Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

PITTSBURGH COmiEBCIAIi GAZKrrE, VDKKSDAYJAK0AHY 25, Ibjd: YELLED FOR M'KENNA. 'TIS A BOOMERANG. BOTH ACQUITTED. FOR TWO SHIPS. 1 a-Mition to thfir ware earned at other He asld, further, thai had th been willinz to hlr th tha finisbar wiuM hv been at wort icmfUrae flnco there was ii objection to tin finishing cala.

The m-mitfirian efibl he did not know or care how the nrtrUera' end of the matter will fixed Tr anc ie rs. Magee's Charges Answered By the Mayor and Judge Succop. Scatter Gang Arrested Afterward Discharged. Marsh and Mcintosh Freed the Charge of Larceny. to on AFTER A LONG SEARCH.

IMlot Harry Reagan Brought Be-for Alderman ltohe After An Kight-Months Chase. The game of hide-and-seek which has been going on for the past eight months between the Law aud Order society and tha Sunday excursion people was finally ended yesterday when Harry P.eagan was placed in the county jail, where be will remain for thirty days tiniest in the raeantiaie someone ccmes forward with f25 and costs imposed him by Alderman E. he yesterday afternoon. Reagan is the pilot who on the 8th dar of Stef. ('oniony atorial for tho Irrlon Sujtpl) the SOME BOLD ROBBERIES.

Highwaymen and Housebreakers Plying Their Trail Iiidustrions- ly Ait Unprotected District. Thievea were doinj business in the Thirteenth ward early yeiderday morning, and in one instance they went to extremes by adding housebreaking to the other profession. Footprints in the snow, covering the back yards of a amber of houses, plainly showed that different attempts at burglary were made at more than one resideuce. None of them proved ao easy, however, as Contractor George Ventres' new house, near JuniHa street on Wylie avenue. The thievea broke through the basem*nt laundry, which is in the rear of the building, and afterwards easily gained access to the uppor floors.

In the dining-room they curiously examined all op, Ii lit Hint it; cannot woik STy dilWonce to th nun her who are to wn nothing but steel. All the cil'rel finishere, says, will bo disposed of when tha mill Marts eaaln, snd none bt.t wbita men emi-lyed anv wrk In tbi finishing de partmeuts. saya that at Ilia uMlers here fur year howled egaHt th finishers in the yearlr cniire-itlo-i, they are now given full posee- ioii ti d- a the as Cl without hindrance BROOKLYN AND IOWA. The Deal Ey Which a Outsider Va to Jtecelre Portion of a Cily Official's Salary Was Finfii-neored By t- Bosses. S30T TO KILL, Fred Bell, ho Talks and Writes oi If Insane, Tries to Kill His Wife.

Fred Beil of 243 Ohia street, Alielieay, attempted to kill bis wife Mary o'clock last night by sLosttitig tier with a 33 liber revolver. Veil works ia mill as 1 laborer and earced eccrgh to kee hfs wife He is a boot 42 ytn ef age acd bis wife about two years youtger. Lid Las been acting queer fur the rtl week aud has been drinking I Last night he went borne snd entering Lie wiiV room drew a revolver from hi pnekrt a4 fired at her breast. Mra, Beil threw he heads ia froot of her and the bu'i, which wm aimed directly at her hesrt, pissed thrrsgt her left hand and loJgeJ in her dress. Tl.a.

Beil ran screaming fiom the rota, followed by her husband. She ran owl the frontdoor i ito the strati. Beil tarred ran into th beck yard, where be wai founa afterwards by Cart SchtU-ruae aad O.L-er K.in, who arrested him aae took hiai to ths Central station. A rambling, wordy twiina ef hi inb-iv, The Former Breaks Down When the Verdict Is Brought in and Faints. A sitt for Damages May Soon Follow.

A Mob of Toughs Who Had Taken Possession of a Dump-Boat Raided By the Police Offer Tax Receipts for Fines. f.oifl tan uniaUer. In- Underbid Eight Frms, t'CM THE MEETING eluding the Ca. personal attack made upon Mayor tJonrley by C. L.

Magew at the meeting in the Boho public-srbool building on Monday Ilrl I'titolnirli Lake tue silverware ana emptied the contents on the floor. Fiuding nothing there one of the Jtr. tiers' boldest thieves crawled upstairs into Mr. Not Koaily fir it Mrs. Jennie Marsh and Jarawa Mclotosh, indicted jointly for the larceny of k-d belonging to Gamble Weir, the deceased superintendent of the Pittsburgh police, whose trial waa finished Monday eveniug, were acquitted.

As soon as Judge Stows took bis seat oe he bench yesterday morning and the con rt was opened, the sealed envelope containing WOUK WOUTII 1,000,000 Ventres' bedroom, and seeing the of the bed asleep he rifled tha bureau draw- era Finding nothing of value there he examined a pair of tioouera that was banaiiig Tin ('' ntt't ills rr the fr'nppl ef tion to kill the wife and the corurait su.ci le. a 1 A squad of police, in charge of Lieut. AI Teeters, on Monday night raided a crosrd of drunken and disorderly persons who had assembled on a dump boat at the foot of Fourth street. They had a barrel of beer cn tap, and were arousing tbe entire neighborhood with their ahouting and cursing. AVhen taken to Central station they were recognized as the members of the "scatter gang," one of the best known mob of toughs in the Point district According to the report of Lient Gallant ther cheered and yelled for candidate McKeana all along the route while being hauled in the patrol-wagon.

Tiiey being arrested in Police Magistrate Mclienna's district they were sent to the Twelfth ward police station and given a hearing before that official yesterday morning. near by and his search was rewarded by the discovery of 525. The thieves then made olil the rer lict which bod been handed in the I Cmg direction aa 1 10 aner Vo gst Jut found in a letter am 'Ml 1 All. evening before, was broken. After ttcrnsin? I wefkly ealar.

were) ni'ht was the subject of general comment ia political and business circle yesterday. The aln.ost unlvurssl opinion was that Mr. Mazee bad fired a veritable boomerang. On all aides remarks such aa "Chris mast ba loeinsr his bead," and "he has lets astuteness than I gave im credit for," could be heard. The subsequent explanation of the entire affnir, given by Mayor Gonrley, confirmed thia belief, as it clear that the so-called "deal" was not tbe work of tbe mayor.

mr was it dona with bis knowledge or control, but had besa engineered by some of Magee'e closest political att.niiatas. (toarley was called upon at bia residence by a reporter and in explanation of leaving valuable silver ware and other goods the dining-room. Noue of the Ventres Beil. He Lbav.ee hi si-ter-ia-law. MiaJ fnt it Judze Stowe handed tbe paper to the clerk, I'Ulv Meyyi; lhe niaoy S' Prtrl amlomle? ,0 waeting of the at v' '''r of tho llt'our', Lika yf which wai to hare been brI literder, anl at which nmtinf it had been nutthit a Kneral paaaenger aent for tha liae woul I be rhiwn, will wait a-iother wrr', ai th aft'jf ooiiTenin a.

