| Hydraulic fluid (2024)


" ); } else { wrap = '


    '; count = 0; for (i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { if (response[i].Inline == false) { wrap += '
  • ' + response[i].Name + ' (' + response[i].HumanSize + ')
  • "; count++; } } wrap += '

'; if (count > 0) { $('#attachments' + id).replaceWith(wrap); } else { $('#attachments' + id).replaceWith( "

" ); } } }); } var modTimeoutId; function modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf) { clearTimeout(modTimeoutId); if (modSaving == true) { modTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { // Runs 1 second (1000 ms) after the last change modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); }, 1000); return; } modTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { // Runs 1 second (1000 ms) after the last change modSaveDraft(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, false); }, 1000); } var modSaving = false; // modSaveDraft saves the current form state in the draft. function modSaveDraft(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, onLeave) { if (draftid == 0) { console.log("DraftID 0, not modSaving"); return; } console.log("DELETEDDRAFT IS:", modDeletedDraft); console.log("DESTROYEDEDITOR IS:", modDestroyedEditor); if (modDeletedDraft == true) { console.log('NOT SAVING BECAUSE OF DELETED'); return; } if (modDestroyedEditor == true) { console.log('NOT SAVING BECAUSE OF DESTROYED'); return; } modSaving = true; console.log('modSaving'); var fromval = $('#from' + id).val(); var subject = $('#subject' + id).val(); var body = $('#editor' + id).val(); var bodytype = $('#bodytype' + id).val(); var replyto = $('#replyto' + id).val(); var special = '0'; if ($('#special').prop('checked') == true) { special = '1'; } var bccme = '0'; if ($('#bccmecheck' + id).prop('checked') == true) { bccme = '1'; } var bccall = '0'; if ($('#bccall' + id).prop('checked') == true) { bccall = '1'; } var saveval = '1'; if (onLeave == true) { saveval = '2'; } var hashtags = $('#hashtags').val(); upload = { draftid: draftid, csrf: csrf, from: fromval, subject: subject, body: body, bodytype: bodytype, special: special, replyto: replyto, bccme: bccme, bccall: bccall, hashtags: JSON.stringify(hashtags), mid: id, save: saveval }; let opts = { url: groupurl + '/draftop', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }; if (modUnloading == false) { // if we are unloading we don't want to retry, because sometimes // that can result in a spurious error, esp on Firefox opts.retryCount = 5; opts.retryVerify = modRetryVerify; } $.ajax(opts).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log('saved'); modSaving = false; }); } // called to see if we need to continue retrying function modRetryVerify() { if (modDeletedDraft == true || modDestroyedEditor == true) { return false; } return true; } // stop modSaving drafts when we do a submit var postVar = null; // Code to find and return a selected piece of HTML. function modGetSelection(id) { var flag = 0; var sel = document.getSelection(); var selText = ''; id = 'msgbody' + id; var forkfork = document.getElementById(id); if (sel.rangeCount > 0) { var range = sel.getRangeAt(0); var test = range.cloneContents(); var clonedSelection = ''; if (typeof test.getElementByID != 'undefined') { clonedSelection = range.cloneContents().getElementById(id); } if (clonedSelection) { selText = clonedSelection.innerHTML; } else { clonedSelection = range.cloneContents(); var startNode = sel.getRangeAt(0).startContainer.parentNode; 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teditor.setContent(body); } else if (sig != "") { console.log("sig setContent " + sig); teditor.setContent(sig); } } if (onInitFunc != null) { onInitFunc(e); } }); teditor.on('BeforeRenderUI', function (e) { teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .hide(); }); teditor.addButton('advancedToolbar', { tooltip: 'Show advanced toolbar', icon: 'fa fa-bars', onclick: function () { if (! {; teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .show(); } else {; teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .hide(); } } }); teditor.addButton('addPictures', { tooltip: 'Add pictures', icon: 'fa fa-image', onclick: function () { modUploaderPrompt("pictures", id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); teditor.addButton('addAttachments', { tooltip: 'Add attachments', icon: 'fa fa-paperclip', onclick: function () { modUploaderPrompt("attachments", id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); if (groupurl != '') { teditor.addButton('quoteMessage', { tooltip: 'Quote post', icon: 'fa fa-comment', onclick: function () { editor.ShowMessageHistory(id, groupurl, 'html', '', sig, false); 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if (toquote != '') { console.log('id=' + id); editor.ShowMessageHistory(id, groupurl, 'html', toquote, sig, true); } else { if (body != "") { console.log("body setContent"); teditor.setContent(body); } else if (sig != "") { console.log("sig setContent" + sig); teditor.setContent(sig); } } if (onInitFunc != null) { onInitFunc(e); } }); teditor.on('BeforeRenderUI', function (e) { teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .hide(); }); teditor.addButton('advancedToolbar', { tooltip: 'Show advanced toolbar', icon: 'fa fa-bars', onclick: function () { if (! {; teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .show(); } else {; teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .hide(); } } }); teditor.addButton('addPictures', { tooltip: 'Add pictures', icon: 'fa fa-image', onclick: function () { modUploaderPrompt("pictures", id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); teditor.addButton('addAttachments', { tooltip: 'Add attachments', icon: 'fa fa-paperclip', onclick: function () { modUploaderPrompt("attachments", id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); if (groupurl != '') { teditor.addButton('quoteMessage', { tooltip: 'Quote post', icon: 'fa fa-comment', onclick: function () { editor.ShowMessageHistory(id, groupurl, 'html', '', sig, false); } }); } if (draftid != '' && draftid != '0' && draftid != 0) { teditor.on('NodeChange', function () { if (tinymce.activeEditor != null) { //tinymce.triggerSave(); let markupStr = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(); $('#editor' + id).val(markupStr); modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); teditor.on('keyup', function () { //tinymce.triggerSave(); let markupStr = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(); $('#editor' + id).val(markupStr); modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); }); } // special wiki buttons teditor.addButton('addWikiImage', { tooltip: 'Add Image', icon: 'fa fa-image', onclick: function () { $('#ImageModal').modal({}); } }); teditor.addButton('addWikiLink', { tooltip: 'Add Link', icon: 'fa fa-book', onclick: function () { $('#LinkModal').modal({}); } }); teditor.addButton('addWikiTOC', { tooltip: 'Table of Contents', icon: 'fa fa-list-alt', onclick: function () { $('#TOCModal').modal({}); } }); } }); // disable tooltips because they require double taps on mobile $('.note-editor *').tooltip('disable'); } }, initPlainEditor: function (id, bodyType, groupurl, handleAttachments, sig) { $('#addattachments').show(); if (bodyType == 'plain') { $('#bodytype' + id).val('plain'); $('#preview' + id).hide(); $('#return' + id).hide(); $('#preview' + id).hide(); $('#markdownlink' + id).hide(); } else { $('#bodytype' + id).val('markdown'); $('#markdownbuttons' + id).show(); $('#preview' + id).show(); $('#return' + id).hide(); $('#previewWindow' + id).hide(); $('#markdownlink' + id).show(); } toquote = modGetSelection(id); if (toquote != '') { editor.ShowMessageHistory(id, groupurl, 'plain', toquote, sig, true); //$('#editor' + id).val(toquote); } }, InitPostDraft: function (id, draftid, csrf, groupurl) { // save the draft when leaving the page. $(window).on('beforeunload', function () { modUnloading = true; modSaveDraft(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, true); }); // save the draft 1 second after a change $('form input, form textarea').on('input propertychange change', function () { modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); }); modUpdateAttachments(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); if (typeof Capacitor !== 'undefined') { modInitDeviceUploader(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); } else { modInitWebUploader(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); } }, // InitReplyDraft creates a new draft, assumes a hidden form input called #draftidmid, and then calls initWindow(). InitReplyDraft: function ( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, isReply, isWiki, body, sig, onInitFunc ) { console.log('in InitReplyDraft draftid=' + draftid); modDeletedDraft = false; modDestroyedEditor = false; modUnloading = false; if (draftid == 0) { // create a new draft console.log('generating new draft' + groupurl); console.log('id=' + id); upload = { mid: id, csrf: csrf, body: sig }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/reply', cache: false, method: 'POST', data: upload, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { if (modDeletedDraft == false && modDestroyedEditor == false) { createAlert("There was an error saving the draft. Please reload the page.", true, false) } } }).done(function (response) { console.log('reply draft created'); console.log('draftid:' + response.DraftID); draftid = response.DraftID; $('#draftid' + id).val(response.DraftID); editor.InitEditor( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, true, false, body, sig, onInitFunc ); editor.InitPostDraft(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); console.log('id=' + id); $('#bodytype' + id).val(bodytype); $('#cancel-' + id).attr( 'onclick', 'editor.discardReplyDraft("' + id + '", "' + draftid + '","' + bodytype + '","' + csrf + '","' + groupurl + '");' ); return; }); return; } editor.InitEditor( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, true, false, body, sig, onInitFunc ); editor.InitPostDraft(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); $('#bodytype' + id).val(bodytype); $('#cancel-' + id).attr( 'onclick', 'editor.discardReplyDraft("' + id + '", "' + draftid + '","' + bodytype + '","' + csrf + '","' + groupurl + '");' ); console.log('DONE'); }, // discardReplyDraft deletes the draft and any attachments and returns the user to the previous page. discardReplyDraft: function (id, draftid, bodytype, csrf, groupurl) { console.log('editor delete reply draft'); upload = { draftid: draftid, csrf: csrf, jsondelete: '1' }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/draftop', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log("success delete reply draft"); $('#draftid' + id).val(''); if (bodytype == 'html') { tinymce.get('editor' + id).remove(); } $('#subject' + id).val($('#origsubject' + id).val()); $('#editor' + id).val(''); modDeletedDraft = true; modDestroyedEditor = true; }); }, PreviewMarkdown: function (id, groupurl) { let markdown = $('#editor' + id).val(); upload = { md: markdown }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/previewmd', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log(response.markdown); wrap = '

