PREVIOUS Attempts At Dichotomous Categorization Exists, None Utilizing info. As Accurate as COA (2024)

Terpological Review & Genetics Breakdown

Koala the Bloodshot here....

PREVIOUS Attempts At Dichotomous Categorization Exists, None Utilizing info. As Accurate as COA (1)

Sincerest apologies for the recent lapse in content. My Internet is currently minimal until I can take care of that were stuck with what I can manage. I figured out how to load the web page rather than the App so I can write this. As the Web Page when logged into through web view then turn it back to phone you can load the webpage without being kicked to the App.

Now I had to approach Cheese Wiz ABit differently as I still haven't scanned the Confirmation of Analysis as of WRITTING these words, I will and I'll analyze it based upon the information gathered regarding this unique genetic situation.

Cheese Wiz comes off aromatically as a Gass factory located in a forest of pine thicket and lemon grass, think about all those aromas being dominated by gassy Skunky pine, and this is Cheese Wiz. I personally felt it has a minor sativa onset, all beit maintaining a general calm throughout. The more you smoke, the more the sativa psychoactivity and headiness, squinty eyes even a bit dizziness can occur. Imo this is the result of seeing Myrcene on its own in impeded by Beta or Trans Caryophyllene. When on its own in a profile like this, be it indica or sativa, the Myrcene acts on what is the nature of most sesquiterpenes which is to Proliferate, to aid in transport across some barrier.

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Limonene is extensively used in skincare to proliferate the Dermal layer of the skin. I use Limonene combined with Myrcene in my TERP BOMBS (Bath fizzies) as Limonene proliferates the dermal layer as the salts exfoliate and penetrate muscles allowing the Myrcene to at least act in its scientifically suggested manner as an analgesic. In this way the Terpenes bombs all provide minor skin irritation relief & are safe in the sensitive areas, & From my experiences & my friends there's a major different in the way your skin feels and the relaxation and skin tension easing between Epsom salts and my mixtures of hemp derived Terpenes.

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This is not utilizing the Synergistic nature of Cannabis, as these are isolated and extracted Terpenes, but their independent nature can be combined to work together outside the Endocannabinoid system, grooving the therapeutic application IMO despite the argument over existence or the operation of the ECS. Imo the ESC is an essential Homeostatic system in our bodies that the FDA is well aware has potential to end many of their Drugs. This is why they possess the patent on Non Psychoactive Cannabinoids since 2001.

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So the Myrcene in Cheese Wiz Being as dominant as it is, just beneath Limonene, leaves for a rather intense onset, again increasing in potency of the experience with more consumption. In addition to increasing this supposedly 50/50 hybrids ability to hype up the jitters, the Myrcene also kicks in the bottom of the lungs and the bronchial tubes like a little boxer going fast bag on your Airway. Beta Caryophyllene has a more full chested pound of a hurt, that doesn't really provoke the spitting smoke cougΠΠΩhing burnt throat, o sh*t now I'm drooling and ^′Π on saliva and mucus hit. . . This Myrcene alone like this that's what it does.

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And there's not but potent pungency to pump that up, the piney sharp kick, the Slightly sweet smoothness of limonene keeps the Humulene Shiver at bay, so that's a plus on the indica expression of it.

The Terpene profile listed on the printout from my Dispensary, The Apothecarium of Cumberland here in Western Maryland, shout out to the real ones working there. It lists:

Humulene 0.53%, alpha pinene 0.25%, limonene 3.02%, linalool 1.17%, beta Caryophyllene 1.70%, 1.33% beta Myrcene, beta pinene 0.44%

I have to admit here that I was under the false impression the Beta Caryophyllene was lacking in this presentation, however it is not. This doesn't change what I said about the Myrcene hitting in the chest, though it is a very sharp sensation for beta Caryophyllene either way, it's usually a more full chested too much to hold in feeling than an actual thump of a stab, if that's makes sense. Myrcene causes that awful cough exhale that is all mucus ridden and makes your back itch sometimes, just unpleasant. But, the fact that we do indeed have beta Caryophyllene means that I'm not such a nut for findng sedation and a weed nap in the mid to end of this experience, which imo cheesen wiz like this hits obviously as soon as you dab at temp, and it lasts around 4 hours, about an hour being a weed recovery nap.