I oarnr irnnitlitly meet attain on i.et Tutrs fny. 1'irai lent John O. Newell of the roa roulJ not be in yeetar-It, 1 1 ao wire, I the 1 ooul jnoiils, he iring brn from 'Jlovelaml to Nrw Vork. 1 be mct t'iirf ami election of dirrctnre wnuM family were aware of tha robbery uutil tbe last May sbiod at the wheel of jthe J. M.

Bowell, which poshed the pleasure boat J. M. Gosky on her trip down tiie riyer that Sunday. One of McClure's men was on board the boat along with the other, who were making merry, and he incidentally got the names of all the crew both on the Gusky and the Bowell, and a few days later the majority of them were sumraooed to appear at the alderman's office. Keagao, however, was not to be found at that time.

He bad gone to the Mississippi river to pilot, but ia aa unlucky hnur he returned to Pittsburgh. On last Monday morning he was nabbed while standing on the Monongahela wharf by ooe of the Law aud Order men. When arraigned before Alderman Kohe yesterday Keagan denied most emphatically that he was the man they wanted, but tha evidence was too strong and he was fined the customary amount for doing work on Sunday. He was unable to secure the money needed to release himself snd asked that a constable be sent with him to lock up his friends, but after he and Constable May bad tramped over the town with 00 success Keagan said he iniht as well go to jail at once and thither they went Agent McCiure in speaking of the matter yesterday, said: "This winds up the campaign of in st the Sunday excursion business in Pittsburgh. We bare had tweuty-two convictions in that time, but this is the first case in which we have been compelled to send the man to jail, for all others paid their IP 4 llll- condition ot things was noticed I'l )m 5 Imp Ipiiia ihn bout 8 clock.

The robbery is causing no little amount of tractors for the his tiouLle. The letter reads as if written by an insane man. When placed in his eel! Beil implored the) officers to let him out so that be cuuld go eee his wife and get bad. lie caoiot p.k English except brokenly, and Lis words are S3 wild and incoherent that it waa to get any explanation from him as why he tried to kill his wife. talk in the neighborhood.

Examinations of tlii Netr mm iimh were made to-day aud by the condition of door-knobs and back gates it is that toe charges that a city oflicial appointed by him was paying 40 cent of his salary to .114 Plant the "art4 Iron Company Iloccntly Put In Oril. at a -t of wbo announced that the jury bad Jfound a verdict af not guilty, and tbe defendants were discharged from "custody. Mra Marsh had just reached the coriior, when, with a hysterical scream, she fell in a swoon. She was carried into the room of the Bar association, where aeveral doctors who were present, tendered their services. After half an Lour she was brought back ti consciousness, but the doctors say that the sirs in upon beinerves caused a general collapse, and it may be weeks before she will be able ti) enjoy the freedom she made such a desperate fight to win The verdict cf acquittal was expected from the fact that the jury came into court snd asked instruction in regard to the disposition of cos ts.

Mra Marsh was removed io a can iage, accompanied by her husband and daughter. The end of the case has uot been reached. another person in accordance with an agreement entered Into when bia honor assumed the duties of his oflif. he said: the night marauders made many other attempts. The Thirteenth ward fronf Kitkpat-rick stieet to the extreme end of Wyhe avenue offers much encouragement to thieves.

There are no electrio lights and nothing but shallow gasoline lamps, located about three gi nares apart, illuain.te that quiet ard. They answered to the names of "Dutchy" Folev, 'Striker' O'Brien, Frank Banna, "Slobtey" Canfield, Pat and Heury Joyce1 Tha charge against them was being drunk and disorderly and, the officers making the arrcet established the guilt of each prisoner. Judge McKenna fined each 53 and costs, or thirty days to the work-house, and they were remanded to the cells in the station-house. None of the accused hod the necessary money to pay his fine, but each was "loaded" with a brand new receipt for taxes made out OonrleyB Telllne llcply. "The Inference Mr, Mage expects people In the tan.e ward another set of thievea to draw from this charge is no doubt that I have been reveiviiig tiie 40 per cent spoken attempted burglary.

They entered the house ot tl. K. Power, 415 Center avenue, but their of. Now. the cate is just this; Charles 1 designs were balked by Miss Louise Pahriou, Succop aud David McGary were candidates or tiie position of prdioe magistrate of the have ben hrl I In apiw of the atnence of Mr.

Nre eit ha the local ofSi lala Lett in tbai to aubiuit rei orti.but they were not, an 1-Srrrclarv John llohlnaoo ai-ked that a we-k longer be gireu in which prenare the re-port. Mr. binon anil yr.ter lay afternoon that rrtwiilent Ni'wrll would be at the meeting tt Tiiesilny, and at that tmie tha uccesaor the let 1 A. K. (Tark woul be name I.

The 'cretary refatod to apeak at all cn the probnuie winner in thie contest, earing he know tiothiutr about lb A pa. ty of lailroad me 1, in ii'uisini the cnoral t.mlnrae yeateilay, tailed up the amusing war in which A. E. Clark, deceaiwd, re-rwived lin appointmunt in the passenger lei arti.iont of the Lake Kris road re years 1 ao, on of tbera; "At t'lat time the matter of who would enrcced u.lth iu Pittsburgh wee eeuainr tines and settled the matter. Some of the projectors of these excursions have com Sooth Side.

Both were backed by influential citi.ena; In fact it was hard to tell who bad the strongest backing. Baby Boy Covered With Halt Klienm Curwd by Hood's fetaraaDarllla. Mr. Frank I. tlcason, wbo bold a position oa the Bottoa a AiOeny XaiiroaJ at Chatham, N.

writes as follows: "WLca my baby wa two years old 1 was covered fro a bead to feet with tail rheuvg. It began to appear whea ha waa two weeks oil, aal iacread In spite of all tSfct coal 1 done. We Were Discouraged The doctors said it would disappear bn wa seven years old. I happened to taking Hood's myself aad tbooght I would fcltw to the child. At tbst time he did not hare a plained to me that we have been too hard otrVi waa predisposed to appoint Mr.

riMtVu'fh lnni.h In tl qn-lity I having (im- ni' i secured con-litrlsfor I'nvle new war luj' from 111 i h-t r'mtinK tlll ef the "ontrj. 4 re tl'mn a likn' luWrest at tlie U' inj ef these eoulrerii, fr tli'i re t'lAt thtf leve beeii awrl not it- ruriM'gie Sttl Compeny, which inn a l.ioi fiht the woik, bat v. II, CerUin C'omitny, ot jiut a mriio a cone ra. 'I n.vu t-t the roiunHnr ii for )ii himm if a)l the ninWrial the battle. iiMj I a thit 'ruur r.ri'okiru, an.i in riii lc t'i hull iU, the nickel tel i ro-ivi li tin cii-t-i i en.