' + response.markdown + '

'; $('#editwindow' + id).hide(); $('#previewWindow' + id).replaceWith(wrap); $('#previewWindow' + id).show(); }); $('#preview' + id).hide(); $('#return' + id).show(); }, ReturnMarkdown: function (id) { $('#preview' + id).show(); $('#return' + id).hide(); $('#previewWindow' + id).hide(); $('#editwindow' + id).show(); }, ClearTimeout: function() { clearTimeout(modTimeoutId); }, ShowMessageHistory: function( id, groupurl, bodytype, selectedText, sig, firstTime ) { console.log('URL ' + groupurl); console.log('ID ' + id); if (bodytype == 'html' && firstTime == false) { existingmsg = tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).getContent(); } else { existingmsg = $('#editor' + id).val(); } if (selectedText == '') { upload = { preview: bodytype, id: id }; } else { upload = { preview: bodytype, id: id, text: selectedText }; if (firstTime == true) { existingmsg = sig; } } $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/previewmd', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { $('#editor' + id).val(response.reply + existingmsg); if (bodytype == 'html') { console.log('SETTING ' + response.reply + existingmsg); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).setContent(response.reply + existingmsg); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id)'editor' + id).getBody(), true); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).selection.collapse(false); console.log('DONE'); } }); $('#editor' + id).focus(); } /* $('form').submit(function(e) { clearTimeout(modTimeoutId); if (postVar != null) { postVar.abort(); } console.log("SETTING DELETED TO TRUE"); console.log("EVENT:", e); modDeletedDraft = true; if ($(this).hasClass('form-submitted')) { e.preventDefault(); return; } $(this).addClass('form-submitted'); }); */ };}());async function uploadAttachments(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf) { const result = await Capacitor.Plugins.FilePicker.pickFiles(); const file = result.files[0]; console.log("in uploadAttachments"); console.log("files:", result.files); console.log("mimeType:", file.mimeType); console.log("name:",; console.log("doctype:", doctype);const b64toBlob = (base64, type = 'image/jpeg') => fetch(`data:${type};base64,${base64}`).then(res => res.blob());const result2 = await Capacitor.Plugins.Filesystem.readFile({path:file.path})console.log("result2: ", result2);const blob = await b64toBlob(, file.mimeType);console.log("in uploadAttachments 2, " + file.mimeType); uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, blob,;}async function takePicture2(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf) { console.log("in takePicture2"); try { const image = await Capacitor.Plugins.Camera.getPhoto({ quality: 90, allowEditing: false, resultType: "uri" }); console.log("got image");const b64toBlob = (base64, type = 'image/jpeg') => fetch(`data:${type};base64,${base64}`).then(res => res.blob());const result = await Capacitor.Plugins.Filesystem.readFile({path:image.path})const blob = await b64toBlob(;console.log("path: ", image.path); uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, blob, image.path.split("/").pop()); } catch (err) { console.log("catch err 1: ", err); }}async function uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, raw, name) { console.log("here0"); const controller = new AbortController(); const formData = new FormData(); console.log("here1"); formData.append("csrf", csrf); formData.append("draftid", draftid); formData.append("upload", "1"); if (doctype === "pictures") { formData.append("inline", "1"); } console.log("FORMDATA:", formData); formData.append("fileupload", raw, name); console.log("here3"); const myRequest = new Request(groupurl + '/draftop', { method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', body: formData, signal: controller.signal, mode: 'cors' }); console.log("uploading"); try { const response = await fetch(myRequest); const result = await response.json(); if (doctype === "pictures") { console.log("picture processing"); for (let i = result.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { console.log("Processing: ", i); const fileurl = result[i]; console.log('FILE: ' + result[i]); console.log('URL: ' + fileurl); const imghtml = ' | Hydraulic fluid (1)'; console.log('imghtml: ' + imghtml); tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent(imghtml); } } else { console.log("attachment processing"); updateAttachments(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); console.log("attachment processing done"); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); }}

