Quality evaluation of standing timber

Quality evaluation of wool

Quality evaluation of standing timber

Quality valuation of standing timber

Scientific laboratory services


Rental of drinking water dispensers

Rental of cooking apparatus


Aquaculture services

Medical equipment rental

Therapy services

Tree planting for carbon offsetting purposes


Alternative dispute resolution services

Genealogical research

Planning and arranging of wedding ceremonies

Rental of safes

Existing indications deleted




Algarovilla (tanning material)


Blues (colorants or paints)

Bright gold for ceramics

Bright platinum for ceramics

Glossy platinum paint for ceramics

Silver paint for ceramics


Air freshening preparations

Anti-horse-fly oils

Perfumed air-freshening preparations

Pills for pharmaceutical purposes

Sal ammoniac lozenges



Chains for dogs

Common metal money boxes

Money boxes of metal

Pins for wheels, etc.

Wire for aerials


Drying machines

Flour mills

Igniting magnetos

Igniting magnetos for engines

Pressing machines (to make satin-like)

Root slicers (machines)

Turnip cutters (machines)

Weaving looms


Personal protection devices (side arms), other than firearms

Side arms (not firearms)

Side arms, other than firearms


Batteries for pocket lamps

Buzzers, electric

Contacts, electric, of precious metal

Electric buzzers

Electric welding apparatus

Eye shades (headgear)

Eye shades, other than headgear



Horsehair gloves for massage



Gas generators (installations)



Ornaments made of silver

Silver ornaments


Bass drum sticks


Babies' nappies (diapers) of paper and cellulose (disposable)

Diapers made of cellulose

Diapers made of paper

Disposable diapers of cellulose for babies

Disposable diapers of paper for babies

Disposable paper diapers

Impregnated napkins (diapers) of paper

Infants' diapers (disposable) of cellulose

Infants' diapers (disposable) of paper

Infants' disposable diapers of cellulose

Infants' disposable diapers of paper

Paper diapers for babies

Paper diapers for infants

Tear-off calendars


Collars for dogs

Dog collars


Nesting boxes for household pets


Coal scuttles

Feeding troughs

Knobs of porcelain

Lye washtubs

Mangers for livestock

Shirt stretchers

Troughs for livestock

Trouser stretchers




Babies' diapers of textile

Babies' nappies (diapers) of textile

Cloth diapers (nappies)

Paper liners for babies' nappies (diapers)

Textile liners for babies' nappies (diapers)


Electronic amusem*nt apparatus adapted for use with liquid crystal displays

Fencing foils

Foils for fencing

Games adapted for use with dot matrix liquid crystal displays

Small balls for games


Edible decorations for cakes


Poultry for breeding


Mouthpieces of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders

Tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders


Grading of wool


Information services relating to storage

Storage information


Digital imaging services

Existing indications changed or transferred

Current class

New class (if applicable)




“cream of tartar, other than for pharmaceutical purposes” amended to read ”cream of tartar (chemical additive)”



“alum stones (antiseptic)” amended to read “alum stones (astringents)”

“deodorants for personal use” amended to read “deodorants for human beings or for animals”

“shaving stones (antiseptic)” amended to read “shaving stones (astringents)”



“deodorants, other than for personal use” amended to read “deodorants, other than for human beings or for animals”



“cotter pins” amended to read “cotter pins of metal”



“aerated beverages making machines” amended to read “aerated beverages-making machines”

“spin driers” amended to read “spin driers (not heated)”

“looms (machines)” amended to read “looms”



electric welding apparatus

soldering apparatus, electric

welding electrodes

electric arc welding apparatus

welding apparatus (electric are -)

electric arc cutting apparatus

cutting apparatus (electric arc -)

vending machines



“floats for bathing and swimming” amended to read “floats for bathing and swimming for life saving purposes”

“furnaces for laboratory experiments” amended to read “furnaces for laboratory use”

“furnaces for laboratory experiments” amended to read “furnaces, other than for laboratory use”

“ovens for laboratory experiments” amended to read “ovens for laboratory use”

“ovens for laboratory experiments” amended to read “ovens, other than for laboratory use”

“computer memories” amended to read “computer memory devices”



soldering lamps



“beverages cooling apparatus” amended to read “beverage-cooling apparatus”

“ionization apparatus for the treatment of air” amended to read “ionization apparatus for the treatment of air or water”

“solar collectors (heating)” amended to read “solar thermal collectors (heating)”






babies’ napkin-pants (diaper-pants) of paper and cellulose (disposable)



“photographs” amended to read “photographs (printed)”



“key cases (leatherware)” amended to read “key cases”



“arbours (structures)” amended to read “arbours (structures not of metal)”



drinking straws

straws for drinking



“coffee services” amended to read “coffee services (tableware)”

“figurines (statuettes) of porcelain, terracotta or glass” amended to read “figurines (statuettes) of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass”

“piggy banks, not of metal” amended to read “piggy banks”

“statues of porcelain, terracotta or glass” amended to read “statues of porcelain, earthenware, ceramic or glass”