I niii'kiail plait a. who resides with the family. She heard a nuite in the dining-room, and upon opening tbe door discovered a man in the act of stealing silverware. She grabbed the intruder by the collar and screamed for assistance. Some men were passing by at the time, and the young lady was relieved of her prisoner, who waa taken to the police station.

Highwaymen robbed a wealthy farmer at New Texas, Plum township, on Monduy Succop, because we had loug been warm ia their respective names. They oflered these in payment of their finev This proposition was of course refused by the police sergeant. Subsequently Judge McKenna ordered that tbe penalty be removed and that each of the prisoners be discharged. All left the building shouting and cheenr. for the candidate.

It is said that Mr. McKenna was induced to show leniency through the inter friends, having worked together in the county treasurer's office, I was about to ap point him wtien imam i linn came to me and asked that I hold off a sbort time as a eight. Pie waa returning home from 1'itti- 1. Ian wai on font to settle the couteet harmoni- sold a load ot bar. fcus oaslr.

so that the frieuds of both patties burgti, where he sled was filled with provisions. Near would he eatitCed. Later I was informed hair on bis bend, and It wa covered vita a that McGarv had withdrawn from the con crust. Hi suaerlDKS wete awful, la tw weeks according to the statement cf Lawyers Msr-ron and Webl who conducted the del en vs. They say they propose to enter suit immediately agsinst James Weir and Hairy Feb 1 for heavy damages tor false arrest aud imprisonment and malicious persecution.

That a prisoner charged with common larceny should be kept in jail for four months without a tr'al was a hardship to which the-1aw never subjected any offender, they aay. innocence of the defendants has been proved and they propose to raeorer such damages as will recompense then for their tribulations. Every third person in the town had same-thing to ssy concern iog the trial and commendatory of tbe verdict yestordav. Ths telling in open court of secrets in Gamble Weir's life has aroused indignation among Masons and Orangemen, in both of which orders the dead man flood high, against ths persons identified with the trial. them, but I cannot see it in that light, They openly boRtted that they wanted to run excursions for the purpose of raising money to pay McClore, so I think they have had no cause for complaint on the score of severity.

The Sunday excursion businesa ha been even more expensive to them than would appear on the surface, if the word of one of the boat owners is to be believed, for he haa told me that they had paid out over 100 to people who claim to have a pull on the and Order people aud could ktep them out of trouble." The people who had the alleged "pull" did uot fulfill their part of the contract apparently, as Mr. McClnre stated that there was not one of the parties who bad beeu engaged in the excursion business who bad not been apprehended. THE C0KIMH1A-NS. The bulk the I nrrcj teht. I understood the matter had been sub after giving hint rn- i to ie mi win; fin ana an- mitted to an arbitration committee.

I did not know what the agreement was between Hood's Sarsaparilla cession of a Mra. Sweeney, but who that lady ia could not be learned. Lieut. Gallant, who was present at the hearing aid testified as to tbe guilt of tbe jTisnuers, is highly indignant over the discbarge of the prisoners, as he says they deserved even a worse sentence than was at first imposed upon them. It ia said that the "scatter gang" will not be interfered with by the police so long "as they conduct their drunken carousals in the First police district The ofdcials claim that any attempt to squelch these orgies by invoking the aid of the law would be labor in vain.

tha two men. I appointed Succop. "A year later I learned that accord! as-to Fraokstown avenue two men asktd permission to ride in the sled and the farmer consented. Near ilomewood park they presented a revolver and demanded hie mouoy. The farmer became frightened and handed over the amount he secured while in the city, and tha highwaymen departed.

Two burglars attempted to break into Mrs. IL Graham's houne on Second avenue early yesterday morning. Au ofiicer put iu an appearance and the thieves were frightened sway. the seat's beaan to fall off. and la six weeks be wss eoUraly cured, of the sores, lis Is bow ths healthiest child we hare." the agreement entered into between Succop loin li afieruictinn, but not aa ii fciin wh the man wae be waa piTeo out by Prcshlant Newell.

(. ie day be Bent abruptly for Mr. Clark, who whs then aasiatant een-rral aireat of the Erie eybtorn, to mine to his CliwlaiiJ otlice. Mr. Clark went, and Mr.

Newell raid, shortly: "Clark. I you like to ilowu to Pittsburgh, to take Smith' plane0' "Mr. Ciaik, whoee extreme inodeetr waa only e.unlfil by bie ability aa a railroad man, mauaif id tn ataiuiner out aoiuethlng to thit that he ili'la't know but he would, and Mr. Newell aaiJ: Take a run down to PitiMuurgh an 1 look over the ground then ooine back and tell in bow you like it. Good day 2" Clark aot out of ttie preaident'a office and McGarr the former waa to get the posi tion and pay the Utter 1,000 per year out of Hood's PUIs care bsbitaal Oooftipatlon.

the salary. 1 sent for Mr. biK'onp and he said what I had heard was true. I suz- eected to biin that be discontinue ih hUJ anl vill irniji from 'd. to Inch" in 11.

i 'k. The i rvtertive irli (ilaliug it all to Im hu af l-l-l, f'e iTv.riitii ge u.ikcl he ahoat .1 or 4 rr crnL Ihm hole of the Htt'rial will bo tfl nr 4ih'kai-atei 'the tain of the woik aifoiiinatpa about fi about tuna of liiainrl'il. The iiM.lrict a enloreil into w.tu the Crtuife of rhiU.lri,.hin, who are buibli at tii.i klnn, on Miiinl.iv, mill waa only tine.1 by lh t'ai btn St-l o.iii any from Vm i iv al emilitiin. Onl-it i tlio or.ior fr tn-iUirial 1 t' Cli givfii the famiKln i.Mii.H au'l a few orlfr for telle, lull the ountreet ewr.ltJ to one ha, ul ill thte riiy. inkeii from tny HI Mori.

the payment of the tuonev to McGary. B. lie replied that inasmuch as he had agreed American Tour of the London Athletes as Now Arranged. to abide by the decision of the arbitration in a hurry and took' the tint train on the committee be felt in honor bound to respect the covenant Of course Mr. Succop Has a Lata l.rie road for l'ittxlurtrh, and whea he perfect riibt to pav all his salarv to an out enUied the wailine-mom of the detmt on the One of tbe subordinates of the bureau of police when asked last night concerning tbe report of Lieut.