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Hydraulic fluid

  • All Messages By This Member


Hello all I would like to have your opinion on brand to buy and which brandsto stay away from. Looking for the hydraulic fluid for a 336D. Thank you in advance, Michael

Winston Linda Maberry

  • All Messages By This Member


I am not a lubricant guru. I have used this in my old 2002D geared Yanmar for 7 years and have been using it in a hydrastat Bobcat CT235 for 8 years. I recommend it on experience only.


  • All Messages By This Member


I am not a lubricant guy either. But even the gurus can't help with trans/hydraulic fluid since there are no standards and no testing and no controls. Formulations are trade secrets. Like the formula for Coca-cola. AFAIK, trans.hydraulic "fluids" don't even have to be oil. And no proof is required for any claims. Saying it is the same as something else is clearly BS. They don;t know either.
You probably do want something which is at least labeled to be dual purpose "tractor fluid" for common sump transmission and hydraulics....or similar wording.

That said, I've never seen or heard of a failure from using cheap vs expensive trans/hydraulic oil. And I think that if it made a difference we would have heard something by now.

The expensive fluid is over twice as expensive $130 vs $60 per 5 gallons. Or more if you buy like we do in 1 gallon containers for handling convenience. The difference in price is said to be buying better research, consistent win-house testing, and especially additive chemistry. ...well, maybe....I tend to use the top name brands just because it seems to me worth the gamble. Presumably they have more reason to be excellent, but I've no proof of that.
My own mechanical philosophy is to go for what may be best quality rather than to buy on price.

JD Hygard is my "go to" tractor fluid - mainly because it comes as regular or low visosity & we live in a cold climate. But partly because I started with it and have partial containers full. Also my imagination says that the low viscosity sounds better right after start up. I've also used Shell, New Holland, Ambra, and others.

Chuck Covington

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There are standards. New Yanmars require J20. If you look at all the Travelers options at Tractor Supply they all list what standard they comply with. Personally I use Mobile 424 and find it quiets my SA424 down and works well.

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On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 3:53 PM Scotty <roger@...> wrote:

I am not a lubricant guy either. But even the gurus can't help with trans/hydraulic fluid since there are no standards and no testing and no controls. Formulations are trade secrets. Like the formula for Coca-cola. AFAIK, trans.hydraulic "fluids" don't even have to be oil. And no proof is required for any claims. Saying it is the same as something else is clearly BS. They don;t know either.
You probably do want something which is at least labeled to be dual purpose "tractor fluid" for common sump transmission and hydraulics....or similar wording.