“statuettes of porcelain, terracotta or glass” amended to read “statuettes of porcelain, porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass”

“tea services” amended to read “tea services (tableware)”


“hair” amended to read “human hair”



“babies' pants” amended to read “babies' pants (clothing)”



tea cosies



thread of metal for embroidery



“creels (fishing equipment)” amended to read “creels (fishing traps)”



“pasty” amended to read “pasties”



“cucumbers” amended to read “cucumbers, fresh”

“leeks” amended to read “leeks, fresh”

“lemons” amended to read “lemons, fresh”

“lettuce” amended to read “lettuce, fresh”

“peanuts” amended to read “peanuts, fresh”



“evaluation of standing timber” amended to read “financial evaluation of standing timber”

“evaluation of wool” amended to read “financial evaluation of wool”



“film production” amended to read “film production, other than advertising films”

“health club servicess” amended to read “health club services (health and fitness training)”



“consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware”

Amendments to class headings and explanatory notes


New class heading/Amendment to class heading or explanatory note


In the Explanatory Note under “This class includes, in particular:” delete in the text of the second paragraph: “--- exploitation or ---”


In the Class Heading

replace: “Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal services.” with

“Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software.”

In the Explanatory Note:

replace: “Class 42 includes mainly services provided by persons, individually or collectively, in relation to the theoretical and practical aspects of complex fields of activities; such services are provided by members of professions such as chemists, physicists, engineers, computer specialists, lawyers, etc.”


“Class 42 includes mainly services provided by persons, individually or collectively, in relation to the theoretical and practical aspects of complex fields of activities; such services are provided by members of professions such as chemists, physicists, engineers, computer programmers, etc.”

under: “This class does not include, in particular:” add: “– legal services (Cl. 45).”


In the Class Heading replace:

“Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; security services for the protection of property and individuals.”


“Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals.”

In the Explanatory Note:


“This class includes, in particular:” add: “– services rendered by lawyers to individuals, groups of individuals, organizations and enterprises;”


“This class does not include, in particular:” delete: “– legal services (Cl. 42);”


“This class does not include, in particular:” add: “– computer services for the protection of software (Cl. 42);”

Amendments to explanatory notes (2013 Tenth Edition Nice classification)




In the Explanatory Note:

This class does not include, in particular:

  • meal replacements, dietetic food and beverages not for medical or veterinary purposes (Cl 29, 30, 31, 32 or 33)

Has been amended to read:

This class does not include, in particular:

  • meal replacements, dietetic food and beverages not for medical or veterinary use (Cl 29, 30, 31, 32 or 33)


In the Explanatory Note:

Class 39 includes mainly services rendered in transporting of people or goods from one place to another (by rail, road, water, air or pipeline) and services necessarily connected with such transport, as well as services relating to the storing of goods in a warehouse or other building for their preservation or guarding.

Has been amended to read:

Class 39 includes mainly services for the transport of people, animals or goods from one place to another (by rail, road, water, air or pipeline) and services necessarily connected with such transport, as well as services relating to the storing of goods in a warehouse or other building for their preservation or guarding.

Appendix three - changes from the Tenth Edition to the Eleventh Edition of the Nice Classification

New indications added


Seaweeds (fertilisers)

nitrogenous fertilizers

calcium cyanamide (fertiliser)


fertilising preparations

phosphates (fertilizers)

slag (fertilizers)

superphosphates (fertilizers)

artificial resins, unprocessed

salts (fertilizers)

peat (fertilizer)

fish meal fertilisers

organic digestate (fertiliser)

flavonoids for industrial purposes [phenolic compounds]

thymol for industrial purposes


transmission oil

polymer resins, unprocessed

chemical coatings for opthalmic lenses

calomel (mercurous chloride)

animal manure


phytocosmetic preparations

cleansers for intimate personal hygiene purposes, non medicated

herbal extracts for cosmetic purposes

nail varnish removers

nail polish removers

floor wax

shampoos for animals (non-medicated grooming preparations)

eye-washes, not for medical purposes

vagin*l washes for personal sanitary or deodorant purposes


colza oil for industrial purposes

benzene fuel

xylene fuel


bone cement for surgical and orthopedic purposes

phytotherapy preparations of medical purposes

herbal extracts for medical purposes

sexual stimulant gels


nutraceutical preparations for therapeutic or medical purposes

freeze-dried food adapted for medical purposes

lyophilized food adapted for medical purposes

lyophilised food adapted for medical purposes

hom*ogenized food adapted for medical purposes

hom*ogenised food adapted for medical purposes

pre-filled syringes for medical purposes

freeze-dried meat adapted for medical purposes

lyophilized meat adapted for medical purposes

lyophilised meat adapted for medical purposes

reagent paper for veterinary purposes

astringents for medical purposes

medicated dentifrices

lice treatment preparations (pediculicides)

pediculicidal shampoos

insecticidal animal shampoo

insecticidal veterinary washes

antibacterial soap

antibacterial handwashes

medicated after-shave lotions

medicated shampoos

medicated toiletry preparations

medicated hair lotions

medicated dry shampoos

medicated shampoos for pets


strongboxes (metal or non-metal)