Gallant in the case replied with a grandiloquent air positively painful to con tern elate and decidedly rasping to tbe nerves "We are not furnishing political information for the press; we know our business, we The steam heaters fairly groaned tinder the expansion of the atmosphere while this was ia progress. A JiATIOXAL MEETING. S- uth Side the first thiuir that caught his eye John Isley, a Dorseyville farmer, was knocked aenselesa in bis aleigh by two highwaymen while driving home with bis 18-year-cld daughter. They demanded his money, and, upon being refused, struck him upen the head with revolvers. The girl struck her father's assailants in tha fate with a whip and tbe men ran away.

Mr. Isley had warrants made out against dame Seibler and Jauies Uosh before 'Squire Uobiaacn of Sharpsburg, whom he claims were the highwaymen. Ptter Combs, who resiles near Verner station, waa sandbagged and robbed of f72 by sider if be wants to so long as he performs his duties giitisfactoiiiy, which he has alwava waa a lare notice imtted on the wall to the NEVER WERE FIXE i done. Of coarse, had 1 known of the scheme etWt that he bad been appointed general paxiumjrr azent of the road. Mr.

Newell In time 1 would nave put my toot down upou it The same thing was tried in the Seven fitid iiuver occaniou to regret hie appoint- teer.th ward, but 1 got wind of it aud put a i I IMPORTED stop to it before the men had time to enter MIHTLUS AGAIN. into a bargain. FUnn MnitP the Deal. Another Mcft lukcn In the Formation DRESS GOOD of a rcilit liarcau fur 1'ittshursh. Speeial to the Comtnerial Gazette, Philadelphia, Jan.

2t Tt is expected tbat the Coriuthians of London will reach here in July, and after a week's practice the tour will be as follows New York, cricket; Philadelphia, cricket; Pittsburgh Chicago and Detroit, cricket and football; Berlin, Out, football; Toronto, and football: Montreal, cricket and football; Boston, cricket; Fall River, football; Paw-tucnet, fi-ottali; Philadelphia, football; New York, football. The trip is expected to end about the beginning of October. With the exception of the champion Marylebone eleven, the Corinthians are the most formidable organization in Great Britain. The list of players who will represent the Corinthians has uot been fully but tha following have been asked and are expected to accept: G. H.

Cotterill, Old Bright-cnian, Cambridge university; Su-ex and All England; N. L. Jacknoa, Cambridge university; C. Wreford Brown, Oxford university snd Somersetshire; S. M.

J. Woods, Old Brightonians, Cambridge uni-veisity, snd All England; G. Brann, Ardingly college, Sussex and All Fnglaud; G. P. Dewhurst.

Cambridge university aud all Eoglau1; L. H. Paiariet, Oxford university snd Somersetshire; B. Fry, Oxford university; L. Old The t'n' bnn Strel any thl l-l mu the tteil from tni'etUor, wi.ii li were the t.

hVt-xl (ui.any of t'lere-1 ii J. tlu fcUel (Vjiunauy nf tlu I'lm nix Ir of I'hiia lal. I the IVucyd nuumuT nf l'hil n.h iui'. the iiit i iw4i.nK Mill (' ni. i( llarriburkT, the loltstowi Iron ami Stfl Cuiiipniir l'ittinwn, the irtiH1' t'einpany: tf.e I lu.lrn Hloel fi any i thie itf.

Tlw Iowa ltroc k-ir-i will lx tht! futntli ami C'Ui L'niteil Statei iti) whirk the tii in hare eui plie.) I i.ly In 1 it with tbe I ir u-e ill Sii i ini'i ci ti eu-i ly i a a'nl Inter fi 11,.. a fr the Oi i the laun if.ii fany la Anuiwt ef thif an'iie Tr-ar the Sti I ol.t a t.itbur im-icrlaiA t.ou'' al io In cmi; cl*tmu with the The PitUbn' fh merchanta ho are eo deep two men on Sunday ciirlit The assault occurred near his home and he was rendered unconscious, and, therefore, could not identify bia assailants. A man who gave his name as Hyde at the iueteeuth ward ioliie station last night, said that about 9 o'clock, as he was walking along Fifth avenue near Shady avenue he was held up by two colored men, one of them using a revolver to keep him quiet They took his watch aud bis purse, hich contained a small amount of money, and then returned the watch, spying they had no use for it. The police will investigate. SOLD LIKE TIII5.

ly interested iu the esUblUhmant of a freight bnrrau la this city nut ajriin yesterday iu the Whisky Dealers from All Over the Country Will Meet at Loiusville. The liquor dealers throughout the United States are up tu arms agaiust the proposed increase in the tax of whisky, and will within the next two weeks take measures to express their dissntisf action iu a national meeting. Louisville is the place which has been rejected for tha meeting and the Pittsburgh dealers yesterday received the foliowiug circular letter: LoriaviLtK, Kt Jan. 5a, 1893. DbaB Sir lie plies to our circular letter of the 12th havo been received from all parts of the United States and are unanimous in the sentiment tnat a convention of tlte whisky trade ba called without delay to protest aarainst an increase la the tax 00 whisky and to eppose the methods snd Impositions ot the Hijjh Wine trujt.

iji a. -enr-innee. therefore, with these ex STILL CONTINUING! What Is? Why! Don't You Know? WE -MEAN OUR' GREAT "When I appointed Mr. Succop I had no knowlodge of the naturn of the compact he bad entered into with Mr. McGary.

Will-lam Flinn was one of the men who engineered the thing. Now, as to the charce that I promised any organisation that I woull appoint one of its members to a position in return for the votes of that organization, I cm explain ia a very few words. A short time previous to my election I as eeated in the headquarters on Sruitn field tree when a delegation of old soldiers came in. They said that they bad been ti see William Tliuu in tbe interest of one of their number for whom they wauted a pofiition. They stated their mission to ma, after which 1 aail: Gentlemen, I will do anything I ohm for ihe run yoa name Cr for Frrgu.iun building and continued the meeting adjourned from Tursday of last week.

The meeting 111 well attended, and many Hints, In addition to tnoe found at the prerioua meeting, were repreaented. Sereral thousand yards of rtia Imported fsfcrftaty J. 1L P.ailry reaJ iettore from tha 1 1 1-i bureau at CUirngo, Ciooinuati, lu BAIL REFUSED. Clere- uiai Kpolii, St. Ijotiia, Kansa City, the ad- ittiiil anJ at; en AND frota the Tknt.iko wlilob id bpta aeritea FVed Aim met Locked Ur lit Central Station on a Charge cf Assault CARPET NOVELTIES; CLE ARASUCE Hi lgh tomans ana Cambridge uniy-ru-ty; li C.

Gosling, Cambridge university; A. G. Hsnfrey, Carubiidge university; X. LuiUler, Xotts Oettety aad Cambridge u.iiversity; A. Jl.

Cambridge university; W. B. Meon, Old Westminster and All England; F. It Peely, T. N.