That said, I've never seen or heard of a failure from using cheap vs expensive trans/hydraulic oil. And I think that if it made a difference we would have heard something by now.

The expensive fluid is over twice as expensive $130 vs $60 per 5 gallons. Or more if you buy like we do in 1 gallon containers for handling convenience. The difference in price is said to be buying better research, consistent win-house testing, and especially additive chemistry. ...well, maybe....I tend to use the top name brands just because it seems to me worth the gamble. Presumably they have more reason to be excellent, but I've no proof of that.
My own mechanical philosophy is to go for what may be best quality rather than to buy on price.

JD Hygard is my "go to" tractor fluid - mainly because it comes as regular or low visosity & we live in a cold climate. But partly because I started with it and have partial containers full. Also my imagination says that the low viscosity sounds better right after start up. I've also used Shell, New Holland, Ambra, and others.

David Pilon

  • All Messages By This Member


Here’s where to find the gurus…

My $0.02 is that any tractor oil that claims J20C, J20D, or J20C/D compatibility will do the job. These tractors aren’t nearly as finicky as the John Deere machines for which the J20 specs were written…which are their six-figure-price-tag tractors and combines.

J20C is regular-viscosity fluid for warm weather. J20D is low-viscosity fluid for cold weather. J20C/D is all-season.


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On Dec 13, 2023, at 3:53 PM, Scotty <roger@...> wrote:

I am not a lubricant guy either. But even the gurus can't help with trans/hydraulic fluid since there are no standards and no testing and no controls. Formulations are trade secrets. Like the formula for Coca-cola. AFAIK, trans.hydraulic "fluids" don't even have to be oil. And no proof is required for any claims. Saying it is the same as something else is clearly BS. They don;t know either.
You probably do want something which is at least labeled to be dual purpose "tractor fluid" for common sump transmission and hydraulics....or similar wording.

That said, I've never seen or heard of a failure from using cheap vs expensive trans/hydraulic oil. And I think that if it made a difference we would have heard something by now.

The expensive fluid is over twice as expensive $130 vs $60 per 5 gallons. Or more if you buy like we do in 1 gallon containers for handling convenience. The difference in price is said to be buying better research, consistent win-house testing, and especially additive chemistry. ...well, maybe....I tend to use the top name brands just because it seems to me worth the gamble. Presumably they have more reason to be excellent, but I've no proof of that.
My own mechanical philosophy is to go for what may be best quality rather than to buy on price.

JD Hygard is my "go to" tractor fluid - mainly because it comes as regular or low visosity & we live in a cold climate. But partly because I started with it and have partial containers full. Also my imagination says that the low viscosity sounds better right after start up. I've also used Shell, New Holland, Ambra, and others.

Rene Smythe
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My specs:

Purchase April 21, 2003 with 1777 hours total price $11,511.25

Motor: 3TNB82-U on plate left side

S/N: 49791 engine compartment right side of exhaust manifold

1984 23.5 H.P. 3200 lbs. with FEL

Battery: Interstate 50 month Feb. 2003 – replaced Apr. 2019 Lasted 16 years - now made in China

Loader: Allied 195 Buhler s/n 2002 1950 555

Landscape rake: 5’

Scraper blade: 6’ KingKutter TRB-72-YK s/n 1001049101

Tires: Front 6.00x14 – 30 lbs.; Rear 9.5x22 – 15 lbs.

Both Bridgestone Vietnam 6 lug

Engine oil: Shell Rotella T 15w-40 4 quarts 4/2023 $37.34

Oil filter: Napa Gold 1334 4/2023 $11.69

Front axle: 80w90

Hydraulic oil: Napa 85-405 6 gal. $51.99 4/2023 $81.55

Hydraulic oil filter: Napa Gold 1199 $17.88 4/2023 $36.99

Air Filter: Napa Gold 2276 $22.60

Fuel Filter: Napa Gold 3263 $6.74

Chassis lube: EP Moly-lithium dark gray

Oil pan plug 17mm, side lower panel 12mm

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------ Original Message ------

From "Scotty" <roger@...>


Date 12/13/2023 12:53:18 PM

Subject Re: Hydraulic fluid

I am not a lubricant guy either. But even the gurus can't help with trans/hydraulic fluid since there are no standards and no testing and no controls. Formulations are trade secrets. Like the formula for Coca-cola. AFAIK, trans.hydraulic "fluids" don't even have to be oil. And no proof is required for any claims. Saying it is the same as something else is clearly BS. They don;t know either.
You probably do want something which is at least labeled to be dual purpose "tractor fluid" for common sump transmission and hydraulics....or similar wording.