nameplates of metal

hot-rolled steel bars

bright steel bars

peeled metal bars

drawn and polished metal bars

bag hangers of metal

brackets of metal for furniture

labels of metal

jerrycans of metal

stakes of metal for plants or trees

flagpoles of metal

clips of metal for sealing bags

shoe pegs of metal

shoe dowels of metal

safes, electronic

folding doors of metal

mouldings of metal for building

moldings of metal for building

fireplace mantles of metal


suction nozzles for vacuum cleaners

pigs for cleaning pipes

juice extractors, electric

screwdrivers, electric

joysticks being parts of machines, other than for game machines

camshafts for vehicle engines

rubber tracks being parts of crawlers on construction machines

rubber tracks being parts of crawlers on loading-unloading machines and apparatus

rubber tracks being parts of crawlers on agricultural machines

rubber tracks being parts of crawlers on mining machines

rubber tracks being parts of crawlers on snow ploughs


tattoo needles

spatulas for use by artists

sculptors' chisels

plastic spoons, table forks and table knives

baby spoons, table forks and table knives


eyeglass lenses

needles for surveying compasses

security tokens (encryption devices)

infrared detectors

covers for personal digital assistants (PDAs)

baby scales

electronic access control systems for interlocking doors

thermal imaging cameras

scales with body mass analysers

scales with body mass analyzers

covers for tablet computers

black boxes (data recorders)

digital weather stations

charging stations for electric vehicles

interactive touch screen terminals

smart rings

electric and electronic effects units for musical instruments

audio interfaces

equalizers (audio apparatus)

equalisers (audio apparatus)


bathroom scales



protective films adapted for smartphones

virtual reality headsets

electronic interactive whiteboards

humanoid robots with artificial intelligence

audio mixers

batteries for electronic cigarettes

electronic key fobs being remote control apparatus

electronic sheet music, downloadable

T-squares for measuring

squares for measuring

square rulers for measuring


gurneys, wheeled

bolus guns

knee bandages, orthopaedic

respiratory masks for artificial respiration

orthodontic rubber bands

analysers for bacterial identification for medical purposes

analyzers for bacterial identification for medical purposes

apparatus for DNA and RNA exams for medical purposes

apparatus for the regeneration of stem cells for medical purposes

body fat monitors

body composition monitors

toe separators for orthopaedic purposes

toe separators for orthopedic purposes


cooking stoves

heat guns

chocolate fountains, electric

disinfectant apparatus for medical purposes

wine cellars, electric

fairy lights for festive decoration

string lights for festive decoration


bicycle wheel hubs

fitted footmuffs for prams

fitted footmuffs for baby carriages

fitted footmuffs for pushchairs

fitted footmuffs for strollers

tyre mousse inserts

tire mousse inserts

bags adapted for pushchairs

bags adapted for strollers

remotely operated vehicles for underwater inspections

autonomous underwater vehicles for seabed inspections

bellows for articulated buses

electric bicycles

saddle covers for motorcycles

motor racing cars


amulets (jewelry)

silver thread (jewelry)

bracelets (jewelry)

jewelry charms

charms for jewellery

charms for jewelry

brooches jewelry

chains jewelry

necklaces (jewelry)

threads of precious metal (jewelry)

wire of precious metal (jewelry)

lockets (jewelry)

gold thread (jewelry)

pearls (jewelry)

rings (jewelry)

hat jewelry

shoe jewelry

pins (jewelry)

cloisonné jewelry

misbaha [prayer beads]

bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery]

bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewelry]

charms for key rings

charms for key chains




colophony for stringed musical instruments

rosin for stringed musical instruments


plastic bags for pet waste disposal


table runners of paper

printed sheet music

banners of paper

bunting of paper


fittings, not of metal, for flexible pipes

fittings, not of metal, for rigid pipes


labels of leather

grips for holding shopping bags

tefillin [phylacteries]

suitcases with wheels


clothing for pets


plastic landscape edgings

rubber bearings for seismic isolation of buildings

armour-plating, not of metal

armor-plating, not of metal


chaise lounges

bag hangers, not of metal

plastic keys

brackets, not of metal, for furniture

labels of plastic

console tables


valet stands

jerrycans, not of metal


clips of plastic for sealing bags

bumper guards for cots, other than bed linen

bumper guards for cribs, other than bed linen

boxes of wood or plastic

cots for babies

cribs for babies

moses baskets

legs for furniture

feet for furniture



shoe pegs, not of metal

shoe dowels, not of metal


eyelash brushes

egg separators, non-electric, for household purposes

foam toe separators for use in pedicures

plug-in diffusers for mosquito repellents

cold packs for chilling food and beverages

reusable ice cubes

tablemats, not of paper or textile

place mats, not of paper or textile

decanter tags

wine aerators

heads for electric toothbrushes

coin banks

lint removers, electric or non-electric

polishing cloths

pig bristles for brush-making

horsehair for brush-making

ice tongs

salad tongs

serving ladles

pestles for kitchen use

mortars for kitchen use

ice cream scoops


animal feeding nets


sleeping bags for babies

baby buntings


bodies [underclothing]

