Revenge Turned Blue (Hosie) - hm0728 (2024)

Chapter 1: A Hampton Prelude

Chapter Text

The tranquil town of East Hampton, New York gleams under the golden rays of the summer sun. Beautiful beaches and elegant mansions exude an air of sophistication and exclusivity. A young siphon witch finds herself amidst the luxurious appeal, traveling down the cobblestone streets until she sees sandy beaches and salty water as far as the eye can see, and she knows she's finally arrived.

Making her way down a short drive, she approaches a beautiful beachfront house before putting her car in park. It's a charming place that perfectly embodies coastal elegance. The brunette steps out of her car, removing her sunglasses as she takes in the sight and the summer sunlight.

The exterior of the house is charming, with clean lines and large windows. The soft color palette blends seamlessly with the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. The house is decorated with attractive architectural details such as a wraparound porch, balconies, and a well-kept garden.

The real estate agent begins to show the woman to the inside of the beach house, which gives a perfect blend of refined elegance and coastal chic. The design embraces a neutral color scheme, with soft creams and whites, with an abundance of natural light flowing through the windows. There's an open floor plan for spaciousness and a seamless flow between the various living areas.

The living room looks like a haven of comfort, with plush sofas, oversized armchairs, and tasteful decor that shows a combination of contemporary elements and coastal accents. Large white french doors lead to the terrace, offering the most breathtaking view of the ocean, and with the doors being left open by the agent showing the house, the brunette can feel the light sea breeze.

The kitchen is a chef's dream, with state-of-the-art appliances, sleek countertops, and ample storage space. The blend of aesthetics and functionality allows for meals to be prepared with ease while maintaining the same sense of sophistication.

There's multiple bedrooms, each designed to provide a serene sanctuary, out of sight from the main living area.

"I can't tell you what a rare opportunity you have here. The current owners live in the city, of course, but they've decided to rent out for the season," the real estate agent, Kate, informs the young woman who picks up a framed photograph of the owners, a family of three, though it doesn't look like the typical American family unit from the picture.

Setting the photo back on the small table by a sofa, the brunette asks, "Do you mind if I look around a bit?"

Kate smiles politely, "Of course, that's what we're here for, Miss Parker—"

The brunette cuts her off respectfully, "Please, you can call me Josie."

The witch makes her way out the french doors and to the terrace, approaching the railing as she overlooks the vast body of water. There's a private wooden dock just across the sandy beach, and the sight catapults her into memories of her long lost childhood—memories of her father teaching her beginner's sparring techniques on a much smaller dock back at home in Mystic Falls, Virginia, her mom teaching her to swim, and even memories from this very house, years prior when they had spent their summers here.

It was her mother's idea, and it was also the last place they were together as a family, before their family was shattered and ripped apart.

The siphoner tears her eyes away as she walks across the wooden boards of the porch, until she pauses at her vantage point. One might consider the highlight of this house to be the ocean view or the tasteful interior, but the brunette would have to disagree.

The highlight for her is undoubtedly the sight that awaits as the eyes wander across the shoreline. Perched upon a distant bluff, a majestic manor commands attention with its stately presence.

She hears Kate approaching from behind, so she turns to face her, "That's Mikaelson Manor. This is the only house with a view of that property."

Josie nods and scans her eyes over to the house again.
With its elaborate architecture, towering columns, and sprawling grounds, Mikaelson Manor stands as a symbol of wealth and power—a complete contrast to the serene simplicity of the beach house.

The view of Mikaelson Manor from the beach house serves as a constant reminder of the tangled web of deceit and betrayal that lies within its walls. It fuels Josie's determination, a visual testament to her quest for justice and retribution against those who wronged her family.

The proximity of these two vastly different homes paints a vivid picture of the complex world which Josie must navigate, where the tranquility of the beach meets the shadowy secrets of the Mikaelsons.

Kate interrupts her thoughts again, "Now you have to imagine, it's Memorial Day weekend, sunny and 75. If you would like to think it over—"

Josie's been thinking about this moment for years, so she doesn't hesitate now, "I'll take it."


Later, Josie finds herself settling into her new beach house, unpacking the boxes scattered around the living space. Amidst the pile, her eyes land on a box secured with a combination lock. She reaches for it, entering the correct numbers from memory, and with a satisfied click, the box is unlocked.

Inside the box, neatly arranged by date, lay a collection of diaries, each containing the stories detailing her family's demise. Alongside the diaries, a stack of photographs catches her gaze. She picks up one picture, showing her younger self beaming with her family on the very dock across the beach, a day she hardly remembers now. Her father, Alaric Saltzman, her mother, Caroline, and her fraternal twin sister, Lizzie, stood beside her, frozen in a moment of pure joy. She was five years old when that photo was taken—happy, innocent, and forgiving.

That identity was ripped from her, though, so she created a new one—one with purpose, patience, and devotion.

Before she's able to fully immerse herself in the fleeting memory, a soft knock at her door interrupts her thoughts. Josie swiftly places the photo back in the box, shutting it and moving it out of sight with a sense of protectiveness.

"Come in!" She calls out, turning towards the doors to see Penelope Park, her raven-haired friend, entering the house, and Josie makes a mental note to move the locked box to a more secure location later.

"Hey JoJo," Penelope greets her, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Josie smiles warmly, "Hey, Penelope." She had forged a friendship with the shorter witch a few months ago, after discovering her valuable position as an assistant to the Mikaelson family. More recently, Niklaus Mikaelson also recruited Penelope to handle the guest list for their upcoming Memorial Day party—an opportunity that perfectly aligns with Josie's plan for retribution.

Josie gestures to the living space, "So, what do you think?"

Penelope scoffs playfully, "Are you kidding? Look at this place. I want your life."

Josie rolls her eyes, her smile lingering. "You love your life."

The raven-haired witch shrugs, a hint of longing in her gaze. "True, but I wouldn't mind having your endless supply of money."

"What's mine is yours, right?" Josie chuckles, glancing to the bottle in the other woman's hands, "Should I get us some glasses?"

Penelope groans dramatically as she takes a seat at one of the high stools at the kitchen counter, "I wish. This one's for Hayley Mikaelson."

Josie feigns ignorance, "Who's that?"

Penelope looks at her, astounded, "Really? You're impossibly clueless, JoJo. Hayley Mikaelson, the Crescent Hybrid Alpha, reigning queen of all things supernatural. Not to mention, she's your new neighbor for the season."

Josie arches an eyebrow at her friend, playing along, "So, why are you getting Queen Hayley a bottle of wine?"

"I'm kissing her ass, obviously. I can't screw this up. My entire career depends on it," Penelope explains with a tinge of nervousness in her voice.

Josie nods thoughtfully. "How much are the tickets?"

Penelope raises an eyebrow in surprise, "An ungodly amount of money, pocket change to these people."

Josie pretends to consider it for a moment, though her mind is already made up. "Count me in for one."

Penelope's eyes widen dramatically, "What? Did you not hear what I just said?"

Josie shrugs, a determined glimmer in her eyes. "It's for a good cause, right?"

Penelope nods, a mixed look of gratitude and disbelief on her face. "Um, yeah, my career and possibly my life. Thank you."

Josie grins, her voice playful, "Happy to save a life every now and then."

Penelope chuckles, shaking her head in amusem*nt, "You're something else, JoJo." And Josie couldn't agree more.

As the two friends continue their lighthearted conversations, Josie can't help but let her thoughts drift to the upcoming Memorial Day party at Mikaelson Manor. Josie can't help but feel a surge of anticipation, knowing this gathering would provide the perfect setting for her plans to begin unfolding. The proximity of her beach house to the prestigious Mikaelson Manor, with its tangled web of secrets, only intensifies her determination for justice and vengeance.

Little did anyone know, Josie Parker, formerly Saltzman, the new face in a town offering solace and a fresh start, would soon become the catalyst for an intricate game of revenge—a game that would expose the darkness lurking behind the facade of wealth and power.

As the sun begins to set on the tranquil town of East Hampton, casting golden hues across the horizon, Josie smiles genuinely, brimming with hopefulness despite her dark intentions. Unbeknownst to the Mikaelson family, a wolf in sheep's clothing would soon infiltrate the empire they built over centuries.

This is merely the first act of Josie's captivating journey, navigating a world where secrets, revenge, and supernatural powers intertwine. The stage has been set, and the curtain is about to rise on a story of intrigue and redemption.


Let me know what you think of the first chapter!

Also, still deciding whether this story is gip or not, let me know whichever you prefer..

Chapter 2: Hope’s Home

Chapter Text

The Mikaelson Manor, standing tall on a distant bluff, serves as the centerpiece of the Mikaelson family's summer spent in East Hampton. The grand manor exudes an air of class and power, with elaborately carved stone exterior, towering columns, and sprawling grounds adorned with lush gardens. The entrance is guarded by iron gates, adding an extra layer of mystique to the estate.

Inside the Mikaelson Manor, the elegance of a bygone era blends seamlessly with modern luxury. Fancy chandeliers hang from high ceilings, casting a warm glow across the polished marble floors. The walls are decorated with impressive works of art, each piece carrying a rich history and a story of its own. Plush furniture fills the various rooms, providing a sense of comfort throughout the home.

The kitchen is a chef's dream, fully equipped with state-of-the-art appliances and marble countertops. The Mikaelson family values exquisite dining, and their Hamptons retreat offers the perfect setting for indulging in such.

The living room is a blend of classic and contemporary design, featuring comfortable seating arrangements around a marble fireplace. French doors lead to a balcony offering breathtaking views of the ocean and the beach houses that dot the shoreline below.

The late afternoon sun casts a warm glow over the Hampton's beach, the waves gently kissing the sandy shoreline. Standing on the expansive balcony connected to the master bedroom of Mikaelson Manor, Hayley Mikaelson—formerly Marshall—takes in the sight before her. Hayley is the Hybrid Alpha of the Crescent wolf pack—a striking and confident woman. 'Queen of all things supernatural,' many call her.

The balcony has always been one of her favorite aspects of their summer home. She's drawn to the vastness of the ocean spread out like a boundless canvas, it's blue hues reflecting the clear sky above. The beach is peaceful, a sharp contrast to the shadows of intrigue that lay hidden within the Manor walls.