Perkins, Cambridge university; G. O. Smith, Oxford university: E. Streatfield, Surrey and Oxford university: I. B.

Chailen, Som 1.23 and ones, TO-DAY, 59c. Tf vrtlf Tf I tyi nT-T bureaus entablirhed there. l'urine the meeting eeeeral manufacturer spoke on the eabje of having the bureau ami aet forth that PitUburjh had a heavier tonnao than any other city in the country, yet a the ouly large city that bud not a burvtiu. The ft' tin cloeJ afb-r the appointment ef a eonin ittce of three form plans for or franizinif, bureau. The eornuiUtie con.

Un of (I lu Pintr, T. 2l. Armstrong and T. J. Gillespie.

The merchants will meet aicaio at the ra.l of this coinuuttee. any other veterau cf the war. This was all 1 said and the gentleman went out perfectly satisfied. There Was do bargain or agree-meul entered ioto betwean thnae gentlemen and mtself whereby I was to appoint a man in exchange for the aoldier vote. To say that there was would be an insult to every old soldier." Mnccou's Sldo of the Story.

Police Magistrate Succop said in explanation that the conte.it for tbe police mains-tratebiiip was very warm between 'Squire McGary aud himself, aa both were backed by influential political friends. It was decided at last to leave the matter to an arbitration committee. Hnuie time after Succop'a ap ing Rudolph Geddis. Frederick Aimmel. the proprietor of a restaurant at No.

516 Grant street, was locked up in Central police station last night to awit the result of serious injuries, which, it is sileged, he inflicted on ItadoUih Geddis a plumber, yestctday afternoon. Bail was refused for Aimmel, as the injuries may prove fatal. The police say that Geddes went into the restaurant named during the afternoon and being under the influence of liquor talked in Go-rns, then you eee this eacrifici pressions aod the Instrnctlotis of the trade of this elty, we hereby call a national meeting of the whisky trade to gainer in this city on Thurs-dsy, February 2, 1893. need not Impress ispon yoi, sir, the importance of such a gathering beintr in the fullest sense representative, and this committee would merely suggest that every ir.an is expected in do his duty. We desire that every man shall constitute himself a commltteo of one In his particular community to to it that everyone attends who can posibly do so.

It has been nit tested that a Liquor Dealers' association be omaclzed at this convention, and the question will be brought up for consideration. Please advise cs immediately If you will attend, that we may make arrangements for you. Headquarter will be at Oalt house, Louisville. Central conimitee, I. W.

Chairman. hi for I'm cf all the iiiHiMii1 forirul'T Nt. l'J, if wMrh the I'ra'iii hiiUi''i thtia bwinj lorltT in 1-onl'noiK the Ut lire ahu.i t'luiaerNn. to ii the alutrr il.i,, ol th Nee V'tk, In whhh htnretary 'I 'ere take ao trbte. 'I'h'i a tiling of t'li wiflt, tilaceil in th.i bnijiie the f'ai-bon Stm-l Compan, but ci'it wat'-hwU wiih Interett by the trarle.

The iim.i hi bn iry gAiicrat fur M'lue ainoe the g'-tei nmc tit hrtran k.Mthi-r vt' tlicr a nary that only the hijr ri.nc.M ft any nay in th matter of nmler-tikimf liinrw but the tnoisiph of the I ur! 'ompai over it bi riyal i i il' buarhaiiKi tin of tiling a littl MuUoii fir" iiiprnvi'ment. Tli.i St-el any ha bren in I ii iiirn for lire rar, hurtmf aniTemlel the ji of dra I. tu ceiUofee for a mii tioii of itawnrk thl tihl IMt lion a i Ma' I ('unit ai.r'a rroiiud at Tl.lrty. oiol tr The iiru well eijuipfeil for km rtriiii W'o-a ai har.j rfrrei to, torf ll.COO within a fow yi'iirs of fine goods at once o0c a yard. Tbey arc at the French Dresa Oods Depirt ment further aisle, opposite the SJks, The Individual Patterns bigh-cos Buy them now.w Everything goes 3IUS.

PA VIM H)lD OL'T. ones are all to be sold at 5c $1.0 at reduced prices. Save motwy by a loud manner. Ha was crcered to leave by Aimmel, aud refusing to do so the restaurant-keeper, it is alleged, kicked him vio and $1.50 a jard. erset shire: A.

O. Stoddart, Middlesex, Blackheath and all England. REV. MR. GLADDEN EXPLAINS.

To the of the Commercial Uazotte. My attention has been called to. an editorial in our paper, in which you aay that 1 have strongly opposed, in a recent sermon, the use of public funds for tbe relief of the poor, and that I characterized as pauper-factories" the publio'ageticies for tbat pun-pose. The writer of that editorial must have ouying now for spring. These prices A AViuiii of 31rau A hu Hail lleen ly Snpportrd.

should tempt you. ASSAULTED A IT ITS ESS. lently 10 the groin, mulcting a verv serious injury. The wounded man ONE CASE OP FINJ3 was first sent to the Central station and was Friend Highwayman Takes He treated by Dr. M-iyer, but as he grew worse last niht Deuuiston ordered his re Jiie Best Super Ingrain At 5Sc, Esdaced from 75c.

L.lt. pointment he says he was told that according to the decision of this coramittje be waa to receive the appointment and pay McUary 1,000 per year during bia term of office. Hs has lived up to the terms of that agreement. About a year after the same went into tlfcct the mayor tent for him and asked the 'fquire if it was true that be was paying of his salary as police magistrate to Mr. Mc'Jary.

Mr. Succop reported in the -afliimative and then the mayor augeeated that he discontinue doing ao. In reniy Mr. Succon stated that inasmuch aa he bid en-ttred into an agreement in good faith he could cot honorably amend the same. Mr.

Succcp further alleges that he never bad a conversation with the mayor on the subject prior to the time mentioned. moval to the Homeopathic hospital. Aimmel, wife of tbe accused save tliat the man was injured during the scuibe with her husband by falling against the corner of a table, and that he had not been kicked. DRESS GOODS The Best Tapesfry Brussels venge and Goes to Jail. Patrick Carroll, charged before Alderman Gripp by Andrew Grasbeak with stealing, had a bearing yesterday, snd in -default of 500 was committed ti jail for court Carroll, it is alleged, held up Grasbsek on Ferry street about a week ago and robbed biro, cf his watch and several dollars in money.

Gtorge Gamble, who was a witness against Carroll in the case, shortly after he left the alderman's office was assaulted by Logan Williams, a friond of Carrolls, for testifying in the case. Williams wee arrested and in default of bail was also committed for court THL CiEHJftAN FLAYERS Su inches Mule, 25 cei.ts. Surpassing in texture and quality any. thing ever this atore sold at a price double width SC laches wide. read my sermon very carelessly.