hairdressing capes

karate uniforms

judo uniforms




charms, other than for jewellery, key rings or key chains

charms, other than for jewelry, key rings or key chains


floor mats, fire resistant, for fireplaces and barbecues

yoga mats


toy robots

needles for pumps for inflating balls for games

pumps specially adapted for use with balls for games

baby gyms

plush toys with attached comfort blanket

tricycles for infants [toys]


low-fat potato chips

guacamole [mashed avocado]

onion rings


lemon juice for culinary purposes

freeze-dried meat

lyophilized meat

lyophilised meat

oat milk

vegetable-based cream

freeze-dried vegetables

lyophilized vegetables

lyophilised vegetables

extra virgin olive oil

galbi [grilled meat dish]

escamoles [edible ant larvae, prepared]

edible insects, not live

sweet corn, processed

nut-based spreads

potato-based dumplings

hot dog sausages

corn dogs

soya bean oil for food

milk substitutes

almond milk

peanut milk

coconut milk

coconut milk for culinary purposes

coconut milk-based beverages

rice milk for culinary purposes


chocolate-based beverages

chocolate spreads containing nuts

flour-based dumplings

agave syrup [natural sweetener]

mirror icing [mirror glaze]

freeze-dried dishes with main ingredient being rice

lyophilized dishes with main ingredient being rice

lyophilised dishes with main ingredient being rice

freeze-dried dishes with main ingredient being pasta

lyophilized dishes with main ingredient being pasta

lyophilised dishes with main ingredient being pasta

chamomile-based beverages

dulce de leche

bibimbap [rice mixed with vegetables and beef]

onigiri [rice balls]

instant rice

hot dog sandwiches

ice cubes

processed seeds for use as a seasoning

sesame seeds [seasonings]


eggs for hatching, fertilized

anchovy, live

edible insects, live

unprocessed sweet corn ears [husked or unhusked]


soft drinks


registration of written communications and data

updating and maintenance of information in registries

compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes

business intermediary services relating to the matching of potential private investors with entrepreneurs needing funding

production of teleshopping programmes

production of teleshopping programs

consultancy regarding public relations communications strategy

consultancy regarding advertising communications strategy

negotiation of business contracts for others


rental of offices for co-working


sterilization of medical instruments

sterilisation of medical instruments

hydraulic fracturing services

fracking services

pest control services, other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry

rental of dish washing machines

rental of dish drying machines


rental of electric wine cellars

cash replenishment of automated teller machines

car sharing services


tinting of car windows


training services provided via simulators

providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand transmission services

providing television programmes, not downloadable, via video-on-demand transmission services

providing television programs, not downloadable, via video-on-demand transmission services

sado instruction [tea ceremony instruction]

aikido instruction

rental of artwork

rental of indoor aquaria


unlocking of mobile phones

monitoring of computer systems to detect breakdowns

creating and designing website-based indexes of information for others [information technology services]

internet security consultancy

data security consultancy

data encryption services

monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach

electronic monitoring of personally identifying information to detect identity theft via the internet

electronic monitoring of credit card activity to detect fraud via the internet


reception services for temporary accommodation [management of arrivals and departures]

washoku restaurant services


aerial and surface spreading of fertilisers and other agricultural chemicals

in vitro fertilisation services

pest control services for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry

human tissue bank services


legal services in relation to the negotiation of contracts for others

conducting religious ceremonies

dog walking services

leasing of internet domain names

kimono dressing assistance

Existing indications deleted




manure for agriculture

artificial resins, unprocessed


preservative oils for wood

coloring (colouring) wood


floor wax


blocks of peat (fuel)


headache pencils

dog lotions


building or furniture fittings of nickel-silver

vice benches of metal

building boards of metal

chests of metal for foods

meat safes of metal




respirators, other than for artificial respiration

waling glasses


orthopaedic (orthopedic) belts

sprayers for medical purposes


installations for conditioning air

fuel economisers

fuel economizers


fairy lights for festive decoration

torches for lighting

flashlights (torches)

disposable sterilization pouches


lifting cars (life cars)

ships' steering gears

audible warning systems for bicycles


gun stocks


trinkets (jewellery, jewelry (AM.))

ornaments (jewellery, jewelry AM.))

paste jewellery

cabochons for making jewelry


artists' watercolor [watercolour] saucers

watercolor [watercolour] saucers for artists



clothing for pets

envelopes, of leather, for packaging

pouches, of leather, for packaging



framework for building, not of metal

installations, not of metal, for parking bicycles



knife handles, not of metal

scythe handles, not of metal

tool handles, not of metal

broom handles, not of metal

cases of wood or plastic

bins of wood or plastic

boxes of wood or plastic





sacks [bags] of textile, for packaging


sanitary flannel

bed clothes


chalk for billiard cues


binding agents for ice cream [edible ices]

binding agents for edible ices

Existing indications changed or transferred

Current class

New class (if applicable)




“tartar other than for pharmaceutical purposes” amended to read “tartar, other than for pharmaceutical purposes”

“earth for growing” amended to read “soil for growing”

“isinglass other than for stationery, household or alimentary purposes” amended to read “isinglass, other than for stationery, household or alimentary purposes”

“scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes” amended to read “descaling preparations, other than for household purposes”.