As Hayley's gaze wanders, she can't help but notice a new presence just down the beach, someone moving with purpose at the nearby O'Connell beach house. A brunette figure catches her attention, the woman seeming to exude a sense of mystery and determination. Hayley's instincts, honed by years of navigating the supernatural world, sense there is more to this newcomer than meets the eye.

She's joined on the balcony by her husband. Niklaus Mikaelson, the infamous Original hybrid, steps onto the balcony and approaches her from behind, his signature smirk playing on his lips. "Something caught your eye, love?" he asked, his accent adding an allure to his words. The patriarch exudes an air of authority and charisma as he surveys his domain.

Elijah Mikaelson, his composed and sophisticated brother, stands by his side, his sharp gaze taking in every detail. Kol Mikaelson, the charming and unpredictable sibling, lounges on a nearby couch, a hint of mischief ever-present in his eyes. Rebekah Mikaelson, the fiercely loyal and elegant sister, stands with grace, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Hayley's hazel-green eyes flicker with intrigue, watching from her vantage point as the young woman moves about the distant beach house, unpacking boxes and making herself at home. "Looks like Father Kieran's new renter is settling in."

"Lucky girl, scoring that property," Elijah observes.

"Pretty one, too, even from up here," Rebekah Mikaelson, the blonde Original vampire, says from Hayley's side.

Kol grins, "I guess that makes her doubly lucky."

Niklaus narrows his eyes, though his stoic expression remains. "I don't believe in luck," He states plainly, pulling his phone out from his pocket.

Hayley turns her attention to her husband, rolling her eyes, "I thought you said you were taking the weekend off from work?"

Niklaus tucks his phone away, approaching his wife and leaning in to leave a peck to her cheek, "Something has come up requiring my attention at the office. I'll take the chopper into the city and be back by nightfall."

Hayley frustratedly crosses her arms against her chest, while Elijah perks up, "Anything I can help you with, brother?"

"Yes, make sure my wife doesn't blow a head gasket before I get back," he jokes, raising an eyebrow at the woman before making his way into the house from the balcony.

"Tragic what happened to Father Kieran's poor nephew," Rebekah says solemnly, regaining the attention of her sister-in-law.

Kol asks whilst stuffing his mouth full of potato chips, "What's the story they're telling, again?"

"Massacre in the church," Elijah states, retrieving his handkerchief and offering it up to his younger brother, "no details so far."

Kol narrows his eyes at the obvious scold from his brother. "Oh no, have I made a mess? What ever will you do?" he mocks openly.

Rebekah and Hayley share a glance, knowing they are bound to deal with this petty arguing all summer.

Elijah deadpans, knowing he should've expected a childish response, "Clean yourself up, brother. You act like a heathen."

"Relax, Elijah. We have no guests. No need to be uptight--"

Rebekah suddenly interrupts, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she glances towards the driveway of the manor, and a smile grows wide on her lips. "Hope's home!" she exclaims with genuine happiness before taking off into the house to make her way downstairs, Kol following suit, nearly falling from the couch in the process.

Hayley's eyes move toward the driveway. Indeed, a sleek car pulls up to the manor's entrance, and Hayley's eyes soften, a surge of pride and love filling her heart in an instant before she turns to make her way into the house.

The doors to the car open to reveal Hope Mikaelson, the daughter of Hayley and Niklaus, returning for the summer after a year of commanding Mikaelson Industries' New Orleans branch, working tirelessly to uphold the family legacy and ensure the success of the Mikaelson Industries.

Hope is the only of her kind, with the ability to wield the magic of a witch, transition into a werewolf, and the blood of a vampire flowing through her veins--a hybrid of three creatures, or the Tribrid.

As she steps out of the car, Hope embodies graceful confidence and power, her presence commanding attention. Her business casual attire, a perfect blend of professionalism and style, emphasizes her elegant yet practical approach to life, with a cream-colored dress shirt tucked into navy pressed pants, tailored to perfection to showcase her calm and collected demeanor, and pointed-toe high heels that click with each step.

Her auburnette hair cascades in loose waves down her shoulders, catching the rays of sunlight and adding a radiant glow to her appearance. She lifts her shades from her eyes, revealing a pair of captivating blue orbs, which seem to reflect the endless expanse of the ocean before her, their depth hinting at a wisdom far beyond her years.

Hope's lips curve into a gentle smile as she spots her Aunt Rebekah, running towards her happily, with Uncle Kol following behind.

"Bex--" Her greeting is cut off as she's immediately engulfed in a strong embrace, nearly knocking her off her feet in the process, and the young woman can't help but chuckle softly.

"Welcome home, sweetheart," Rebekah says endearingly as she pulls away.

Hope compliments, "You look as beautiful as ever, Bex."

"And what about your Uncle Kol?"

Hope rolls her eyes before looking his way. "Not nearly as pretty, I'm afraid," she jokes before returning the fist bump offered by her uncle.

"I would have to agree with you on that one," Elijah grins as he approaches them.

"Elijah," Hope extends a hand to greet him.

He accepts it with a shake, and he nods his head with a smile, "It's good to have you back."

They begin making their way towards the front door, and Hope's eyes take in the many employees running around with chairs and decorations, "What's going on, redecorating again?"

"Another charity stunt," Kol mocks.

"Charity gala, Kol. The Memorial Day Party," Hayley corrects him pointedly from the entryway, gaining Hope's attention at the sound of her mother's voice.

Hope's smile widens, "Hi, Mom."

Hayley greets her softly, pulling her into a warm embrace as the Tribrid leaves a kiss to her cheek, "Welcome home, Hope." She wraps an arm around Hope's as she's escorted into the house.

"Need any help setting up for this thing?" Hope offers as she observes several employees working hard inside as well.

Hayley shakes her head, "Our assistant Penelope has this handled, sweetheart. I'm sure you're tired after such a long day."

Hope nods, "Well, working and traveling all day can have that effect."

"Hm. So does partying," Hayley notes pointedly.

Hope groans, though a grin remains on her lips, "Mom, I just got here. Give me a break. Where's dad? Working?"

"Of course. He will be thrilled to see you when he returns from the city."

As they make their way through the house, Penelope Park, the raven-haired assistant of the Mikaelson family, enters the grand foyer, intensely focused as she directs the employees and event decorators, "...No one is to approach the head table unless they're escorted by either myself or Mrs. Mikaelson. I cannot stress how important that seating chart is. Got it?"

"Got it," The employee nods to her before returning to his task.

Hope is impressed already with the woman's diligence, as she immediately turns to another employee, "Mr. Mikaelson's Manet piece will be delivered by security at 2:00. It should be set up for the auction on the main balcony overhead."

"Penelope," Hayley addresses her, immediately gaining her attention, "Please have a seat added next to me, for my daughter. And would you mind having Mr. Jenkins tote her belongings upstairs to her room?"

The raven-haired girl nods, "Yes ma'am, of course."

Hayley nods in acknowledgement before hearing a shattering noise coming from further in the house, and Penelope is already about to turn on her heel to fix it, but Hayley holds up her pointer finger, "That would be my brother-in-law Kol making a mess of things. I'll take care of that." With that, she's already walking away with purpose in her stride.

Hope turns to the clearly stressed assistant, "I'll handle my bags. You seem to have your hands full with this party planning."

Penelope nearly sighs in relief, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?"

The Tribrid smiles politely, extending a hand, "Hope."

Penelope has to put in conscious effort to keep her jaw from dropping, "Hope? As in Hope Mikaelson?" She had no idea she was carrying on such casual conversation with one of her bosses.

Hope chuckles lightly at the surprise in her voice. "That would be me. If you happen to need an extra set of hands, I'm happy to help."

The young woman is surprised by the offer, though she doesn't have much time to comment on it or express her gratitude as Hope is called by her mother. As she's walking away, she manages to compliment, "Everything looks great, by the way."

Penelope smiles at the refreshing air that the Tribrid seemed to bring in with her, as her attention is turned to her phone, buzzing with an incoming call. "Hello?" Penelope answers, her tone professional yet slightly stressed.

"Hey, Pen," She hears Josie Parker's voice through the phone, "Still up for that celebratory drink tonight?"

Penelope sighs, running a hand through her hair, "I'm sorry, Josie. I wish I could, but I'm swamped with last-minute preparations for the Memorial Day Party. The Mikaelson's are expecting everything to be more than perfect. And now, they've added a million-dollar art auction to my plate."

"No pressure there," Josie jokes sarcastically. "How about I pick up your dress for you?"

"Really? You're a lifesaver."

"No worries. I've got you covered," Josie says just as a download is complete from her phone to her laptop, a sly grin appearing on her lips, "I'll let you get back to work."

"Thanks, Josie. Bye."

Josie hears the line cut out on the other end of the phone, and she disconnects her own phone from her laptop, having retrieved the designated file from the raven-hair witch's phone remotely. All the transfer required was a phone call lasting long enough for a small file download. The seating chart for the Memorial Day Party at Mikaelson Manor.

It'll give her a chance to prepare for what guests and hosts might be in attendance and exactly where they will be sat.

The witch prints out the chart, studying the names. She sets her sights on the hosts' table, memorizing the names in order of the place cards: Kol Mikaelson, the youngest sibling, vampire. Rebekah Mikaelson, vampire. Hayley Marshall-Mikaelson, hybrid alpha. And the head of the infamous family, Niklaus Mikaelson, the Original Hybrid.

The brunette gemini witch uncaps her red sharpie, her bitterness for the family clear in her eyes, as she presses the ink-filled tip to the paper, marking the chart with strategic circles, plotting her moves carefully against the main table, the prime targets of Josie's deception.


Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think, and what will happen next?

Chapter 3: Planned Greetings

Chapter Text

Josie Parker makes a striking entrance at the Memorial Day party held at Mikaelson Manor. Her appearance was carefully crafted to captivate attention while maintaining an air of mystery and sophistication.

Josie's attire is a perfect blend of elegance and allure. She wears a fitted white dress that accentuates her graceful figure, with delicate lace adding a touch of femininity. The color serves as a facade of innocence, offering Josie the ability to blend in with the guests seamlessly. The dress has a halter neckline that showcases her slender shoulders and a modest yet tasteful slit that reveals a glimpse of her toned legs.