Tbe publio institutions f.r tha relief of the poor were strongly -commended. The only thing that waa condemned th system of giving publio outdoor relief to the poor. I was speaking of a state of things which exisU in Cclo tubus, and to some extent throughout Ohio, uuder which great numbers of according to the authority of the officials themselves, are being pauperized. In Columbus last year one person ia ten of our population received such aid as this from the city almoner. Of course this aid is given with no adequate investigation.

It is not possible tbat one official, who is only expected to devote three or four hours a day to the business, should scrutinize the merit of more than 11,000 persona to whom he has given aid during the pant year. It ia inevitable that much the largest share of this The department tf publlo rhaiities of All'iiheuy yenU-r tay asked the A 1. ti-Cruelly aot icty to iiiTi-etiste tha cae of Mrs. Jane Ilivia and fainiW cf 2H Kukpatrick strert, ho bare baen rei-fivinir pnblic ai-! for some time ra-t Mrs, Iayis ia tha enma woman upon whom on.taMe Kolnies of AMirmin ottive ba Rune one day lat weak to arv a laniUord's warrant far rent, but the constable, finding the mother and eevaral auiall children In what he aup pcaed be del'tute ctrcumMancea, there being no food nor tire in the house refused to sstts the warrant, and inttuad notified the department of public rharitiea. The wom in was nt a load of coal and an order for food and clothmir.

A gent Kisher made a thoiongh lnrestia-tion of the rase and fonndthat Mrs. Davis is not onle poeaasseJ cf coneioerable ruoucy Iq hank, but that she owns four good ho one in re I'a Irom which the receivee good rentab 1 ishr told Mra Iavie that tii be thing the roilt do was biove to p.Ter and ibl Allegheny of her pretence, saving h. life heie has been a continual liaiiil npon the sympathy charity of the tiib'io. oiu waa riien.Ut 1I year Vi eu I nun huiei rt-feience t. a'oivii n.

in the OiM ki. ill. II i an I the jiUot It new at rtuplli nioiierit null jiractV'S reulrva. 'l i i lit tc mill rank with the l.vavtul ami Niv'iai. i'i the rinotr, bavins rotia iii.il I'ichra li iliamtrr, i.i uf fiaio IJ wilt) ami from li ti oiibao ton w-i'jht Tba uiuti'iial la funvjy-t fr' ra the henliug lh-re are four, t-i th tt lU by iio'a i of rlrrtrio oyarbea tan, an I ihe nans tl ii nu l.

yril for ti ni. lni( t'ia matarul the cot lintr latin, eti.l for bniwilnu the lini-hed MatilL 'ibi'H a' i lUI-ton fuinuft, tlii of the worke bl'ii in, at.i.1 oiir'i-heait't itt'el. The tuia a 10 foot trr-k, ami will it 73c, Reted fha 8Qc Tlio Best Body Brussels At 88c, Eedscsu frca $1.25. The Best Axniinsters At $1.23, Exceed froa $1.75. A.

IlSghly-Sittisfactory Entertainment at the Diiquesno Last Herr Junkerruann'a competent company of German players presented a change of bill at the Duqueane last evening in "llama Nueta" before a large au.lience. The play treats cf the adventures of Hauna Nueta, a young German who goes out iuto the world to seek his fortune. In the pl-iy and iU presentation it noticed a remarkable thorough TALXLNG EAST AND LOOSE. Zoc a yard. Large lot of.

good, double width WINTER Dress Goods, S2 to 33 inches iJe, ts. It is further alleged that it was Senator Flinn who brought about the arrangement iu regard to the payment of 40 per cent of the aalary to Miliary aud that be was a member cf the aibitratioii committee. Another Mn.tr oe Dr. C. V.

who now favora th' election of Capt. Kerr for mayor, says that he was one of the representatives of the old soldiers' oiganizationa who called upon Mayor Gouiley previous to his election and that tbe eentleman whom they wished to have An Alleged. Pittsburgher Bousing should be unworthily and injuriously bestowed. 1 urge the abolition of this system The Best Wilton Velvets At $123, Retail from $1.75. appointed to a position tinder the mayor wus The 100-foot cenfer-taWe in whle ait' Mr.

Davit said would make Immediate arrangements to umve. George It. Chalmers, lie did not recollect whnt reply Mr. Gonrley made, but he is certain there wa no bargain entered into by whk-h Mr. Courier was to receive tha old All auove itemr re tbe best made, ness and attention to detail characteristic of the Germa'is.

There is the delicate love making in it full share and an abundance of the comedy element. Herr Junkermann did bia best acting in the character of Snut, the blacksmith father, and the emotiop displayed on receiving the intelligence of his son's trouble was magnificently done. Mist Kauf-hold and Mr. Peters shared the honors with the star, and the whole company joined in tbe last act in what is called "Pan tull'ei tang," a village dance, a quaint concert done in wooden shoes. The bill to-night is "Hasa-Biann's Foechter." the Socialistic Element.

A dupateh from Cleveland to the Gazette last night stated that Fred M. Gessner, claiming to be from Pittsburgh, had been doing the stumpiag act for the socialists in that town. Gessner addressed the members of the Franklin club in that town and almimt raised a riot by scoring tbe political parties and calliug on all tha socialists to uuite and work together ia the coming campaign. AN ELECTRIC WIRE PRANKS. A broken electric wire on Sixth avsnue, near Wood street, yesterday morning knocked down four horses, besides almost cansintr a A llV.

NEW CHI II CH. soldier vote, for the candidate was sure of and the substitution for it a tboroueh organization of the voluntary charities of the city, by which iHiiperiiu might be diacouraeed and the really needy cared for more efficiently. You ear that my sermon xrzs "untimely," that in thi severe hether the only thing to do is to relieve Ihe present distress. If you had read the sermon you would have known that I urged the charitable to check not their h.inds in this emergency, but to taWe hold of the good' work of relief with all their might But the fact that provoked the sermon was the utter and miserable inadeijuacy of the sys that in any event E. S.

Kenned Patrick F.dev, Jurv Com to The Centenary ConRregal ion In yew Silk and. Dress Goods I loom wiiV; Lave several hundred pieces- rillNTED SE11GE TWILLS. PRINT! ED REPPS and CREPE CLOTH darkj good goods and good etjlcs largt surplus lots from our wholesale dej partmcr.ts and everything on tbii loi.g table at one price, missioner Mullin, Secretary Carr, Dennis No matter what price you pay you can't get any better. Ycu'll find equal reductions on all other carpets. Try.