“electrophoresis gels, other than for medical or veterinary purposes” amended to read “electrophoresis gels”.

“stem cells other than for medical or veterinary purposes” amended to read “stem cells, other than for medical or veterinary purposes”

“biological tissue cultures other than for medical or veterinary purposes” amended to read “biological tissue cultures, other than for medical or veterinary purposes”.



“detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes” amended to read “detergents, other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes”

“parquet floor wax” amended to read “wax for parquet floors”

“scale removing preparations for household purposes” amended to read “descaling preparations for household purposes”

“toiletries” amended to read “toiletry preparations”

“turpentine, for degreasing” amended to read “turpentine for degreasing”

“glass cloth” amended to read “glass cloth (abrasive cloth)"

“shampoos for pets” amended to read “shampoos for pets (non-medicated grooming preparations)”

“massage gels other than for medical purposes” amended to read “massage gels, other than for medical purposes”

“balms other than for medical purposes” amended to read “balms, other than for medical purposes”



Disinfectant soap

Medicated soap



“oil for the preservation of masonry” amended to read “oils for the preservation of masonry”.

“preservatives for leather (oils and greases)” amended to read “greases for the preservation of leather”

“oil for the preservation of leather” amended to read “oils for the preservation of leather”









wax for skis



“cattle washes” amended to read “cattle washes (insecticides)”

“calomel” amended to read “calomel (fungicide)”

“dog washes” amended to read “dog washes (insecticides)”

“animal washes” amended to read “animal washes (insecticides)”

“milk of almonds for pharmaceutical purposes” amended to read “almond milk for pharmaceutical purposes”

“vagin*l washes” amended to read “vagin*l washes for medical purposes"

“eye-washes” amended to read “medicated eye-washes”

“reagent paper for medical or veterinary purposes” amended to read “reagent paper for medical purposes”



anti-rheumatism bracelets

anti-rheumatism rings

bracelets for medical purposes



“nickel-silver” amended to read “nickel silver”

“cashboxes of metal” amended to read “cashboxes (metal or non-metal)”

“safes (strong boxes)” amended to read “safes (metal or non-metal)”

“armour-plating” amended to read “armour-plating of metal”

“armor-plating” amended to read “armor-plating of metal”

“keys” amended to read “key of metal”

“flashing of metal, for building” amended to read “flashing of metal for building”

"angle irons" amended to read "angle irons of metal"

"ducts of metal for ventilating and air conditioning installations" amended to read "ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning installations"

"roofing of metal, incorporating solar cells" amended to read "roofing of metal, incorporating photovoltaic cells"



“tool handles of metal” amended to read “handles for hand-operated hand tools”

“knife handles of metal ” amended to read “knife handles”

“scythe handles of metal” amended to read “scythe handles”



“broom handles of metal ” amended to read “broom handles”



“clutches other than for land vehicles” amended to read “clutches, other than for land vehicles”

“driving motors other than for land vehicles” amended to read “driving motors, other than for land vehicles”

“propulsion mechanisms other than for land vehicles” amended to read “propulsion mechanisms, other than for land vehicles”

“jet engines other than for land vehicles” amended to read “jet engines, other than for land vehicles”

“freewheels other than for land vehicles” amended to read “freewheels, other than for land vehicles”

“pepper mills other than hand-operated” amended to read “pepper mills, other than hand-operated”

“turbines other than for land vehicles” amended to read “turbines, other than for land vehicles”

“couplings other than for land vehicles” amended to read “couplings, other than for land vehicles”

“agricultural implements other than hand-operated” amended to read “agricultural implements, other than hand-operated”

“brake linings other than for vehicles” amended to read “brake linings, other than for vehicles”

“brake shoes other than for vehicles” amended to read “brake shoes, other than for vehicles”

“brake segments other than for vehicles” amended to read “brake segments, other than for vehicles”

“gear boxes other than for land vehicles” amended to read “gear boxes, other than for land vehicles”

“driving chains other than for land vehicles” amended to read “driving chains, other than for land vehicles”

“torque converters other than for land vehicles” amended to read “torque converters, other than for land vehicles”

“transmission chains other than for land vehicles” amended to read “transmission chains, other than for land vehicles”

“reduction gears other than for land vehicles” amended to read “reduction gears, other than for land vehicles”

“brake pads other than for vehicles” amended to read “brake pads, other than for vehicles”

“engine mounts other than for land vehicles” amended to read “engine mounts, other than for land vehicles”



“mortars for pounding” amended to read “mortars for pounding (hand tools)”

“pestles for pounding” amended to read “pestles for pounding (hand tools)”