But I also like weed naps I always feel super recharged mentally after and very euphoric upon waking. Though that does present a bit of a quandary as to the hyped up sativa jitterines I started to get with too many pulls on the Cheese Wiz. Because I am convinced this starts, yes relaxed and calm but as the buzz creeps.on, by hit 3 or ,4 the intensity of the high is such that bodily euphoria isnt the focus, it's the hyperactive state and paranoid thoughts that start, particularly for novice or inexperienced users.

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Now I'm not exaggerating this or rather don't want to, as it isn't a severe case of this happening but why it is important is because in this 50/50 hybrid argued about amongst cultivators and users of its lean. Some say sativa slightly some say slightly indica. I think I have a reason for the variation in experiences,.though it could be confirmed by seeking the genetic lineages of the syrains from others experiences. I get just a slight indica pull however the Sativas THC potency is what is front and center IMO in Cheese Wiz.

Typically one would get more immediate relaxation with these levels of Myrcene to beta Caryophyllene ratios, the Myrcene is at prime position to amplify the sedation of beta Caryophyllene and it does do so, as the buzz wears on, ending were in a weed nap. I believe this is heavily likely because the form of Limonene present, as per the aromatic profile IMO is that Limonene which expresses Sativa, not the rindy, orangey, mango lean of Indica Limonene.

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And I have a good reason for this and thinking to back up everything. This takes a very indepth look at the genetics of this Strain.

First though the cannabinoid profile Totalling just over 80%. 78.85% THCa, 0.44% THC, 0.29% CBD & and 0.70% CBN.all of this including my ratio for pinene which ill go over points to this being an indica hyrid, rather than 50/50 which makes it even more to unique in my opinion.

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But it also speaks to the potency with which sativa can play a the experience especially and particularly when the strain at hand is close in proximity to Landrace Genetics, as sativaà being the fire runner of indica, it being a micro adaptation of sativa this adds up sativa would be able to express as such on indica dominance, particularly when close to Landrace, & regardless of the genetic path taken discussed below, the proximity to landrace very high, it is very close to the landrace strains that make it up.

The pinene ratios here is

Alpha Pinene 0.25%

Beta Pinene 0.44%


= 0.69%

= 0.25%/0.69% : 0.44%/0.69%

= 0.3623% : 0.6376%

= 0.36 ---->0.35%. : 0.6376--->0.65% =. 0.65% : 0.35% Indica Dominant Hybrid

= 100% 👍

Cheese Wiz Terpologically is 65/35 Indica Dominant Hybrid.

Everything this far save my mis reading of the Terpene profile a week ago and believing for this time it had No. Beta Caryophyllene, which some false thinking regarding its role.with THC. WHILE THAT still an issue, as this strain presents that way despite my knowledge of the BCP, IT ISNT as obvious why Cheese Whiz, especially presenting even heavier indica would exhibit sativa hyperactive characteristics in the onset.

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The Terpenes present though speak to the indica dominance, we have Humulene, a little.bitnlower than expected in Most heavier leaning indicas, but I also again believe I understand reasoning for this. When you have a presentation so close in proximity to so many Sativa Landrace, even with indica landrace present en masss, the sativa expresses dominant as it's both in sativa and dormant somewhere in indicas microadaptation from sativa, so it stands forth. But doesn't necessarily impact a total shift all the time, and we know this seeing terpinolene dominance in Gorilla.Glue #4

This pinene lean Ratio states a lean of 65% Indica and 35% Sativa. And setting the onset of the experience aside, admitting I said it maintained a calm throughout this makes.more sense to me than does comparing this wicked Heavy Hitter with something much more.mellow for a wider range of users like the 50/50 White Grape. I know its a bit of a handful, but cheese Wiz for myself and others I've seen reviews of online, hits with a sativa punch and lulls into an Indica sedation.

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Stoner Nomenclature is the use of legacy Market experiences, anecdotes, stories, & more & current cultural zitghiest if you will surrounding cannabis culture in America and somewhat internationally, to express an idea about a strain of cannabis in most cases, that is relatively "Stoner" in its characterization of its nature. Like associating tree with cannabis, at a very basic level. This comes.into play ALOT I'm cannabis nomenclature, naming strains.