IN CURTAIN ROOM. itoyle and Chairman O'Donnell yesterday KrrcMl One to Coat The Centenary Methnditt Eplseopal church congregation are to have a fine i.ew home at expressed themselves as feeling that Magee attack wa.t the best eort cf campaign thunder TIIEY CAX'T HOLD OFFICE. lor the Mcivencn-tjouriey ticket tnst it was ossible to be gotten up. They sail that the ntiu to tw.i an 1 ni ha'f Inrhrt In rVlxotti.oO mn ul euioloyinent at the rki a i Ur tfrm luade wiih la cm be aureate of the firm lu obtain it i tin ii important rtii.lra.'ta ia aanl wry liri(fT title th huh'al aliitity cf tiie Pii'Mftl titJoeirr N'r ll.irte N. I.aah, who I ii ri l.i I Iti.uwUile iu tae maaufactuie Of Ufl litti-.

sunn l.tvflr UMillittf. tui ia aat.ii hi I f.r the work ol f.isli il.ni am ipk tha ihlu-huiblera aa there i i1,) am ply of the iuatirul anion .1 iutke''. When Secretary Traey onenetl t'itt I. i.ls iii hi rriiue cm 1 1 lat niul tnai fmr prHaaU ba. htv-n mate.

I Iihnu -mta aa follows; the Newe tiu.ii.uiy of rwjort, Jl.llT.'lOO foi the I rm klyii ami for Iowa; the Iron ii I'te ioisfo, fir tin llrook-'fii HH'1 I'-r ILe Iowa; the ItatU I of Lath, llio.OCJ forlne hlyn an ISo.O'a) for the Iowa. The Ml fcr the Uru-klyn ami tiie low. 'lraoy M.tt. '1 at tlui lime that iia woiibi Ilk. to g'n nt' oi atn.

lion one of the tliliia to the Pro must, it lie a' I ho J.owrr t) jy te lillirr rir HAVE MADE 1-2 CENTS. tem of public outdoor relief to irrapt le with tuch, an emergency; the fact that the mendicant and the bumniers7get ail its benefits, while the really needy are left to Commercial Gazktte sized up tae situation rightly yesterday when this journal slated that the purpose of Magee waa to di panic on the street, A parted cable liue caused the trouble. It became detached and fell over a telephone wire, which became entirely loosened an-i fell to the street. A team of gray horses owned-by G. W.

Schmidt were etruek by the wire and the shock threw them to the ground. Two animals owned br Felix You'll fip.d it next to carpet department. Prices will interest you ia everything. Here are two sample re t' Westiiijjhoiise Employes Have tho Law 1-aid Down. The Weslinghouse Airbratce Company at Wiimerding has put a peculiar embargo oa the aspirations of their employes for political vert the attention of the people from the real Ceuter avenue and UsVcca street, Twc-ntieth ward.

They took, out a bulldinir permit yritetilay for a brick and tone church to cost It is to have a fronton Center avenue of nli'oty-nine feet and extend back feet; the nave is to be sixty-nine fevt, and a pastor's stu ly and rt tiriug ruomi are to be built in thi irnr. The 1'i'M Nati'iini hink took out a permit yesterday for 1 xtvi.th story to lis building at iftn ttvciiue Wood street, to cost It is nearly completed issue of the campaign, is tbe people ductions lor Irish Point Curtains: agmiibt au unscrupulous ring. We're stock ar3 villi ertii 1 20 Pair Irish Point Curtains it tho la.3t tf ILis -week etery KE5XEDY ASCENDANT. sutler. What I said was exactly what yoa have said: "Do the bast thing possible now; let everyone be vigilant to spy out the real needs and prompt to relieve them, and by and by, when this crisis is past, let us get together and form a plan by which we can stamp out pauperism, and give prompt and certain and adequate Christian care to all that are really ia need." It is much to atk a busy editor to read a long sermon and 1 oou't wonder at all that yon never got through it, but it is rather unlucky for me that I should be represented to the good people of Pittsburgh as teaching exactly the opposite of what I taught, and therefore I beg leave to make this correction.

He Has Xo Opposition to Speak of In Allegheny. The political interest in Allegheny centers in the mayoralty contest, but no one anticipates as much trouble to elect Mayor Kennedy as it cost to nominate him, although he possible upstairs and dovn thai cat be converted iuto cash is to be sold aud when oarnanje it subscribed to an advertisem*nt it msaai what it says. 1. We male the loss and come will get the bnrgaias. I At $5.53, fefccEd fro $11 25 Pair Irish Point Curtains At $20, Efed ten $33.

Hoffman met with a similar adveutcre. There was a general scramble among other horses and pedestrians and quite a crowd was attracted to the scene. Street car traffio was delayed white the wire was being repaired. SCOTT DIDN'T SEE CARNEGIE. The report sect out by tha.

Associated Press from New York on Monday night to tbe effect that James B. Scott had visited Mr. Carnegie iiciweintely upon the latter's arrival in New York for the purpose of getting gnrae information regarding the plans for the Pittsburgh library proved to be incorrect, as Mr. Scott spent Monday ia llarrisburg attending a meeting of tbe state board ef charities. The report said also thai LL C.

Frick had called noon Mr. Carnegie, but Mr. Frick was in Pittsburgh at the time. offices. A workman from this tima henceforth cannot fill a borough office while in tha employ of tho Airbrake Company.

The company has tilceii no action on the question heretofore, but it has bad some trouble with some of its employes during the past year, who have been working for the borough also. Yesterday several nominees on the Demo-cratia ticket arranged last Saturday for council, burgess, constables, etc, were called to one side by C. Welsh, the general superintendent, and informed that their nominations must be given up, which was doue. STILL EEL1EVE IN DEMPSEY. The Painters" Progressive council of Allegheny county, composed cf delegates from fine too Same way with all About Vi off We've curtains many If A WASHINGTON MAN LOST, Th Allegheny police yesterday received a letter ftoia Mra.

1.11a Barne, a colored woiLan ot Washington, asking for information regarding a colored man who had been killed in Allegheny some time ago. Mr. Barnes says that her husband, George Barnes, ed liO years, bad left hoins shout the time tin. rrau was killed, with ths intention of working at P.nyce on the Oiarliera r.iad. Siuce that time she has heard nothing from him and be feared that the dead man tiilht prove to her husband.

She was advised by tbe police that such a thing could not be, since thd man who wa killed was but 20 years of age. See for yourself. Washington Glaujjen. Columbus, Jan. 13, 1893.

I lie I'tnUli' in t'llluil f'K'i Ml I In I 1 Iroii-AVurke. T', ii-1 r'iulnhdtV union hat takon a band them we won't low prices will clear have tco many long. ERIE CAR-ROBBER CASES. Lkie, Pa Jan. 24.