“screwdrivers” amended to read “screwdrivers, non-electric”






sugar tongs


“ladles for wine” amended to “ladles for serving wine”



“acoustic (sound) alarms” ameneded to read “acoustic alarms”

“compasses (measuring instruments)” amended to read “compasses for measuring”

“spectacles (optics)” amended to read “spectacles”



socks, electrically heated



“air mattresses, for medical purposes” amended to read “air mattresses for medical purposes"

“bougies (surgery)” amended to read “surgical bougies”

“tips for crutches for invalids” amended to read “tips for crutches”

“beds, specially made for medical purposes” amended to read “beds specially made for medical purposes”

“physical exercise apparatus, for medical purposes” amended to read “physical exercise apparatus for medical purposes



"air conditioning installations" amended to read "air-conditioning installations"

"pocket torches, electric" amended to read "electric torches"

"pocket searchlights" amended to read "electric flashlights"

"air conditioning apparatus" amended to read "air-conditioning apparatus"

"heat exchangers, not parts of machines" amended to read "heat exchangers, other than parts of machines"

"flares" amended to read "flaming torches"

"ice boxes" amended to read "cool boxes, electric"

"ice chests" amended to read "coolers, electric"

"heating apparatus for defrosting windows of vehicles" amended to read "heating apparatus for defrosting vehicle windows"

"autoclaves (electric pressure cookers)" amended to read "autoclaves, electric, for cooking"

"pressure cookers (autoclaves), electric" amended to read "pressure cookers, electric"



“fork lift trucks” amended to read “forklift trucks”

“ships' hulls” amended to read “ship hulls”

“transmission, for land vehicles” amended to read “transmissions for land vehicles”

“saddle covers for bicycles or motorcycles” amended to read “saddle covers for bicycles”



“detonating caps other than toys” amended to read “detonating caps, other than toys”

“signal rockets” amended to read “signal rocket flares”

“percussion caps other than toys” amended to read “percussion caps, other than toys”



“amulets (jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “amulets (jewellery)”

“silver thread (jewellery, jewelry (AM.)) amended to read “silver thread (jewellery)”

“bracelets (jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “bracelets (jewellery)”

“charms jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “jewellery charms”

“brooches (jewellery, jewelry AM.))” amended to read “brooches (jewellery)”

“chains jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “chains (jewellery)

“necklaces (jewellery, jewelry AM.))” amended to read “necklaces (jewellery)”

“threads of precious metal (jewellery, jewelry AM.))” amended to read “threads of precious metal (jewellery)”

“wire of precious metal (jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “wire of precious metal (jewellery)”

“lockets (jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “lockets (jewellery)”

“gold thread (jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “gold thread (jewellery)”

“pearls jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “pearls jewellery”

“paste jewellery (costumer jewellery (AM.))” amended to read “paste jewellery”

“rings jewellery, jewelry (AM.))” amended to read “rings (jewellery)”

“hat ornaments of precious metal” amended to read “hat jewellery”

“shoe ornaments of precious metal” amended to read “shoe jewellery”

“pins (jewellery, jewelry (Am.))” amended to read “pins (jewellery)”

“key rings (trinkets or fobs)” amended to read “key rings (split rings with trinket or decorative fob)”

“key chains [trinkets or fobs]” amended to read “key chains [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]”

“cloisonne jewellery [jewelry (Am.)]” amended to read “cloisonne jewellery”

“cabochons for making jewellery” amended to read “cabochons”



“square rulers” amended to read “square rulers for drawing”

“envelope sealing machines, for offices” amended to read “envelope sealing machines for offices”

“boxes of cardboard or paper” amended to read “boxes of paper or cardboard”

“bottle envelopes of cardboard or paper” amended to read “bottle envelopes of paper or cardboard”

“drawing squares” amended to read “squares for drawing”

“drawing T-squares” amended to read “T-squares for drawing”

“bottle wrappers of cardboard or paper” amended to read “bottle wrappers of paper or cardboard”

“labels, not of textile” amended to read “labels of paper or cardboard”

“trading cards other than for games” amended to read “trading cards, other than for games”







“guttapercha” amended to read “gutta-percha”

“junctions, not of metal, for pipes” amended to read “junctions, not of metal, for flexible pipes”



“valises” amended to read “suitcases”

“suitcases” amended to read “valises”



gut for making sausages



“tarred strips, for building” amended to read “tarred strips for building”

“mantelpieces” amended to read “fireplace mantles, not of metal”

“plate glass [windows], for building” amended to read “plate glass [windows] for building”

“reeds, for building” amended to read “reeds for building”

“wood pulp board, for building” amended to read “wood pulp board for building”



“bassinettes” amended to read “bassinets”

“tortoiseshell imitation” amended to read “imitation tortoiseshell”

“easy chairs” amended to read “chaise lounges”

“stakes for plants or trees” amended to read “stakes, not of metal, for plants or trees”

“meat chests, not of metal” amended to read “meat safes”

“hampers [baskets]” amended to read “hampers [baskets] for the transport of items”