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For example, Genetically Modified Organism was the title of GMO, aka Garlic Cookies. Why aka, ? At the time this strain hit the market in legal states out west, there was a News freak out about how big our apples are and why our carrots are not like natural ones, the Genetically Modified Organism discussion, as we know everything Americans consume is genetically.modified from Apples to oranges. Some.modifications are necessary for the food to EXSISt as is, like Bananas, without the genetic modification are super small and seedy.

None the less there was a freak out in Society, more of a social discussion but one with a glare on it. Therefore dispensaries weren't willing to bring the News attention to their then supcoming businesses by selling a strain claiming it's Genetic Modification on the label. However, GMO is not actually any more genetically Modified than any other strain of cannabis, it just had an extremely pungent, unique aromatic presence not smelled by the masses before. So the name then, uses the nomenclature to reference the parent Contributing genetics, Garlic Cookies. Cookies is the line and "Brand" of cannabis and it smells like 'Garlic' or imo like who doesnt wear deoderant because "there aluminum!".

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Now l, why am I mentioning all of this in the review for Cheese Wiz? Well when seeking the parent strains for cheese Wiz what I found was interesting. And to be absolutely honest i don't think it would jump out to the average smoker.

Google will usually give you a main description, a sort of amalgam of all the data and it finds the best answer online that matches the most submissions. This isn't always accurate, as humans are not always accurate, and cannabis is one space online and in science still Very largely not understood. So your liable to find incorrect Google Definitions of strain lineage so one must be vigilant. This Cheese Wiz In particular, First I saw reddit posts regarding people aearching for the strain lineage and asking the chat on reddit.

So I modified my search parameters slightly and got an Answer of a Google Definition that Cheese Wiz Is a potent Cross of Cheese x White Widow. I am including a Screenshot right here of this all on one page.

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Now one could take this to mean that White widow and cheese are somewhere in the lineage. But the other cross listed is QUESSO PERO X Oz Kush Bx1. And Cheese in Spanish, melted cheese anyway is to the English tongue Quesso. The connection is there, and I don't think it unintentional.

I believe that the difference between them can be found by finding all similarities in Genetics, or genetics that could be subbed in and create a similar very indifferent result will reveal that which is Different, ergo revealing the relationship between these approaches.

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Rather than detail the entirety of every single strain cross and what isn't present in one vs another if any, I am posting up the genetic maps of Quesso Pero, Oz Kush Bx1, Cheese, & White Widow. Now Cheese & White Widow are very recall. Cheese is a Skunk #1 derivation. I remember it easily as Exodus Cheese aka UK cheese was actually on a National Geographic Channel Episode when I was like 13. I remember "this extremely potent marijuana, CHEESE" In the white mans narrators.voice. it was funny to me back then idk why, it's even more humorous now though.

White Widow is a cross of Indian Indica and Brazilian Sativa. That's simple. The Quesso Perro and The Oz Kush bX1 is where things go off the rails and get more confusing.

Queso Perro is a heavy leaning 65/35 Sativa Dominant Hybrid that is a cross of UK CHEESE x STARDAWG. So we know that Exodus Cheese is now scratched off that list of similar strains amongst these 2 crossings. What about Stardawg?

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Stardawg is a cross of Chemdawg No. 4 x Tres Dog. These strains were bred by Top Dog Genetics. Now, since I am discussing stoner Nomenclature herein; what is the the difference between '...DOG' & '...DAWG?' According to information i can find, thenDAWG genetics refers to more recent potencies CHEMDOG, which has very much a disputed genetic lineage. The potency happenstance here with 'DOG' to ' DAWG' supports what I believe about the US cannabis market & the way the cannabis leans in presentation due to the the illegality of cannabis. Why and what did I just say?

Cannabis is very much NOW in 2024 starting to become a more balanced pool here in the United States. The strains have been there, we have the history, but between approximately 1998-2012 or so, cannabis had a particular illicit hayday. This was spurred on by the fact that cannabis from the legallly growing market in California could be obtained all over the US. During prohibition before legalization of States independently began to roll out as it is, California supplied up to 75% o the U.S. cannabis Supply. Because of this, growers were more easily able to obtain seeds and clones from the Legally grown Market, opening their possibilities in cultivation more.