Her brunette locks cascade down in loose waves, catching the soft glow of the evening sun. Hanging from her neck is a dainty gold necklace, the pendant adding a touch of subtle glamor to her outfit.

To complete her look, she wears a pair of stylist heels that emphasize her height and confidence. Her makeup was done subtle, enhancing her natural beauty without being too flashy.

As Josie makes her way up the cobblestone, her confident stride and poised demeanor draws many eyes in her direction. Her bold brown eyes are filled with determination and mystery, scanning the crowd subtly with purpose.

"Josie!" Penelope spots her, approaching and offering a brief hug to her friend.

Josie smiles politely. "Hey," Josie pulls away from the hug, glancing around the outdoor area, "Look at this party. Congratulations on a job well done."

"The evening is still young. It may be too early to congratulate me," Penelope jokes, though she does fear anything going wrong at this party.

Josie laughs softly, being guided now by her raven-haired friend, "So how well do you know these people?"

"Well enough to know who to keep away from and who to snuggle up to."

"Quick tutorial?" She feigns ignorance, as Penelope begins to point out the big names.

"The girl in the orange dress on the dance floor?" She ushers her head in the direction, and Josie hums for her to continue, "That would be the Mayor's niece. And the woman she's talking to, now this one is important, Sheriff Machado."

"Good to know. I'll be on my best behavior then," Josie jokes.

"Over there," Penelope nods her head in a different direction, making Josie's eyes follow, "That's Rebekah and Kol Mikaelson, just a couple members of the Original family."

Josie's eyes linger on the two for a prolonged moment, a thrill running through her at being so close to her enemies. Until her eyes lock onto a different face in the crowd, and her heart skips a beat, though she maintains her composure on the outside.

Penelope notices her gaze fixated on one person in particular, and she can't resist a playful smile.

"See someone interesting?" Penelope teases, nudging the brunette playfully.

Josie blushes faintly, averting her gaze, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Penelope's grin widens, and she leans closer to Josie, speaking in a more hushed tone, "You can't fool me, JoJo. I saw you checking her out. That," she ushers her head in the direction of the woman in the crowd, "is Hope Mikaelson. She's the legendary Tribrid--the only of her kind. Witch, werewolf, and vampiric blood all in one. Quite the charmer, isn't she?"

Hope Mikaelson, the prodigal daughter of Klaus and Hayley Mikaelson, a name that wasn't on her list of people to be prepared for tonight. Hope was supposed to be tied up with work in New Orleans all summer. Josie fears her being here will completely dismantle everything she has planned for the Mikaelson family.

But, she's adaptable. She will just have to construct a new plan.

She resumes her oblivious facade, "It's no wonder she draws attention." It isn't only Josie who is captivated, as Hope maintains steady conversation with numerous party guests, their attention to her is unwavering.

Penelope nods, "She's bound to be one of the main attractions tonight. But at least her arrival has Hayley in a good mood." Penelope's eyes land on another guest, mumbling annoyedly, "And the plot thickens..."

Josie furrows her eyebrows, shifting her gaze and landing on Milton "MG" Greasely, a young man with a friendly demeanor and a warm smile. MG stands out among the partygoers with his vibrant personality and stylish yet relaxed attire. He wears a tailored blazer over a crisp shirt, paired with khaki trousers that exude a sense of casual elegance.

As Josie's gaze meets MG's for a split moment, she can't help but be drawn to his friendly and approachable demeanor. There's always been something about him that puts her at ease, a comforting presence amidst the sea of guests. Though right now, she isn't looking to be friendly.

Penelope points him out, "That's MG. Vampire, tech wiz kid, and an eternal pain in my ass. If you emptied the bank accounts of every guest at this party, it wouldn't add up to the interest his makes in a week."

Josie remembers him, she just doesn't show it. And he luckily doesn't seem to recognize her, so she's in the clear.

She watches as MG makes his way toward the main table, approaching none other than Hayley Mikaelson, who greets him briefly as she's on her way toward the patio.

"And that," Penelope notices the direction of her friend's gaze, "is Queen Hayley."

As if she senses the attention, Hayley briefly glances in their direction, locking eyes with the young and intriguing brunette woman for a brief moment, before her attention is drawn away by another party guest greeting her.

"I think she spotted you. Shall I introduce you?" Penelope nudges her friend lightly, and Josie can't help the subtle tug at the corner of her lips.

"Sure," Josie replies, trying to maintain an air of nonchalance even though her heart is racing with nervous excitement. "Why not? It's not every day you get the chance to meet someone like Hayley Mikaelson."

Penelope grins while leading Josie toward the patio, where Hayley is engaged in conversation with another guest. As they approach, Penelope catches Hayley's attention, and she plasters on a soft smile in greeting.

"Mrs. Mikaelson, forgive me for interrupting. I just wanted to introduce you to a dear friend of mine." Penelope gestures between them, "Hayley Mikaelson, Josie Parker."

Josie offers a friendly smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Mikaelson," Josie says, extending her hand with a composed grace.

Hayley returns the handshake with a practiced warm smile, "Ah, Ms. Parker. I was wondering who the late entry was on the guest roster."

Penelope politely interjects, "Well, Josie's new to the Hamptons, but she really wanted to take part in your fund-raiser, and I thought it would be a great opportunity for her to meet some of the important figures in the community, as she will be staying in the O'Connell house down the beach for the summer."

Hayley's gaze shifts with recognition now, but before she can reply, their conversation is interjected by an accented voice, "It's lovely to put a face to the name. Welcome to the neighborhood, Ms. Parker."

Yet again, Josie's heart nearly skips a beat as she finds herself face to face with Niklaus Mikaelson, the infamous Original hybrid. Despite her nerves, she maintains her composed facade, offering him a polite smile and a slight nod.

"Thank you, Mr. Mikaelson. It's an honor to meet you," Josie says, careful to keep her tone respectful yet distant.

Niklaus wears his signature smirk, "Oh, the pleasure is all mine, I assure you."

Josie glances at Hayley, who seems unamused by her husband, though she clearly masks that with a smile, "We hope to see more of you this summer, Ms. Parker. Enjoy the party."

Josie nods with a smile, "Thank you, Mrs. Mikaelson." With that, Hayley and Klaus leave them, but Josie's eyes stay trained on them.

"She's going to kill him for being late," Penelope says, breaking the silence, knowing he had promised to arrive from the city sooner. She then turns to Josie, "But you survived your first encounter with the royal couple."

Josie chuckles softly, her chest still feeling a bit tight from the encounter, "It's quite the experience being in the presence of the Mikaelson's."

Penelope grins mischievously, "Oh, you have no idea. They're like a never-ending soap opera around here. Drama, power plays, and secrets. It's all part of the package with them."

"I can see that," Josie replies, glancing back at Hayley and Klaus as they engage with other guests, their charisma and aura of authority undeniable. "They certainly command attention."

Penelope nods in agreement, "That they do. But don't let their charm fool you. They can be powerful enemies if crossed."

Josie takes note of the warning, knowing the truth behind it. Beneath the luxurious facade of the Mikaelsons lies a world of complexities and dangers. She knows she has to tread carefully around them.

As the night continues, Josie navigates the party, with Penelope joining her every so often when she catches a moment to break away from her tasks. Amidst her occasional mingling, and her constant devising of a new plan in her head, Josie's eyes consistently drift toward Hope Mikaelson, who effortlessly commands attention from everyone around her. It's clear that Hope is the center of the evening, drawing in guests and engaging in captivating conversations. Despite her initial fears about Hope's presence, Josie can't help but be intrigued by the Tribrid. Her demeanor seems different than the rest, though profound nonetheless.

And then a thought strikes her, a potential new plan to take down the family of monsters from the inside. It would be a risky move, but one that could pay off greatly in the long run.

What if Hope's arrival to the Hamptons is exactly the window into the enemy's nest that she's been searching for all along?



Chapter 4: Chance Meetings

Chapter Text

The Memorial Day party at Mikaelson Manor was in full swing, with the elegant crowd mingling under the soft glow of the evening sky. Hope Mikaelson moves with grace and poise amongst the guests, effortlessly captivating everyone around her.

She wears a pinstriped navy-blue suit that accentuates her sharp features and confident demeanor. The tailored suit hugs her figure perfectly, paired with a solid blue blouse. Her auburnette hair is styled in loose waves, flowing down her shoulders, and her piercing blue eyes sparkle with intelligence and enchantment. The chain around her neck holds a pendant against her chest, her family crest—the shape of a shield with an M engraved at the center—showcasing her utmost loyalty and pride towards her family.

As she talks with partygoers, Hope exudes an air of authority that draws people in like a moth to a flame. It's clear that she's the center of attention, and she holds that role with natural ease, much like her parents.

But there's something that also sets her apart from her parents and the rest of her family. It's the way she interacts with the people and the way they interact with her. There's a respect towards Hope that doesn't arise from provoking fear; it's genuine and seemingly mutual.

But as she observes Hope from a distance, Josie can't help but feel a mix of admiration and skepticism towards the Tribrid. It's clear that Hope is skilled at navigating the complexities of her family's world, charming and enchanting everyone around her. But Josie knows that behind that confident facade lies a more complicated reality, a darkness that runs through the veins of every member of the Mikaelson family.

Amidst the lively chatter and laughter of the crowd, Josie's attention is caught by two figures making their way through the sea of people towards the Tribrid. People stop to stare as they pass them by, the couple commanding attention just as Hope does. But they avert their gaze within moments, perhaps out of fear or intimidation.

Though she can't hear what they say, Josie watches the interaction intently, studying the dynamic between the family.

"Hello, love." Hope's father's voice cuts through the air, making the Tribrid turn her attention away from her Aunt Rebekah and Uncles Elijah and Kol, turning around to come face-to-face with her parents.

Josie can't help but notice a slight change in Hope's demeanor. She's slightly more stiff, though her posture was perfect before. Her body language is more polished than before. But at the same time, her eyes seem to light up in the presence of her father, and though Klaus's expression remains stoic, there's a level of fondness in his gaze, reserved solely for his heir. The dynamic between the father and daughter is complicated, and it's obvious to anyone analyzing as deeply as Josie.