“vice benches, not of metal” amended to read “vice benches [furniture]”



“flagpoles” amended to read “flagpoles, not of metal”



sleeping bags for camping

sleeping bags



“bread baskets, domestic” amended to read “bread baskets for household purposes”

“spouts” amended to read “pouring spouts”

“scoops [tableware]” amended to read “scoops for household purposes”

“glass wool other than for insulation” amended to read “glass wool, other than for insulation”

“mills for domestic purposes, hand-operated” amended to read “mills for household purposes, hand-operated”

“trays for domestic purposes, of paper” amended to read “trays of paper, for household purposes”

“napkin holders” amended to read “table napkin holders”

“autoclaves [pressure cookers], non-electric” amended to read “autoclaves, non-electric, for cooking”

“pressure cookers [autoclaves], non-electric” amended to read “pressure cookers, non-electric”

“coasters, not of paper and other than table linen” amended to read “coasters, not of paper or textile”

“non-electric portable coldboxes” amended to read “portable cool boxes, non-electric”

“non-electric portable coolers (Am.)” amended to read “portable coolers, non-electric”

“baskets for domestic use” amended to read “baskets for household purposes”

“trays for domestic purposes” amended to read “trays for household purposes”

“fibreglass other than for insulation or textile use” amended to read “fibreglass, other than for insulation or textile use”

“fiberglass other than for insulation or textile use” amended to read “fiberglass, other than for insulation or textile use”

“litter boxes [trays] for pets” amended to read “litter boxes for pets”

“spatulas [kitchen utensils]” amended to read “spatulas for kitchen use”



pig bristles



ladles for serving wine



broom handles of metal



“bags [sacks] for the transport and storage of materials in bulk” amended to read “sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk”



“banners” amended to read “banners of textile or plastic”

“lining fabric for shoes” amended to read “lining fabric for footwear”

“table runners” amended to read “table runners of textile”

“flags, not of paper” amended to read “flags of textile or plastic”

“bunting” amended to read “bunting of textile or plastic”

“gummed cloth, other than for stationery” amended to read “gummed cloth, other than for stationery purposes”

“coasters [table linen]” amended to read “coasters of textile”

“tablemats, not of paper” amended to read “tablemats of textile”

“labels of cloth” amended to read “labels of textile”

“fiberglass fabrics, for textile use” amended to read “fiberglass fabrics for textile use”

“place mats, not of paper” amended to read “place mats of textile”



“slips [undergarments]” amended to read “slips [underclothing]”

“teddies [undergarments]” amended to read “teddies [underclothing]”



“hat ornaments, not of precious metal” amended to read “hat trimmings”

“shoe ornaments, not of precious metal” amended to read “shoe trimmings”



reins for guiding children






“toys for domestic pets” amended to read “toys for pets”

“lines for fishing” amended to read “fishing lines”

“radio-controlled toy vehicles” amended to read “remote-controlled toy vehicles”



wax for skis



scrapers for skis



“anchovy” amended to read “anchovy, not live”

“edible oils” amended to read “oils for food”

“maize oil” amended to read “maize oil for food”

“corn oil” amended to read “corn oil for food”

“sesame oil” amended to read “sesame oil for food”

“coconut oil” amended to read “coconut oil for food”

“silkworm chrysalis, for human consumption” amended to read “silkworm chrysalis for human consumption”

“soya milk [milk substitute]” amended to read “soya milk”

“milk of almonds for culinary purposes” amended to read “almond milk for culinary purposes”

“rice milk [milk substitute]” amended to read “rice milk”






“milk of almonds [beverages]” amended to read “almond milk-based beverages”

"peanut milk [non-alcoholic beverage]” amended to read “peanut milk-based beverages”



“gut for making sausages” amended to read “sausage casings, natural or artificial”



“meat tenderizers, for household purposes” amended to read “meat tenderizers for household purposes”

“linseed for human consumption” amended to read “linseed for culinary purposes [seasoning]”

“flaxseed for human consumption” amended to read “flaxseed for culinary purposes [seasoning]”



“algae for human or animal consumption” amended to read “algae, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption”

“seaweed for human or animal consumption” amended to read “seaweed, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption”

“roots for food” amended to read “roots for animal consumption”

“sanded paper for pets [litter]” amended to read “sanded paper [litter] for pets”

“aromatic sand for pets” amended to read “aromatic sand [litter] for pets”



milk of almonds [beverage]

peanut milk [non-alcoholic beverage]



“liquid nicotine solutions for use in electronic cigarettes” amended to read “liquid solutions for use in electronic cigarettes”



“air conditioning apparatus installation and repair” amended to read “installation and repair of air-conditioning apparatus”

“vermin exterminating, other than for agriculture” amended to read “vermin exterminating, other than for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry”

“drilling of deep oil or gas-wells” amended to read “drilling of deep oil or gas wells”



“planing [saw mill]” amended to read “planing of materials”

“sawing [saw mill]” amended to read “sawing of materials”

“rental of air conditioning apparatus” amended to read “rental of air-conditioning apparatus”