Regardless of whether this played a big role how the Illicit cannabis leaned overall, the cannabis from the illegally grown market in states that hadn't decriminalized cannabis extensively enough or legalized increased in potency over that same period, Exponentially. Compared to the previous decades, where a powerful strain would rear it's head now and again, helping many cannabis legends gain their notariaty like Nevelle Shumaker or Mr. sherbinski. These exotic or potent beauties were 1 difficult to come by due to their requirement of extensive breeding, 2 breeding was more complex but arguably led to more stable genetics pre feminization of seeds in late 1980s, & the attainment of genetics was more difficult often requiring the use of "Strain hunters."

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These are still employed by companies to go to exotic areas of the globe to uncover exotic, LANDRACE untouched genetics. There are, to my knowledge at least far less Indica Landrace than Sativa, which also makes sense if indeed Sativa microadapted into Indica over centuries as current science predicts was the case.

Therefore, obviously the access to people even if it was through the post which became very common who had unfettered access to the current cannabis in ,late 90s through 2012-15 or so made it more easy to expand the illegal markets variety & potency. Again though regardlesa of the Legal Markets influence from far away, cannabis obtained from the illicit Market by the DEA in Drug busts tested as increasing from approxomately 9% in the mid 1990s to over 18% and up to 25% by approximately 2015. This is a study I have in memory, feel free to fact check it.

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So what does any of this have to do with Stardawg, Chemdawg and the DOG VS DAWG question? Follow just a moment more. The illicit market due the aforementioned reasons combined and regardless of other extenuating unmentioned influence I believe from my expertise in study of Cannabis as a subject if you will, tends to present more Sativa expressive during this period of time when the potency of THC was seen to be increasing by the DEA busts & CBD seen to be stable. The heightened THC & Lack of CBD speaks to the fact CBD is more prominent in INDICA, this wouldn't increase overall in testing. Sativas on the hand are higher in THC, LOWER IN CBD, ergo all of this supports my observations of the marketplace.

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You can also refer to THE FACT that people in this time period absolutely expected one Smell from cannabis, SKUNK/GAS/PINE/DANK AF....Any hint of herbaceous/ earthy/spicey/woodsy was immediately off-putting to people who were very involved in n the market. I know this oersonally. Also heavily influenced by the poor quality Mexican Brick Pack that sprawls its deedy stemmy brown yuck across the market before The Cartels stopped pushing cannabis.

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Their technique was brick packing and this left a bad taste in people pallete for indica expressing cannabis. People during that period, a period of cannabis Boom in terms of introduction of new genetics and potencies thereof as well as the understanding of isolation of independent terpenoids/cannabinoids expected dank smell. This pushed growers to pull as little of the earthiness of Indica into the market is possible, not by trying to avoid that really, but rather by seeking the rank. As Sativas are the lean that presents in that way, this led to a potent Sativa dominant market place.

People did not understand Terpenes the way even people in illegal states do today because there just wasn't the exposure to the market in that way. I have smoked cannabis since.I was 12 & while I remember old-school skunk I haven't smelled.for a long time, I never got those exotic juicy fruits or.oink lemonades until decriminalization and legalization began near me. That market really has no exposure to Terpenes in this way.

So, with all of this in mind about the dominance of Sativa presentation in the Illicit Market place, which is admittedly becoming more balanced as of late with more & more states decriminalizing or legalizing cannabis this influences the DOG VS DAWG conversation .DAWG is said to be a later note recent development of the less known about CHEMDOG. In my opinion this makes sense, as Chem the man responsible for this monstrosity of a smash hit was jailed as recently as 2011 for cannabis related activities.

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So the development of CHEMDOG to Chemdawg has taken place precisely during this time period I am mentioning here and always discussing, the 90s and mid 2000s due this times significance to cannabis. The combination of acces through ease of Prohibition & the illicit nature still existing in areas where these two world can converge, as I said even via the mail, LED to development of many potent strains and the knowledge and scienfe of cannabis also began to expode during this period of time.

Yes, no doubt the Internet was one of the major players in this illicit cannabis development hayday.

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Chemdog is a unknown genetics and is literally a strain bred during this period from Bag seed. Bagseed simply refers the attainment of seeds through the purchase of cannabis. Today it avoided but in the past, trust me dealers would add seeds to the pot to make it weigh more. If one is going through a lot of cannabis, that 0.3 grams in seeds adds up quickly to a free 1/8 of weed if that bad would happen to teach to do a backflip. Chemdog cannabis was created by Greg Krzanowski.