"Dad," Hope acknowledges him with warmth in her voice as she happily accepts his hug.

"You're early," Klaus says as he pulls away from their embrace, "We weren't expecting you until tomorrow."

"I know, but I thought I'd surprise everyone and come early. It's been a while since I've seen the family."

"A surprise indeed," Klaus grins softly before placing a hand on Hope's shoulder, lowering his voice, "I just worry how the New Orleans branch might perform in your absence. You have responsibilities in the Quarter, important business deals that you have been entrusted to handle. Don't tell me you pushed a five million dollar deal to the side for an early family reunion..."

Hope feels her disappointment set in quickly, her father's tone subtly scolding her.

"Klaus," Hayley shoots her husband a pointed look, her voice soft but firm, intervening the conversation. She knows how deeply Klaus's words can impact their daughter. It's one of the main reasons Hope has been so distant this past year, and she doesn't want Klaus pushing Hope away as soon as she has decided to return to their summer home.

Hope holds up a hand, "It's alright, Mom." She turns toward her father, "I didn't push anything aside, Dad. I made sure everything was taken care of before I left, and my secretary will call me if anything comes up. I wanted to wait until after the party," she utters a summoning spell, and a file folder appears in her hand, which she hands over to her father, "but the deal you're referring to was closed, and Mr. Harmon will be doubling his investment to $10 million." Hope doesn't wait for a response as her father looks at the confirmation in his hands. She walks right past him, muttering disappointedly and with slight sarcasm dripping from her words, "Good to be back."

"Hope—" Hayley tries to stop her.

But Hope keeps her steady stride passing by Klaus's shoulder. "I need a drink," When she's just past them, she adds a remark toward her father, "Oh, and great party by the way. Sorry you missed half of it."

Hope's words and tone are measured but not entirely concealed. Though she's not blatantly challenging, it's clear to her family that she's disappointed, but no guest at the party would be able to tell from her words or tone.

Except for Josie, observing her body language so closely, notices the subtle changes in her demeanor, the way her posture becomes slightly more rigid and her eyes slightly more narrow. She can see the emotional undercurrents beneath their conversation, the unspoken tensions that lie beneath the surface. The way Hope summoned a file folder and handed it knowingly to her father, it was a gesture that conveys responsibility and capability, an attempt to prove herself to him.

As Hope walks toward the bar for a drink, Kol asks his brother with ill timing, "Haven't you been trying to score Harmon as a client for three years?"

Elijah offers his brother a deadpan look, while Rebekah trails after Hope, letting out a soft scoff aimed at her hybrid brother.

As she watches Hope walk away from her father with disappointment etched in the way Hope's shoulders are slightly tense, Josie can't help but feel a pang of empathy for the Tribrid, a glimpse into a family dynamic that is as complex as it is compelling.

But the interaction leaves her with certainty. With the way Klaus's initial interaction held a certain fondness of the Tribrid, how Hayley so obviously craves her daughter's presence, and how her aunts and uncles gravitate towards her. It's so clear now that the family business isn't the heart of the Mikaelson's.

Hope is.

So Josie will target her, instead.

With a new sense of determination, Josie makes a beeline for the Tribrid, navigating through the crowd with grace and putting her new plan into action just as she sees Hope's attention being caught by Rebekah as she was headed towards the bar.

Josie's path intercepts with Hope's as the Tribrid faces her aunt in conversation, making Josie 'accidentally' bump into her, her drink slightly spilling onto the auburnette's suit jacket and marking their first-ever interaction.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Josie pretends to not even notice who it is she's bumped into, immediately moving to dab at the liquid now staining the jacket, not even noticing how Rebekah is damn near ripping her head off at the minor contact with her niece. Hope holds a hand up to assure Rebekah, making her tone down the overprotectiveness she knows her aunt can show at times. At the dismissal, Rebekah huffs softly, making her way towards the bar herself, leaving Hope with the young woman.

"God, I'm such a klutz," Josie plays the part well, an innocent accident of a clumsy person.

Hope’s initial expression of slight surprise turns into a casual smile, "No, don't worry about it. It's nothing a simple spell won't fix." She sensed magic on the woman when they collided, so she doesn’t feel the need to conceal her own. Her voice is calm, and her tone carries a hint of amusem*nt at the woman's half-frantic actions.

“Right, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that sooner…” Josie finally shifts her eyes from the jacket to come face-to-face with the Tribrid, and her heart quite literally skips a beat as the world seems to blur around her, sincerely mesmerized by her presence and tingling with anticipation at her first interaction with the key to her revenge. She genuinely struggles with gathering her thoughts for a moment, "Oh, um—Here..." She glances around to be sure no eyes are on them, and she brushes her hand against the stained jacket, muttering a spell using the magic she has stored in her bracelet, revealing to Hope that she's a witch, but the fact that she's a Gemini Siphon stays hidden.

"Thank you," Hope’s voice remains composed, amusem*nt still dancing in her eyes. "I'm Hope," the Tribrid introduces herself with an extended hand.

Josie accepts her hand with a shake, noting the Tribrid's firm yet comforting grasp, a spark flickering between them, "Josie. It's a pleasure to meet you." Her words carry a sincerity that mirrors her intentions.

"The pleasure is mine, Josie," Hope replies, her smile retaining its warmth and charm. There's an openness to her demeanor that catches Josie off-guard.

"I was just headed to the bar. How about I get you another drink? Possibly something with less stain potential," the Tribrid teases lightly with the corner of her smile quirking into a slight smirk, making Josie's cheeks flush a light pink.

Josie's lips curve to return a genuine smile. "Sure," she allows Hope to take her glass, but not without adding another apology, "and sorry again."

"No, no. It's okay," she reassures her, "Wait right here, love."

Josie is surprised by the nickname, but she doesn't hate it. It causes that light blush from before to intensify, a fluttering feeling igniting low in her stomach.

As Hope moves away toward the bar, Josie can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Her plan is set in motion, her path intertwined with Hope's, setting the course for an intricate game of secrets and vengeance.

While Hope is away, Josie's attention is drawn to the patio where the main table is, along with Klaus and Hayley Mikaelson, Rebekah and Kol standing a bit to the side as Hayley speaks into a microphone to reach the ears of their guests, "Good afternoon, everyone, and happy Memorial Day."

Her voice resonates through the air, cutting through the buzz of conversations. Klaus stands close to his wife, a hand placed on the small of her back as Hayley commands the attention of everyone at the party.

Josie can barely still see the tension between the two, but she doubts any of the guests notice, with how well it's hidden, presenting a united front to the world.

"I wanted the theme of today's party to signify not just a celebration, but also a reflection. Memorial Day is about honoring the past, cherishing the memories of those who shaped our lives, and looking forward to the future with hope and resilience."

The guests are completely hushed, their attention fully captivated by Hayley's words. It's a rare sight to see the Mikaelson family gather in such harmony, and Josie can't help but be intrigued.

Hayley continues, her voice steady, "It's moments like these that remind us of the strength and unity that define us." She glances at Klaus, and their eyes lock for a brief moment, a silent understanding passing between them.

"Let us remember those we've lost, the ones who've left a lasting mark on our lives, and let us look forward to a future filled with promise, where love and unity prevail."

The speech comes to a close, met with a round of heartfelt applause from the attendees. It's clear to Josie why Klaus prefers Hayley give the opening speeches at these charity events they host. Her voice carries a warmth that draws people in, makes them believe in their cause.

"She's really something, isn't she?" Josie's attention is turned to her side, as the Tribrid approaches her with a refilled glass, ushering her head towards Hayley, "my mother."

Josie's eyes falsely indicate to Hope that she hadn't pieced that information together before. The brunette nods a single time as she accepts the drink from Hope, "She sure is."

Hope grins charmingly while raising her glass, offering a brief toast, "To chance meetings."

Josie adds with a subtle grin of her own, her eyes flirtatious as she clinks their glasses, "And to an unforgettable summer."

The fireworks go off in the distance, paralleling the spark Josie hopes to ignite between them. The two remain together as the party comes to a close quickly after, finding a nice spot near the patio to sit and enjoy each other's company. The conversation between them is light and easier than Josie anticipated. Josie might have even enjoyed it, if she could forget that Hope is a Mikaelson—a part of the family that destroyed her own.

That fact alone keeps her judgment from being clouded by Hope's charms. She won't fall prey to the facade as everyone else in the supernatural community and beyond does.

But she still plays the part of a beguiled stranger well.
She wears a deceptive soft smile of innocence while her eyes subtly communicate more genuine interest in the Tribrid.

Hope, obviously, is a charmer. She has the signature Mikaelson air of power and dominance. She's got the physical appeal, a very skilled conversationalist, seemingly respectful, and a great sense of humor.

Even now, Josie can't help but chuckle at the little jokes Hope makes. The auburnette smiles warmly at the sound, before ushering her head toward Josie's now empty glass, "Should I get us another round of drinks?"

Josie contemplates it for a brief moment. “I probably shouldn’t. I am just buzzed enough already to find that last joke funny,” she teases playfully.

Hope chuckles lightly, nodding her head.

Suddenly another voice cuts through the air as most of the guests have cleared out, “Hope…” The Tribrid and Josie both turn in the direction of the voice, seeing Klaus approaching with Hayley at his side, “Your mother and I are heading inside for the evening.”

Hope nods a single time in acknowledgement, still not happy with how her father greeted her before. But her attention is drawn back to the brunette, who stands to her feet, “Thank you for a lovely party, Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson. It was great meeting both of you.”

Hayley smiles politely at the woman, “Well, now that you’ve moved in next door, I suppose we’ll be seeing you a lot this summer.” Josie responds with a simple nod and delicate smile.

Hope is impressed with how Josie carries herself so confidently in the presence of her family. The Tribrid stands to her feet as well, giving her mother a gentle hug and a kiss to her cheek, “Goodnight, Mom.”

Hayley smiles lovingly at Hope, “Goodnight. You too, Josie. Hope honey, be sure she gets home safely, please.”

Hope nods at her mother’s request. Klaus looks between the brunette and his daughter, expression stoic as usual, “I’ll expect you inside shortly, Hope.” Josie can sense the slight scold and underlying intimidation of his words. With that, he and Hayley begin making their way inside.