That said, I've never seen or heard of a failure from using cheap vs expensive trans/hydraulic oil. And I think that if it made a difference we would have heard something by now.

The expensive fluid is over twice as expensive $130 vs $60 per 5 gallons. Or more if you buy like we do in 1 gallon containers for handling convenience. The difference in price is said to be buying better research, consistent win-house testing, and especially additive chemistry. ...well, maybe....I tend to use the top name brands just because it seems to me worth the gamble. Presumably they have more reason to be excellent, but I've no proof of that.
My own mechanical philosophy is to go for what may be best quality rather than to buy on price.

JD Hygard is my "go to" tractor fluid - mainly because it comes as regular or low visosity & we live in a cold climate. But partly because I started with it and have partial containers full. Also my imagination says that the low viscosity sounds better right after start up. I've also used Shell, New Holland, Ambra, and others.

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The NAPA fluid is not J20x anything, in fact there is a class action lawsuit from Deere, Yanmar and other tractor brand owners. This has been covered on TBN extensively for the past 5 to 7 years.
The same fluid repackaged and branded is the Universal Traveler Tractor Supply store brand, along with others is the same hydraulic fluid.
This fluid damages the internals to our machines. The reason for the class action lawsuits.

Otherwise, you are good on a lot of other items line your list.

Yanmar Tractor Owners Group. A valuable source for owners of Yanmar tractors.

Rene Smythe
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I am now a bit concerned altho I did not use NAPA Quality Tractor Hydraulic & Transmission Fluid or Warren 303 Tractor Fluid.

Maybe I should speak with the Napa Auto Parts?

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------ Original Message ------

From "BMaverick" <bmaverick@...>


Date 12/13/2023 5:21:31 PM

Subject Re: Hydraulic fluid

The NAPA fluid is not J20x anything, in fact there is a class action lawsuit from Deere, Yanmar and other tractor brand owners. This has been covered on TBN extensively for the past 5 to 7 years.
The same fluid repackaged and branded is the Universal Traveler Tractor Supply store brand, along with others is the same hydraulic fluid.
This fluid damages the internals to our machines. The reason for the class action lawsuits.

Otherwise, you are good on a lot of other items line your list.

Yanmar Tractor Owners Group. A valuable source for owners of Yanmar tractors.

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Ever since the class action lawsuit, NAPA now shows their fluids as,
Warranty: Standard : No Warranty, Expressed or Implied
You had listed this, Napa 85-405. I looked it up and was worried.
The prefix is NHF for New Holland Ford. The formulation is 10W20 based where Deere/Yanmar uses 10W30. Thus the viscosity it totally different too.
Our machines can take J20B, but it's inferior to J20C or J20D. I've not seen J20B in years.
The old manuals said JD303. Yanmar issued a bulletin and so did Deere decades ago to use the J20x types.
I like the 'Chassis lube: EP Moly-lithium dark gray'.
Yanmar Tractor Owners Group. A valuable source for owners of Yanmar tractors.


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you wrote, "There are standards. New Yanmars require J20. If you look at all the Travelers options at Tractor Supply they all list what standard they comply with. Personally I use Mobile 424 and find it quiets my SA424 down and works well"

I wish there were standards for tractor fluid or transmission lubricants or hydraulic fluids like there are for motor oils, but there are not. Manufacturers are free to print whatever they want on the label and sell it to whomever they wish.
My guess is that a lot is filtered motor oil. But it doesn't have to even be that. Our tractors are pretty forgiving.

Perhaps the fluid is as claimed, but it doesn't have to be. J20 is not a published standard. Nor are any of the others.

The fact that the major suppliers to industrial machines all market competitive trans/hydraulic fluids that cost twice as much is worth thinking about.


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