It was arranged to have 2 Oz. Shipped to him here on the East Coast. One bag was Sensimillla or de sseded and the other contained the 13 seeds that developed into today's CHEMDAWG. CHEM planted the first 4 seeds in 1991, and of these 4 seeds Chem, had one Male & the common thing for most who didn't understand cultivation well was to trash the males.

Some old school smokers say that the feminization of seeds just prior to 91 caused a shallowing of the pool genetically and certain strains to be lost, like Roadkill Skunk. The 3 Females grown were labeled Chemdog, Chemdog a which is now Chemdogs Sister aka Chem Sister, and chemdog b. In 2001 chem again attempted to germinate 3 seeds from that original 13 seed stash, of which 1 was a dud, 1 was no good according to Chem & Chemdog e was the keeper.

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In 2006 chemdog & Joebrand, the initial salesman of the 'DogWeed' met up & was given 4 of 6 remaining seeds, and of these came Chemdawg4, as 4 was the keeper. That leaves 2 seeds remaining in Chems stash but in 2011 the hand of the man came down in Chem & he hasn't been heard of from information I have seen since on the scene with Chemdog.

Now I suppose it is argued even apparently by The Creator himself.that it was never Chem dawg. However, while I get that he is saying he always named the cannabis Chemdog, the last being effectionately named "the reunion Pheno" I do also believe that the generalized notion from the crowd, yes it carries from place but it was that these newer presentations were more potent and had varrying presentation than the chemdog 91. This people began referring to TooDog Genetics ChemDog with a -w. I think it also makes sense in stoner nomenclaturenas a sort of shoutnto Krazanowlski -w.

But the accepted reason amongst those who started using this terminology that even The Creator has spake against, was because they recognized the variation of the strain as new presentation some.even comparing 91' to more sativa lean and later versions to be more indica expressive, leading to differentiating them earlier indica leans from later least expression in buzz with DAWG. So Stardawg uses the strain from Round 2 of breeding in 2001 where 4 seeds led to 1 beautiful Skunky chem factory, Chemdog 4. (Seed D -2001).

Tres DAWG IS ANOTHER topDog Genetics strains and crosses ChemDawg (here we see that W I mentioned, so this is more indica in presenting experience hence.people adding the W in later variations of Chems Chemdog 91, like their chemdog 4 in 2001. ChemDAWG is crossed with is crossed with Afghani then this result is crossed over Afghani and this is Double Dawg. So Chemdawg x (ChemDawg x Afghani no.1.) x Afghani 1 is hhh a a crossing over of Afghan Landrace with Afghan Landrace.

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So to recap, Cheese x White Widow. This is Skunk no.1 which derives from (Afghanistan x Columbia) x Mexico, so landrace. Now White Widow is a Landrace cross.of Indian Indica and Brazilian Sativa. So This far, at least with the most basic cross of Cheese Wiz has extensive Afghani & south American Sativa not so much Asiatic, which could speak to the effect I get from Cheese Wiz, that the Sativa doesn't kick hard until I take several hits. The calming aspect of Cheese Wiz, labeled a 50/50 by industry certainly can be tied to this extensive indica Landrace presence.

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So Quesso is Cheese x (cheese x Afghanistan) (Mazar-i-Sharif.) However, Quesso Pero uses UK CHEESE x STARDAWG. So it isn't the AFGHANI cross, but UK cheese x Stawdog.

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Stardawg is ChemDawg 4 x Tres DAWG. Tres DAWG is again, at stoner Nomenclature, as it is Chemdog D which is the 2001 variety of Chemdog From Chem & his sister. Remember, the story is 4 seeds led to one male tossed, and 3 females labeled Chemdog (Chemdog91) , Chemdog a (Chems Sister) , and chemdog b. In 2001 chemdog attempted 3 more seed which led to Chemdog D.. Then jn 2006 the Reunion Pgenorypenwas created. I am reviewing Chemdog bc this seems to be the bit that speaks to me.

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While it is certainly true we don't see Chemdog in the pure genetic cross.of.Indian Indica & Brazilian Sativa, we do see the South American genetics present in StawDawg as Grapefruit as well as having Kush genetics that could speak to the lack of that Indian Landrace. Those are the two landrace that stand apart from all the both of these crosses, Indian Indica and Brazilian Sativa. The approach used here in Maryland By Modern Flower owned by Terrascend Maryland is DEFINATELY the Quesso Perro X Oz Kush Bx1.