“Don’t let them rattle you,” Hope says to the brunette, “Intimidation is practically a sign of approval in my family.”

Josie takes note of that, “I’d hate to be on their bad side, then.”

“Yes, you would,” Hope replies honestly, though lightheartedly.

Josie chuckles softly at the reply, just as a light evening breeze hits her skin, nearly making her shiver, something Hope notices. “Here,” she begins to remove her suit jacket, “It’s getting cold out–”

Josie politely declines the gesture, “Oh, it’s alright. I should probably get going anyway.”

Hope grins charmingly, “I’ll walk you.” She puts her jacket over Josie’s shoulders, “Mother’s orders.”

Josie can’t help but smile, partially because of Hope’s charms, and partially because her plan for Hope is working so far. “In that case, how could I possibly refuse?”


“You didn’t have to be rude,” Hayley says pointedly as she and Klaus walk down the hall to their room.

“Hope doesn’t need any distractions. I’m doing her a favor. She needs to focus more on the company,” Klaus says dismissively.

Hayley pauses, shaking her head as she crosses her arms against her chest, “She has done more than enough to prove herself to you, Klaus. You already drove her away from this family once. Do you really want to do it twice?”

“I think you’re overreacting a bit.”

“I’m protecting our daughter from your suffocating expectations, Klaus!” Hayley fires back, frustration evident in her voice.

Klaus turns to face her, his expression hardened. “She needs to learn to prioritize. The family business is not a playground for her whims.”

“Whims?” Hayley’s eyes flash with irritation. “She’s handling responsibilities in New Orleans that even you couldn’t fathom. She’s accomplished more in a year than you did in a lifetime–”

“I built this family, this legacy. I know what’s best for it,” Klaus argues, his stance unwavering.

“And I know our daughter. She needs a father, not a dictator,” Hayley counters, her voice raising. “She’s not just an extension of your ambition, Klaus. She’s our daughter. Family.”

Klaus scoffs, “And I won’t let her jeopardize the Mikaelson legacy for her fleeting pursuits and summer flings.”

Hayley shakes her head, frustration evident. “Summer fling? She was having a simple conversation with a guest at your party, which you showed up to two hours late, by the way. Besides, she needs a balance. She needs her family and her freedom. She’s an adult, who is very capable of making responsible decisions for herself. Can’t you see that?”

Klaus turns away, his jaw clenched. “She needs guidance, not your coddling.”

“She needs a father who believes in her, not one who constantly doubts her.” When Klaus doesn’t reply, Hayley continues, her voice softer than before, “Klaus, this is the reason she left before. Pushing her away now will only drive her further away.”


Hope and Josie make small talk as they walk down towards the beach where Josie’s house is. Hope walks her up the porch step, halting when they reach the front door, and Josie turns to face her.

Josie glances up at Hope, the dim porch light casting a soft glow on their faces. The cool night air rustles through the nearby trees, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore provides a serene backdrop.

“Thanks for the walk,” Josie says, a soft smile playing on her lips as she removes Hope’s jacket from her shoulders to return it. “And for the jacket.”

“Of course, love,” Hope returns the smile as she accepts her coat. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Josie.”

Josie can feel herself blush at the words and the intrigue in those blue eyes. “The pleasure was all mine,” Josie replies, her tone sincere. As much as she’s playing a part, there’s a genuine connection she feels forming beneath the surface. She needs to nurture it to use it to her advantage.

She could invite Hope in. She could kiss her goodnight. But, she needs to be smart about this. She can’t jump the gun, or Hope would see desperation, and she would know she’s being used. She needs to plant a seed of interest, but not appear to be too interested.

“Maybe I’ll see you around?” Hope adds.

“Maybe…” Josie replies cryptically, with the same pink tint to her cheeks and a glint of mystery in her eyes.

Hope’s signature smirk is so subtle, Josie nearly misses it, “Goodnight, Josie.”

“Goodnight,” Josie’s soft smile remains on her lips as Hope turns to walk back down the steps. Hope spares her one last glance before she makes her way back up the beach.

As Josie enters her house, she can’t shake the feeling that the summer has taken an unexpected turn. The game she’s playing is complicated, and the stakes are high. Yet, beneath the layers of manipulation, there’s a genuine curiosity, a connection that she can’t deny.

Little does she know that the web of secrets and intentions is only beginning to unravel, and the summer holds more surprises than she could ever anticipate. Some may come even sooner than she thinks…


Milton “MG” Greasely, tech wiz kid from the Memorial Day party, sits in his house, watching the film he recorded at the party just when fireworks began to go off for the celebration.

As MG watches the footage on his computer screen, he scans through the lively scenes of the party. The familiar faces of the Mikaelson family flash before him.

His attention zeroes in on Hope, the Tribrid who commanded attention effortlessly. Then, as if in slow motion, he watches as a brunette-haired woman bumps into the Tribrid as she is trying to have a conversation with her aunt Rebekah.

“Wait a minute…” MG’s eyebrows furrow, rewinding just a bit to see that again, and he pauses when he gets a clear picture of the woman’s face.

His eyes suddenly widen in recognition, “Josette Saltzman…” He rewinds it one last time, watching as the brunette comes into contact with the Tribrid, which appears very intentional on the screen. He leans back in his seat, a mischievous glint in his eyes, trying to make sense of his discovery, “What are you up to?”


Josie sits on the couch in her living room, looking over one of her father’s journals he left to her, with the french doors facing the beach open, allowing the light breeze to flow in. But her reading is interrupted when she hears the sudden creak of the porch’s wooden floors. She furrows her eyebrows, glancing toward the door. She doesn’t hear the sound again, doesn’t see any movement, so she closes the journal and sets it down on the coffee table before rising to her feet and slowly making her way over toward the kitchen.

She grabs herself a glass, filling it up with water and taking a sip, when she hears the creaking again. She sets her glass on the counter before making her way towards the door, but pauses in her tracks when she sees who is on the other side of it. MG.

“Welcome home, Saltzman.”

Josie’s eyes narrow in on him, noting how he used her real name to address her.

As Josie approaches him, he continues, still from the other side of the door, since he hasn’t been invited in, “I nearly didn’t realize it was you. But that’s the whole point, isn’t it?”

Something flickers in Josie’s eyes, and in an instant MG is thrown across the porch, courtesy of Josie’s magic spell. MG groans in pain as an aneurysm spell keeps him down, and he holds his temples, trying to relieve the pain.

Josie cast another spell, never relenting as she summons the ring from his finger into her own palm. It’s his daylight ring, that keeps him from burning in the sun, “Do you realize how easy it would be for me to let you burn when the sun comes up?”

He groans in agony, “I don’t think your parents would approve of that, Jo–ahh!” Josie intensifies her spell at the mention of her late parents, “They trusted me!”

Josie rolls her eyes at him with a scoff, “They trusted everyone.” She releases him from the spell, crossing her arms against her chest, “What are you doing here, MG?”

The vampire rises to his feet, his hands up in defense,”Don’t worry, your secret’s safe. I know you’re up to something with the Mikaelsons. So, how can I be of service?”

“You can’t,” She says simply. “You’re not a part of this, MG. You need to go.” She tosses him the daylight ring, turning to make her way back inside the door.

“What?” His voice stops her, “I witnessed first hand what these people did to your family, remember? They’re dangerous, Josette–”

“I can handle them. And I have no problem taking you down with them if you get in my way,” she says seriously.

But he furrows his eyebrows in confusion, “I don’t want to get in your way. I want to help you.”

She shakes her head. “You can’t help me,” she says dismissively before entering the threshold of her house and turning back around to face him, “You might want to put that ring back on before sunrise.”

He discouragingly slips the ring back on his finger before looking back up at the brunette, “It wasn’t Hope’s fault, you know?...Everything that happened to your family, she’s innocent.”

Josie scoffs, “So was my family.” MG deflates, and Josie lets out a soft sigh, “Goodnight, MG.” With that, she shuts the door, going back to her couch and picking up where she left off in her father’s journal.

Chapter 5: Open the Box

Chapter Text

Hope wakes to the rustling of her curtains in the morning breeze, the events of the previous night lingering in her mind. The encounter with Josie, the girl next door for the summer. There was something intriguing about the brunette, something that pulled at Hope's curiosity. Her father's words also replayed in her head, his subtle judgments and lack of confidence in her. She should've expected it, but she still can't help but feel disappointed as his irrational expectations continue to take a toll on her, as they have for a long time now.

The Tribrid lets out a soft sigh at that thought before tossing the sheets off her body and getting out of bed to prepare for her morning run on the beach.


Josie sits cross-legged on the couch of the beach house’s cozy living room, surrounded by a sea of journals, documents, and photographs she’s collected over the years. It’s all her research and evidence against the Mikaelsons.

The bright morning sun shines in through the windows, in contrast to the storm brewing within Josie as she delves into the mysteries of the Mikaelson family.

The box containing her father’s journals feels heavy in her hands. It’s practically a Pandora’s box of secrets. As she flips through the pages, she’s greeted by the familiar voice of her father in her head, guiding her through the troubling past. She lets out a soft sigh at the haunting memories before setting the journal in her hands to the side as she begins to sift through more recent gatherings.

She picks up a photograph, one that was taken just yesterday. Josie may have been fashionably late to the Mikaelson Memorial Day Party, but there was one person who was inexcusably late, according to the host family. And in Josie’s hands, the photograph shows the reason for his late arrival.

Klaus wasn’t late because of business dealings, as he told his family. The image shows him just down the beach, sitting in a chair beside his companion. There’s an expression of heartfelt conversation etched across his face. There’s a level of interest shown from the Original Hybrid that Josie’s never seen before. His companion was none other than Camille O’Connell, whose uncle owns the beach house Josie is currently residing in.

The implications of the image are profound. Camille is not just an acquaintance of Klaus’s. She is also Hayley’s best friend, Klaus’s secret therapist, the recorder of his memoirs, and the subject of Klaus’s admiration.

The brunette witch grins as she takes in the image and its revelations, mapping out in her mind how she can use this to her advantage. She sets the image down on the coffee table before opening the lid of the box and retrieving another of her father’s journals, the first of the boxed collection.