“services of schools [education]” amended to read “educational services provided by schools”



“technical project studies” amended to read “conducting technical project studies”

“data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]” amended to read “conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion”



“vermin exterminating for agriculture, horticulture and forestry” amended to read “vermin exterminating for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry”

“pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions” amended to read “preparation of prescriptions by pharmacists”

“speech therapy services” amended to read “speech therapy”



“security consultancy” amended to read “physical security consultancy”

“baggage inspection for security purposes” amended to read “security screening of baggage”

Amendments to class headings




In the class heading, replace:

Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices


Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; non-medicated soaps; perfumery, essential oils, non-medicated cosmetics, non-medicated hair lotions; non-medicated dentifrices


In the class heading, replace:

Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; ores.


Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes


In the class heading, replace:

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials


Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for the disabled; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles


In the class heading, replace:

Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments


Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments


In the class heading, replace:

Paper and cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ material; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging; printers’ type, printing blocks


Paper and cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery and office requisites, except furniture; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ and drawing materials; paintbrushes; instructional and teaching materials; plastic sheets, films and bags for wrapping and packaging; printers’ type, printing blocks


In the class heading, replace:

Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal


Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics and resins in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, tubes and hoses, not of metal


In the class heading, replace:

Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery.


Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins and hides; luggage and carrying bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; collars, leashes and clothing for animals


In the class heading, replace:

Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; unworked or semi-worked bone, horn, ivory, whalebone or mother-of-pearl; shells; meerschaum; yellow amber


Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; containers, not of metal, for storage or transport; unworked or semi-worked bone, horn, whalebone or mother-of-pearl; shells; meerschaum; yellow amber


In the class heading, replace:

Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes, (except paintbrushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass, (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware


Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes, except paintbrushes; brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purpose; unworked or semi-worked glass, except building glass; glassware, porcelain and earthenware


In the class heading, replace:

Ropes and string; nets; tents, awnings, and tarpaulins; sails; sacks; padding and stuffing materials, (except of paper, cardboard, rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials


Ropes and string; nets; tents and tarpaulins; awnings of textile or synthetic materials; sails; sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; padding, cushioning and stuffing materials, except of paper, cardboard, rubber or plastics; raw fibrous textile materials and substitutes therefor


In the class heading, replace:

Textiles and substitutes for textiles; bed covers; table covers


Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic


In the class heading, replace:

Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers


Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; hair decorations; false hair


In the class heading, replace:

Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees


Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees


In the class heading, replace:

Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables ; natural plants and flowers; live animals; foodstuffs for animals; malt


Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt


In the class heading, replace:

Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals


Legal services; security services for the physical protection of tangible property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals

Amendments to explanatory notes (2017 Eleventh Edition Nice classification)

For additions, deletions and amendments to the explanatory notes for the Eleventh Edition of the Nice classification, please see WIPO resources.

Appendix four - changes from the Eleventh Edition to the Twelfth Edition of the Nice Classification

Current Class

New Class




“loading apparatus for

furnaces” amended to read

“furnace loading machines”



“bags for microwave cooking” amended to read “bags for use in cooking”



“insulating gloves” amended to read “bags for use in cooking”



Hospital beds



“boxes for dispensing paper towels” amended to read “boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels”



“toilet paper dispensers” amended to read “toilet paper dispensers of metal”



“wet suits for water-skiing” amended to read “wet suits”



needles for wool combing machines


  • 1 See section 31(2) of the Act.
  • 2 The International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks was established by an Agreement concluded at the Nice Diplomatic Conference 1957. The countries that are party to the Nice Agreement constitute a Special Union within the framework of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property.
  • 3 Section 31 of the Trade Marks Act 2002.
  • 4 Trade Marks Amendment Regulations 2006
  • 5 See section 10 of the Act.
  • 6 Practice Guideline Amendment 2006/05, IPONZ Newsletter, June 2006
  • 7 Practice Guideline Amendment 2004/09, Information For Clients, Issue 34: 30 December 2004.
  • 8 Regulation 43 of the Trade Marks Regulations 2003.
  • 9 Practice Guideline Amendment 2007/07, Intellectual Property Office Newsletter, August 2007.
  • 10 Regulation 43 of the Trade Marks Regulations 2003.
  • 11 Regulation 43(2)(b) of the Trade Marks Regulations 2003.
  • 13 Practice Guideline Amendment 2004/1, Information For Clients, Issue 30: 31 March 2004.
  • 14 Practice Guideline Amendment 2005/01, IPONZ Newsletter, May 2005
  • 15 Practice Guideline Amendment 2007/01, IPONZ Newsletter, March 2007
  • 16 See regulation 139 of the Trade Marks Regulations 2003.
  • 17 See regulation 140 of the Trade Marks Regulations 2003.
  • 18 See regulation 141 of the Trade Marks Regulations 2003.
  • 19 See regulation 142(1) of the Trade Marks Regulations 2003.
  • 20 See regulation 142(3) of the Trade Marks Regulations 2003
Classification and specification (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.