Quesso Pero is covered now, UK CHEESE x StawDawg, Stardawg Chemdog4 x Tres dawg. Oz Kush Bx1, what does BX 1 MEAN? BX 1 means the production of an F1 hybrid that is crossed.over one of its parent strains. So crossing Oz Kush after attaining it with Either Eddie Lepp or Skittlez.

is a cross of OG Eddie Lepp x Zkittles. This reinforces my thoughts that this is the genetics for Cheese Wiz because Zkittles is extensively used in the Maryland Market. I would venture to say it isn't possible to know which parent was used to back cross the Oz Kush. Given that Quesso Pero is 65/35 Sativa, and Oz Kush is crossing two 65/35 Indica dominant Hybrids, OG Eddie Lepp & Zkittles, this but atleast right there adds up to logically equating to a 50/50 lean, if we sort of look at it as the woods not just each tree, meaning seeing it overall, the 50/50 outcome of Cheese Wiz Makes sense.

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I also have a notion that using Afghani so extensively over and over and over in the same genetics, can lead to allowance for the indica to express it natural makeup derived from sativa and push a fruitiness now and again. Purest Indica is said to have had Thai Slipped.into the genetic formula mentioned at some.point, but given how extensively we've recorded the histories of these strains, I don't think that's the case more likely in my opinion that the extensive Afghani Crossing sativa rearing it's dominant genetic head producing that terpinlene fruitiness hinted at in Purest indica. Completely unrelated aside.from being extensive Afghani Crossing.

It is possible that the genetics do not need to be EXACTLY the same to get what comes on across to us as exactly the same strain. I can see where the genetics of Quesso Pero line up side.with the much more.simlified Indica India Brazillian sativa cross in White Widow. But we can achieve that via the Grapefruit south American lineage, as well there is Mexico present in the profile from Cheese. And it is crossed over Afghani x Columbian so those genetics may indeed be able to make up for the difference, Mexican being on its own, crossed over the above. The Columbian & the Mexican would both work in favor of the fact being these are both examples.of Cheese Wiz Parents.

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I believe it's completely feasible that both of these parents crosses can equate to Quesso Pero, possible even creating a variation in the lean dominance of this potent 50/50 Very ok interesting and complex hybrid strain.

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SeedFinder Link For StawDawg

Oz Kush Seedfinder

SeedFinder Link For Cheese/ UK Cheese

Chemdog Seedfinder Link

Quesso Genealogy Tree Seedfinder

Gregg "Chemdog" Krzanowski

Scientific Nomenclature Of Genetics (Not to be Mistaken for Stoner Nomenclature)

Grandmas Genetics Scientific Nomenclature - What Does Bx1 Mean (OZ KUSH Bx1)

Discussion of Terpenes & Effects

Understanding Beta Myrcene (How the industry sees it vs my understanding of it Synergistically vs Independently)

AllBud Site on OZ Kush

Edit - In also have now Ran into a third cross, which is what I initially thought this strain contained a part of this cross when I first seen Cheese Wiz. Because of stoner Nomenclature, WHIZ is the way to spell it so speelling it with WIZ got me considering Blissful Wizard as I Know this Company, Modern Flower & Not many others have used Blissful Wizard and it's precursors.

However, if it is this cross this is absolutely different, containing OG Kush & Durban Poison Throw back genetics. However, the use of Cookies makes me that much more lean into this cross. I can not find an example for Ajs Cheese, though I did find Ajs Cookies, which crosses 2 forms of GSC. Ergo I would venture to say AJs cheese is Cheese x UK Cheese or some form of Cheese, like and ,F1 crossed over F2. I believe that makes logical sense. So that made this eve more complex.

I do not like that industry is hiding the genetics, given that it's always been a canna his culture thing to share these pearls with the community in some way, these companies are hoarding everything regarding strains, given they're developing aside a market created under prohibition I don't agree with this.

Advoc8 always

Meduc8 Daily

Don't break the law ..... While.your breaking the law.

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PREVIOUS Attempts At Dichotomous Categorization Exists, None Utilizing info. As Accurate as COA (2024)


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Article information

Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 5977

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.