She flips to the first page, as she has so many times before, hearing her father’s voice in her head as she reads over the words.

“My dear Josette,

If you are reading this, that means you are finally free to live the life you were unjustly denied years ago, but sadly, I won’t be able to share that life with you. I hope by reading these journals, you can find the answers to the questions you’ve probably been asking all these years. I am not the man they say I am, and I did not do the things they say I did.

I know you carry a lot of turmoil and anger about what happened to our family, and I can’t blame you for that. All I ask is that you try to do the one thing I was never able to do.


That was the one thing Josie couldn’t do. Her father’s chance to bring justice to the people who were truly guilty was stolen from him. His only option was to choose forgiveness. But Josie has others.

Sometimes, all you really have left is revenge.

Josie picks up and uncaps her red sharpie before placing its ink-filled tip to the photograph before her, drawing a red circle around the face of Camille O’Connell, a new person of interest in her summer of vengeance.


Hope returns to Mikaelson Manor after her morning run on the beach, walking into the kitchen to grab a glass of water when she’s interrupted by the same raven-haired girl from yesterday, entering the kitchen on her phone, “I need the VIP tent set in less than an hour, before Mrs. Mikaelson arrives. Be sure to verify each VIP guest on the list. Thank you.” With that, the woman ends the phone call with a long sigh escaping her lips.

“Good morning,” Hope says suddenly, an eyebrow raised in slight amusem*nt, even as the woman jumps startled at the sound of her voice.

“Hope! I mean, Ms. Mikaelson–” Penelope corrects herself, but the Tribrid cuts her off.

“Hope is fine,” she wears a polite smile on her face as she sets her glass of water down on the counter, “It’s Penelope, right?” The raven-haired girl is again pleasantly surprised by the youngest Mikaelson, allowing her to call her by her first name, and remembering her name as well. She nods in confirmation. “You’re here early. Don’t tell me my family has you on wake up call,” The auburnette half-jokes.

Penelope cracks a smile at that. “Something like that. Your parents have an event that has to be overseen, and I have to get the staff to make your family breakfast,” she’s already back on her phone, presumably alerting the staff as she said.

“Don’t worry about that. I can handle breakfast,” Hope tells her as she’s already moving to wash her hands. She then retrieves some pans and places them on the stove. Penelope looks at her as if she’s grown two heads while Hope begins to gather ingredients. The Tribrid smirks at Penelope’s surprised expression. “Believe it or not, I can cook,” She begins to prepare the mix for pancakes, and she pulls out some fruit to chop for toppings, “Besides, I’m already up anyway. Might as well make myself useful.”

Penelope watches with a mix of skepticism and curiosity as Hope starts chopping the fruit with practiced ease. She’s about to comment on Hope’s actions, but the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs draws her attention away, and they are joined in the kitchen by Hope’s mother, “Good morning, Mrs. Mikaelson.”

“Good morning, Ms. Park,” The woman says, more chirpy than usual, which Penelope attributes to Hope’s warm presence in the house. She goes over to her daughter, “Good morning, sweetheart.”

Hope leaves an endearing kiss to her cheek, “Morning, Mom.”

“Hope, dear, don’t you think you should put some clothes on?” her mother scolds gently, “It isn’t polite to be only half dressed in front of our staff.”

Hope glances down, remembering she's still in only her swimsuit from her run on the beach. "My apologies, Ms. Park,” Hope replies with a hint of mockery in her tone, “Had I known my mother summoned you before sunrise, I would've tried to appear more presentable."

Hayley doesn’t seem impressed with Hope’s sarcasm, while Penelope interjects, “It’s alright, Mrs. Mikaelson. I was just heading out to be sure everything is in order for the event. Is there anything else I can do for you before I go?”

“Would you mind making sure Kol is up on your way out? The last thing I need is him sleeping through yet another event,” Hayley asks.

Hope grins, turning toward the raven-haired witch. “It seems you really are on wake-up call,” she jokes, making the raven-haired girl crack a smile before looking at Hayley.

Penelope nods, “Of course, Mrs. Mikaelson.”

As Penelope leaves, Hayley turns her attention back to Hope. “I see you talked her into letting you make breakfast,” she observes as Hope continues chopping up the last of the fruit toppings.

“That isn’t necessary,” a voice cuts through the air as Klaus comes down the stairs, joining them in the kitchen, “We have staff who can take care of that, Hope.”

Hope wants to roll her eyes, yet she manages to remain respectful of her father, “I decided to give them the morning off. They could use the break.”

Hayley interjects, hoping to ease the tension between them, “I think I prefer Hope’s cooking anyway. I’ve missed it.” Hope smiles sweetly at her mother’s comment before turning her attention back to the food. Hayley then shoots Klaus a look, ushering her head towards their daughter.

Klaus sighs before taking the hint. “Hope, listen,” the auburnette furrows her eyebrows as she turns her attention to him, and he continues, “I owe you an apology for how I acted yesterday. You’ve done a great job with the company this year, and you deserve to have a nice summer, with your family.”

She’s taken aback by the apology, skeptical even. He never apologizes. But maybe he really is trying to change and be better. She nods her head, a warm smile growing on her lips, “Thank you, and apology accepted.”

Klaus seems pleased enough with her response, a hint of triumph in his expression as he takes a seat at the kitchen counter, pulling out his phone as he receives a text. Hayley lets out a sigh as she crosses her arms against her chest. “I thought you said you were off from work this morning?” she says as she approaches to sit beside him.

He immediately sets his phone face down on the surface of the counter. “There, I’m off,” he leans over to give her a kiss to her cheek, suddenly affectionate, to which Hope still wears a soft smile.

“Ugh, get a room you guys,” a voice chimes in. It’s Rebekah who joins them in the kitchen, dressed in her beachwear.

Elijah is also at her side, in one of his usual suits. He glances around the room, noting Hope’s cooking. “Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” his eyes glance between his brother and Hayley, noting the unusual closeness of the two, “What’s the occasion?”

Hope flips a pancake onto the growing stack as she replies, “Just a momentary lapse in the usual chaos.”

Suddenly, Kol vamp speeds into the kitchen, immediately going toward the food, “Ooh, pancakes–ow!”

He retracts his hand away from the stack of pancakes after it’s slapped away by Hope. “Grab a plate first,” she scolds, “And wash your hands before touching everyone’s food.”

Kol grins, unfazed by the scolding, “Good morning to you too, darling niece.”

Elijah shakes his head at the two, “Looks like the usual chaos has returned.”

As Hope finishes up, she sets the large stack of pancakes at the center of the counter. “You guys can go ahead and eat. I should go shower and get dressed for the day,” she says, already heading for the exit.

But her father’s voice stops her, “Hope, aren’t you forgetting something?”

Hope turns to face him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Um…no?”

“Today’s the annual volleyball game hosted by Mikaelson Industries. Many people from the company will be there, and potential investors. I expect you to be there with us,” Klaus says expectantly.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Hope shakes her head in disbelief as she crosses her arms against her chest as she reads her father so easily, “Was that whole apology before just to butter me up to smile for your cameras?”

Klaus sighs, “It’s tradition, Hope. Plus, it’ll be a great opportunity for some family bonding.”

Hope scoffs under her breath, “Right, and by family bonding you mean family PR. Nice try, Dad, but I’m not really interested in playing the devoted daughter for another one of your publicity stunts. Apology not accepted.”

With that, she begins to turn away, leaving Klaus with a frustrated expression. But Rebekah reaches for her arm to stop her, “Please, Hope? It’ll be so much more fun if you’re there.”

Kol chimes in, “Yeah, Bex and I are playing. We could use some more friendly competition. It could be fun.”

Hope sighs in exasperation, looking between them as they wear pleading expressions. And she relents, “Fine.”

“Yes!” Kol exclaims as he does a fist pump.

“Great, you’re going,” Rebekah wears a successful smile, looking down at Hope’s attire since she’s already in her beachwear from her run, “And it looks like you’re already dressed for the occasion.”


Josie sits on her back porch swing, facing the beach, with her coffee mug in one hand and a journal in the other.

She takes a sip from her mug, the warmth contrasting the light morning breeze coming from the ocean. She flips through her father’s journal, her mind still piecing together her plans and all of her research.

As she contemplates her next move, her attention is drawn to the sound of lively chatter just down the beach. She stands from the porch swing, walking towards the railing to get a better look, and in the distance she sees a crowd of people, a volleyball net, and a large tent. The annual volleyball game hosted by the Mikaelsons. Yet another PR event.

Josie narrows her eyes, recognizing the Mikaelson family at the center of the gathering. Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah in more professional attire, while Rebekah and Kol are in their beachwear on either side of the net. And then another figure catches her eye. It’s Hope, joining her aunt and uncle on the sand.

Josie smirks, her next move suddenly right in front of her.


“Go, Hope!” Josie hears someone shout from their seat as they watch the match. Hope and Rebekah’s team is definitely ahead of Kol’s, even though Kol discreetly uses his supernatural abilities every now and then to score a point against them.

“Josie!” The brunette’s attention is suddenly taken by the familiar voice as Penelope approaches her. “What are you doing over here? This area is strictly for the commoners,” She whispers the last sentence as she gets close enough.

Josie smiles softly, her eyes returning to the subject of her attention, a light blush kissing her cheeks, “I like the view.”

Penelope follows her gaze, landing on Hope, and a smirk appears on her lips, “Hm. So I see. Don’t think I didn’t spot you flirting with Hope Mikaelson at the Memorial Day party last night.”

Josie continues to play the part, even though Penelope isn’t entirely wrong, “What can I say? She’s charming.”

“Tell me about it. She practically had me swooning this morning. I think it’s the smile,” Penelope says as she ushers her head, signaling for Josie to follow her.

Josie hums in agreement, “And the eyes. They’re just so–”

“Blue?” Penelope completes her sentence, a knowing grin on her lips, “Yeah, or her abs. Yep, it’s the abs.” Josie chuckles at that as Penelope leads her into the tented area, “Welcome to the VIP tent.” She swipes a mimosa glass from one of the server’s trays as they walk by, handing it over to the brunette, “For you.”

“Thank you,” Josie is so glad she befriended the woman a while back. It makes getting closer to the Mikaelsons so much easier.