Preliminary hear-iues iu the cases of th eer-robhera arrested bfcre during the past three weeks are not pan 111 tbe Allegheny Painters union and the Knights of Labor painters of Pittsburgh, met last night and adopted resolutions pleading their moral and financial tuppoit to Hugh F. Dempsey. li: 1 ning cut as well as was expected by the prosecution. Twelve cf the aceused haye been beld to awa.it the action of the grand had a walkover for the Bomiuatiou so far aa vote went The only opponent to Mayor Kennedy who will cut much cf a figure in the fight is Bredin, and even his campaign Las uot taken any definite shape. So far as can be learned, the Democrats have no ward or cily organization that is making any show.

Judge Biedin is making a personal canvas of some of the wards but the Democrats do not seem ti be particularly aroused over their candidate and the chances ore that he will not poll the vote of his party. Some of the council lights are being pushed with tigor. IN A DEAD MAN'S NAME. Frank McGiur.ie, a well known resident of the Second ward, chargea tbat the ring Ke-pnbliteut are voting dead men in that ward. In the registry lbt three voteis are said to re-aide at 310 Secou avenue, while only one man lives in that house, lie furthtr say that was ou th election board last February, and while he wa at dinner John tiaul was registered, while the fact is Gaul CAMPBELL DICK, Si, S3, 23, aad S3 FiFTH AT.

iury on evidence that will have to be ALLEGHENY. stienetkened before indictments can be ex- ALI BABA IS COMING. David Henderson's American Extravaganza Company, which will present "AH Baba" at tiie Duquesue theater next week, is now playing with great success at the new Walnut Street theater, Cincinnati. On the opening night, it is reported that tl is very luckr company had one of its usual experiences aud succeeded in playing to the largest audience ia the history ef the theater since It was inaugurated. The ad i WILLIAM P.

BENNETT Lentils? Q1 Irirest Jeweirv and Art Stores. ii t. a i mi I' iu iha 1 wot ka' iti ikit, anil baa drmoD-it t'. at it caa lt bujluese without the aid if aMTiiatiuo. Wbu the ii.i rvkUinx, aa it will In a clay or eo, it will n- the oll forve of whu bare i ii wn I the Amalgamate 1 wiitcia-toot ao joine.l the ini.bera' union.

Tha l'lol-htia rala wa Ut Satur-jarerrnitii; hyf.aiivrai lacrtou i I 1 1. 1-im r' i ii'iiii chaiijra by tht rnuiiiiilti bure lacrtl the I i -r a ou ol' tin naft'i. uf re-tuuiinrf oik ae brrafler the tin. hi, 15 tte-I ill ran eit on li. 1.

JNot a un of iron le uat tl In the I 0 tote, ao Ihnl hen lht finiehrr tai-s. bi work the ti Tiny he ml, I hp at an end. The i ti ore e'to l.wt the aMKH'iatioit rot-veotinn froni wSiiili the In -lit rt of tlaa ii I bare i I It. A oil of toe 1 cotiiin.V.ea of the Tors it a iron-nork aal.l yaitt-r-1r that tlifre rriturr kmi or loyalty iu il'-i at lint I 1 an it i-e 1 tl' tb I'U RTS petted. The hearings will drag through the rert cf this week, probably, and it is doubtful whether any mere of the accused will be held.

A MUSEUM CLOSED. A museum on Sixth street was closed last by the police. It was opened bust Monday by Leonard Perry, a negro of A tl aits, ha resorted to different scheuies, one of which conflicted with the law on rcisJe- 1 uu 1j. 11 FLEXIBLE BACK liyllUl Silver plated, the Home Trent inent of Kiir Dltteano. Most people allow deafness to prow on them f- month snd year becsu of the lioie, trouble and ex pent they suppote necessary to go to a speriali-t snd remain for treatment.

Dr. Saiiler, 8i4 Peon avenue, Pittsburgh, the specialist for all eye, ear, nose and thro.it ipse set, so well known for tbe past nineteen years, understanda tbeae ailment so thr-rouhly that he ha pcrfett'd a tentiueut for each condition. It ia letter for bint I make a personal examination first, to the conditions, when bernu prepare eet-n ooe wiih tha Ir'ti unieott unn necessary t-J do just a he would do bioiself. Ther are a few ucii at have pr ly put, tumors, ua-hcaliby granuistiont, d-l bone, requiring surreal have to make iut.ro or We frn.iient Few need grt daiif if thry would ti Ij ,1 COL. OCHILTREE COMING.

LONPOK, Jan. 23. Col. Thomas Ochiltree will ail for the United Statas on February 8. He will have in his charge pev-n horses belonging to Col.

North, tiie "nitrate king," and some raters belonging to others, which he will take to Chicago. tr BIGHT PIANO, $190. Squaro l'iuno, $125 Parlor Organ, 35. An excellent upright piano, used about six months, of aplendid tone, reliable aolion and handsome case, worth 5350. will be sold, fully warranted, 190; also a Hlo tsijaar grand p'ano in goud cor.iiiticn, at 125, aud a splendid parlor organ at fsJ5.

J. 1L fx)7 SmUhfceld strest Aeenttf ffvt, eolahfstsri fcehmer': pianos, A Gerts Cclbr, H.illet SPOONS, FORKS BLANK BOOiCC better kind that are finished just l.ke solid silver, Land-some In design, and that last a lifetima. We only keep the fine it Is a satisfaction to cur customers to know vance sale of seats for "AH Baba" begins at the Duqueshe theater on Thursday morning. SOUTH-PAW JONES WANTED. Alexander Jones, the ell-known baseball twirler of Homestead, has rect-ived flattering offers froui Macou ((ia.) and tne Buffalo baseba'l teams, it is pic.br.Ll-that, he will sign with OL-e cr the other of these teams.

Special Sale of Cutis ar.d Saucers. Our laiinpai clearance sale cf fine ehina cups arid saucers i cow goiug oa. Positively th -i- s-yt-r cflered. manors in order to attract admirers. Impossible things were on exhibition, and the fact that tocy were not siive as represented saved srrest.

Perry promised the police to leave town. FcurJi Ay PittissTh, Pi. was dead at the time and a man named Connolly voted tui'ier his uam. Mr. MiGhinis aiao stated that Frsnfc llagan, who is registered at 400 Gratt street, reaiue.

ia Aili-gheuy. Spviolat SaUt of Cup Sacoer. lor tun ml iterance nail of fee china sews '7T: i ia nr.w tpoicu on. Positively 1 a i.l forU.f rj-iru nils to axd rnox the i -u cisrs. a L-AVlisj 3i.

li KNIVES. -HfTH li. A Xew Heaitlt IVkkI. Marvla' tew self-raistcg weal tiakes Uif be "hot cakes" ia tl. world.

Dirctk us on every pachjuge. At year pro- llll.t S3-MARKT ST. to wire smc a ttaatiaertt a nit'iiyat foo wHIi i V. i I 1 I 1 1 rf I- 4 tc't A ever i.fiored. s-.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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