“Okay, let’s see how much you remember from your crash course yesterday. Tell me, who is who?”

Josie glances around the tent, continuing her act of ignorance, “Uh…”

Penelope chuckles, “Really? No one? You must remember him, at least,” she ushers her head, making Josie’s eyes follow, where she sees MG talking to some guy in the tent. Yes, Josie remembers him. Penelope takes Josie’s lack of response as the opposite answer, so she offers a hint to jog her memory, “Milton Greasley, from the Memorial Day party.”

Josie snaps out of her memory from the previous night, of him on her porch, telling her he knows her identity. She nods her head as she recites what Penelope told her about him, “Right, MG. Vampire, tech wiz kid, and an eternal pain in the ass.”

Penelope laughs softly, “Gold star. And that charmer chatting with him is Marcel Gerard, the Mikaelsons’ head of security.” Josie recognizes him from her research. He has a long history with the Mikaelsons. Penelope adds, “Joining them now, Dorian Williams. He oversees one of Mikaelson's charity funds, the Salvatore fund for ‘gifted’ kids.” And by gifted, she means supernatural. Josie’s more familiar with it than Penelope realizes.

The raven-haired witch continues, gesturing toward the front of the VIP tent, “And, of course, situated comfortably in the royalty section, we have Klaus Mikaelson and…”

Josie breaks out of her trance to look in the direction her friend refers to, seeing Klaus, Elijah, and, “Her majesty.”

“I’m impressed. Class dismissed,” Penelope grins, “I should probably get back to work and do some networking. You’ll be okay here, right?”

Josie nods with a polite smile on her lips, “Yeah, of course, go ahead.”

As the raven-haired girl walks away from her, Josie’s eyes return to the same man from before, Dorian Williams.

He used to work for Alaric, Josie’s father, at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted in Mystic Falls, Virginia.

Josie’s eyes lock in on the man. She remembers him, even though the last time she saw him, she was about six years old, not long before her father was arrested.


“Uncle Rian!” young Josette ran up to the man, jumping into his arms.

Dorian laughed as he spun the little girl around, “Hey, birthday girl.” Josie’s sister, Lizzie joined them at the door, being swept off her feet, “There’s the other birthday girl!”

The girls shrieked in his arms, laughing loudly, and Josie called out to her father as they were both put back on the ground, “Dad! Uncle Rian’s here!”

Alaric joined them in the doorway, placing the bottle in his hands on the small table in the foyer, “I see that, and I think he might have someone else with him too…” He said knowingly.

And Dorian nods to him. “That’s right, girls. Look what I have here,” He steps back outside the door, bending down to pick up the surprise.

The girls heard a small bark before a puppy came through the doorway, a red bow attached to his collar, and both of the little girls let out yet another shriek. “What’s his name?” Josie asked and she and her sister knelt down to pet him.

Alaric smiles at them, “That’s up to you two.”

Lizzie looks toward the brunette, “What should we name him, Jo?”

Josie studies the blonde lab’s features, trying to see what he looks like, “I think we should name him Charlie, kind of like mom’s name. What do you think, Lizzie?”

“Yeah, Charlie! Can we name him Charlie, dad?”

Something flickered in Alaric’s eyes at his daughters’ request, but he pushed it aside quickly, “Sure, you can. Charlie is it.”

“Thanks, daddy!” Josie said excitedly as she and Lizzie began to play with the puppy.

Dorian smiled at the sight before looking at Alaric, and his expression grew more serious, “Ric, I’ve gotta talk to you.”

“Yeah? What is it?” The two adults made their way into the kitchen while the kids were occupied.

Josie glanced over curiously as they sat at the table.

“It’s about Mikaelson…”


That was before Alaric’s arrest, and before Dorian decided to testify against him.

“Great job, Hope!” Josie is broken out of her memory when Hayley cheers for her daughter, and Josie watches as Dorian goes to sit next to Klaus and Hayley, just as Kol uses his vamp speed to cheat against Hope, earning his team another point, and Hayley shakes her head and sighs at his antics.

“Your girl’s looking a little rusty out there today, Mikaelson,” Dorian says, gaining the couple’s attention.

Klaus barely spares the man a glance, already annoyed by his presence, “It’s not even halftime yet. There’s still plenty of game left.”

“Care to back that up with a wager?” Dorian asks. He’s always been a gambling man. It’s something he and Alaric actually had in common.

Klaus finally turns his attention to the man, his expression remains stoic still as he leans closer to him, “I stopped playing games with you years ago.”

Dorian chuckles as he replies, “I’d say that particular game you’re referring to worked out pretty well for both of us.” He sits back comfortably in his seat, “But, if you don’t want to throw any money away on that daughter of yours, I understand.”

Hayley scoffs under her breath, having had enough of this man already, “The only thing you seem to understand is how to ruin a perfectly good day.”

“Just having some fun, Hayley,” Dorian replies before addressing Klaus again, “Tell you what, put your money where your mouth is on Hope and I’ll consider reinstating my investment in the company.”

Klaus opens his mouth, a threat at the tip of his tongue, when another voice cuts through the air, interrupting the conversation.

“I’d take that bet,” they turn to see the owner of the voice, seeing the brunette from the party. She smiles politely at them, “Hello again, Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson.”

Hayley smiles politely as she stands to her feet shaking the girl’s hand, “Ms. Parker, what a pleasant surprise,” she turns to her husband, who stands to his feet as well, “You remember Josie, right?”

“Of course, love,” he says with his signature grin on his lips, seemingly on better behavior today as he also shakes the girl’s hand, “the girl next door.”

“Not for much longer, I’m afraid,” Hayley says, “Camille tells me she’s hoping to move back in soon. But Father Kieran was thinking about putting it on the market for sale.”

“I hope so,” Josie replies, “I’d put in an offer today if I could. I told my realtor if it comes up for sale, I’d go in strong for it.”

“Gotta like a girl who knows what she wants,” Dorian suddenly stands to his feet, interested. Josie knew he would be at the mention of such money. He sticks his hand out for her to shake as he introduces himself, “Dorian Williams.”

“Josie Parker,” She smiles politely. He clearly doesn’t recognize her, which is understandable. She was so little when she last saw him.

“Better watch your money around this one, Ms. Parker,” Klaus says, only half-joking, “He’ll take you for every penny if he can.”

Josie grins. “Well, I know a good bet when I see one,” she says, glancing toward the beach where the volleyball game is still going on, and her eyes linger on Hope for a moment.

Hayley observes the action, a subtle smile forming on her lips, “We should get back to making our rounds. It was nice seeing you again, Josie.”

Josie watches as the couple walks away to continue chatting with guests.

Then, her eyes catch sight of MG, glancing in their direction. She sees it as an opportunity. Dorian’s main interest and motivation is money. If she lets him think she’s friends with MG, Dorian will be more interested in her.

So, with that in mind, she gives MG a friendly smile and wave. MG furrows his eyebrows, skeptically waving back, given their last interaction.

“You know Milton Greasley?”

Josie turns back to Dorian, happy her attempt was successful, “Yes, we’ve been close for a long time.” She stretches the truth just a tad.

Dorian nods, “Bit of an odd one. I wouldn’t have guessed he had any real friends at all.”

Josie defends, “Well, MG knows when people look at him, they only see dollar signs, so he’s built up a few defense mechanisms. It’s hard to know who to trust, especially when it comes to money.”

Dorian nods, “I couldn’t agree more. So who do you trust?”

“With my money? Myself.”

Dorian nods, clearly taking the bait, “Bit of free advice? You should consider getting back into the market and investing.”

Josie half shrugs, “Never said I wasn’t considering.”

Dorian looks pleased with himself, thinking he’s won over a new client and heavy investor, “Well, then you and I have a lot to discuss.” She reaches into his coat pocket, pulling out a business card for her, “Call my office. We’ll set a lunch, whenever you’re ready. Loser of the bet today pays?”

“Always,” Josie grins, watching as the man retreats, satisfied with the conversation.


Josie watched a video on her computer screen, a recording from her father’s publicized trial.

“Another shocking turn in the Alaric Saltzman trial came today as financial advisor Dorian Williams took the stand with a compelling testimony against his long-time friend and colleague, Alaric Saltzman.

Williams is just one in a long line of Mikaelson Industries stakeholders to detail Saltzman’s involvement in the embezzlement scandal that has rocked the business world in recent months. The trial, which has gained a traction of media attention, centers around the alleged financial mismanagement and illegal activities both within and outside the company, leading to Saltzman’s arrest earlier this year.”

The video showed Dorian, composed and confident on the stand, as he recounted his experiences working alongside Alaric. Josie watched, her expression stoic, but her eyes held her betrayal and anger.


Josie snaps out of her treacherous memory as a horn blares, signaling a brief intermission in the volleyball game.

As all of the players begin their break, Josie makes her way over to the star player.

“Off to a rough start?” She teases as she approaches.

Hope grins as she looks over to see the brunette coming toward her, “Not exactly my best performance today. I was hoping you wouldn’t be here to see it.”

“Sorry to disappoint,” Josie grins back as they begin to walk over to Hope’s things on a bench, “If it helps, I made a bet that you would win.”

Hope chuckles softly, “Definitely does not help. I’ll have to up my game now that I know you’re here. You’re making it hard to impress you.” Hope wears her signature subtle smirk, a flirtatious glint in her eyes.

A blush dusts across Josie’s cheeks, easily falling into the role of the smitten stranger she’s given herself. She admits, under her breath, though loud enough for Hope to hear, “I’m already impressed.”

Hope's smirk turns into a small smile at that, turning to face the brunette as she suddenly asks, “Would you like to go out sometime?”

Josie plays coy, “For more volleyball?”

Hope’s grin returns, “Yeah, volleyball, or maybe just dinner?”

Josie returns the same grin, a hint of mischief in her eyes, “If you win the match, it’s a yes to both.”

Hope smirks at the response before adding, “And if I lose?”

Josie tilts her head as if contemplating it, “Then we’ll see.”


Klaus watches the interaction between his daughter and the brunette as he takes a seat beside his head of security and adoptive son, “Thanks for coming, Marcelus. Were you able to find out anything?”

Marcel glances over to the man, “About the girl next door?” Klaus nods in confirmation, so Marcel gives him the intel he’s gathered, “Filthy rich and squeaky clean as far as I can tell. Her father was a wealthy expat. Gave her enough to bounce around the globe, collecting degrees and doing good deeds.”

Klaus doesn’t seem pleased with Marcel’s findings, expecting there to be more, “No romantic scandals or divorces?”

Marcel sighs, leaning back in his chair, “Nothing in the state of New York. There’s a few stones left unturned, but I don’t expect to find much there either.” He pauses before trying to read Klaus’s ever-stoic expression, “Why are you so interested in this girl, anyway?”

Klaus purses his lips, “Because she’s interested in my daughter. Need I remind you what happened with that girl Hope fell for last summer?”

Marcel shakes his head, “There wouldn’t have been an issue if you hadn’t got involved. And I was the one who cleaned up that mess.” He sighs before trying to assure Klaus, “I can promise you, Josie Parker is not the same girl we dealt with last summer.”

“Then who is she?” Klaus asks, mostly to himself.

Marcel stands to his feet, fastening the button of his blazer, “Maybe you should go straight to the source and ask her yourself,” he adds, “Or get your wife to do it. That way your hands stay clean and no eyebrows are raised.”

Before Marcel walks away, he’s stopped again by Klaus, “Marcelus, did you tell Hope about my involvement in the events that took place last summer?”

Marcel sighs, “It’s my job to keep secrets. You of all people should appreciate that.”

Klaus clenches his jaw, not entirely satisfied with the response, but he nods nonetheless. Marcel nods back, acknowledging the unspoken tension between them before walking away, leaving Klaus alone with his thoughts. He observes Hope and Josie still in conversation, and his concern lingers. There’s a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach, a paranoia about this seemingly innocent connection.

His attention never wavers, even as his wife sits in the seat at his side, and Hayley reads his contemplative expression easily, “Klaus, they’re just talking, not getting married. Stop being so paranoid.”

Klaus decides to take Marcel’s advice from before, “You’re right. Perhaps I’ve been a little too harsh. Maybe you could invite her over for tea sometime. So we can get to know her better.”

Hayley raises an eyebrow at Klaus, surprised by his sudden change of heart, “Wow, diplomacy? I didn’t think you had it in you.”

Klaus rolls his eyes at her remark, “I’m just doing what’s best for our daughter.”

The horn blares again, interrupting the conversation as Klaus’s eyes return to his daughter, then the brunette who is making her way back over toward the tent. Hayley eyes Klaus skeptically, not entirely sure she believes him.

The rest of the game, Hope is definitely the star player, with an increased incentive to win, fueled by the wager and desire to impress the brunette witch.

The brunette grins when Hope looks her way, only one play left in the game, and it’s clear her team will win. Then, Josie catches a glimpse of Dorian Williams giving her a nod, acknowledging their wager from earlier. And he has no idea just how much he’s put on the line.


“My dear Josie,

The worst betrayals always come from the ones we trust the most. If I’m at all guilty for what happened to our family, it’s because I gave away my trust too easily…”


Young Josette laid lazily on the couch of their home, curiously eavesdropping on the conversation in the kitchen between Dorian and her dad.

“They’re at a great age. No worries in the world.”

Alaric replies, “Well, they are growing up without a mother. That’s a worry.”

Dorian nods, “Last I checked, you were planning to change that. Who is the mystery woman?”

Alaric chuckles, shaking his head as he takes a seat at the table, pouring himself a drink.

Dorian sighs as he sits across from him, “There’s something I need to tell you.”

Alaric notes the more serious tone in his voice, “What’s going on?”

Dorian looks down at his hands, “I think I’m in trouble. You remember that deal I talked to you about, involving Mikaelson Industries?”

Alaric nods, “Yeah, we made a lot of money on that.”

“Mikaelson found a discrepancy. His head of security seized my database this morning. Marcel called me and Mikaelson wants to cut me a deal.”

Alaric furrows his eyebrows, “What kind of deal?”

“Any kind of deal he wants,” Dorian sighs, pouring himself a drink, “Mikaelson is holding all the cards now.”


Josie sighs at the memory, setting her father’s journal down before turning to her laptop on her coffee table and hitting the play button on the video cued up.

It’s the same recording of Dorian’s testimony against her father.

“You and Alaric Saltzman worked closely together in New York and in Mystic Falls. Did you consider yourself friends?” the interrogator asked.

Dorian nodded, “I thought we were, yes.”

“And when did that change?”

“When I discovered he’s been making illegal transactions. After I turned him in, I found out that he was embezzling funds from Mikaelson Industries. He betrayed my trust, and I had to do what was right.”

Josie scoffs at the video before she reaches for her sharpie marker yet again. She uncaps it and presses the ink-filled tip to the photograph she has of her family with Dorian, drawing a red circle around the face of another target of her revenge.

Suddenly, Josie’s attention gets disrupted when the phone suddenly rings. She furrows her eyebrows as she gets up from her couch, walking over to pick it up, “Hello?”

“Is this Josie?” She hears on the other end.

“Yes, it is.”

“Josie, this is Hayley Mikaelson. I took a chance and dialed the number I had for Camille’s old land line. I hope I haven’t disturbed you at this hour,” Hayley says politely.

Josie glances through the curtains of her window, seeing a figure out on the balcony connected to the master bedroom of Mikaelson Manor. She assumes it’s Hayley, “No, not at all.”

“Oh, good. I just wanted to invite you over to the house tomorrow for tea. Is that something you think you might be able to do?”

Josie furrows her eyebrows in confusion, but she doesn’t show it on the phone, “Yes, that sounds great.”

“Good. I think it’s time you and I get to know each other a little better.”

Josie grins, seeing this as an opportunity to get closer to the family, “I’m looking forward to it.”

Chapter 6: The Book of Truth

Chapter Text

Our Father who art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we f—

Josie lets out a soft sigh as the congregation recites the remaining words.

The soft sounds of hymns filled the air as Josie slipped into the back pew of the rather large church, the morning light shining in through stained glass windows to cast colorful patterns inside. As the service began, a smile found Josie’s lips, watching as the preacher stepped before the church. Father Kieran laid his Bible gently on his podium before instructing, “Let us pray.”

Josie bowed her head in silent prayer, her thoughts consumed by her task ahead. As Father Kieran’s prayer concluded, Josie opened her eyes and looked ahead as she grasped her own Book of Truth, a journal from her father’s collection, and a grin far too wicked for a place of worship finds her lips, “Amen.”

As the service came to a close, Josie made her way towards the exit. As she passed by the donation box beside the door, she paused. With a quick glance around to ensure that no one was watching, Josie reached into her purse and withdrew an envelope. She opened it up and glanced at the contents inside, the photograph of Klaus Mikaelson and Camille O’Connell, Father Kieran’s niece, on the beach enjoying their rendezvous.

A smirk found her lips as she closed the envelope and slipped it into the box. “Forgive them, Father, for they have sinned.”


“The bottom line is, you’re young and sitting on a huge pile of lazy assets. Now is the time you should be taking some calculated risks,” Dorian Williams says as he sits in his office chair, across from the brunette woman.

Josie smiles, “I’m not afraid of taking risks, Mr. Williams. I just need to know that you’re not rolling the dice blind.”

“You want proof of my crystal ball, huh?” Dorian grins, and Josie watches closely as he begins typing on his computer keyboard. He turns the screen around for her to see, “These are real returns of our top-tier investors of the last five years. Double-digit gains across the board. This could be you, Ms. Parker.”

Josie grins, “That’s incredible. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

She knows that she has him on the hook when he wears a successful grin, thinking he’s landed a new top tier investor for his company. He nods, “Think it over, and give me a call when you’re ready to discuss details. I still owe you lunch, anyway.”

“I definitely will. Thank you for your time,” Josie says politely as she stands to her feet and Dorian gestures for his assistant outside to come into his office.

When she enters, Dorian tells her, “Lydia, would you show Ms. Parker the way out?”

“Of course,” the woman smiles toward the brunette, who is already plotting her next moves in her head, undetected by the two in the room.


“Hope mentioned that you’ve traveled a lot. Where was your favorite place to visit?” Hayley asks the brunette as she sips from her tea cup.

“So far? I’d say it's a tie between London and Tokyo.”

Hayley’s eyebrows raise slightly in surprise, “Japan? How long were you there?”

Josie smiles warmly, “Just for a semester. I spent most of my time studying on a small island off the coast.”

Hayley hums in acknowledgement, “Sounds lovely. What are some of your other interests?”

Josie takes a moment to collect her thoughts, carefully selecting her words. “Well, aside from traveling, I enjoy literature and photography. There’s something so magical about capturaing a moment in time through a lens or on a page,” she says with a soft smile on her lips. “Another is history. I’m practically obsessed with it.”

Hayley nods in interest, “That’s fascinating. I would’ve guessed you’re more interested in current events.”

Josie hums in thought for a moment. “I find that the past often holds the keys to understanding the present,” she explains, “My father always said that our past defines who we are. That’s why another one of my passions is art conservation.”

Hayley furrows her eyebrows slightly at the previous statement, “Really? I would say our choices are what define us.”

Josie considers that, “Maybe for the lucky. But sometimes in life, we’re not always given a choice.”

“I like the way you think,” a voice cuts in, as Klaus Mikaelson enters the living room, and Josie notices as Hayley’s demeanor falters subtly.

Josie stands to her feet respectfully, reaching out to shake his hand, “Good to see you again, Mr. Mikaelson.”

Klaus accepts her hand, forcing a polite smile, “The pleasure is mine.”

Suddenly, everyone’s attention is drawn toward the door, when Kol enters, panting and sweating, while Hope enters with him, only barely breaking a sweat, “I told you that you couldn’t beat me without your vamp speed.”

“No need to rub it in. I’ll get you next time, no doubt.”

Hope rolls her eyes at his current exhausted state, “Sure you will.” She enters further into the house, pausing in her tracks when she notices everyone in the living room, though a smile finds her lips when she notices the brunette, “Josie?”

“Hi,” Josie wears her own soft smile at the sight of the Tribrid.

“Hi,” Hope skeptically glances at her parents before her gaze returns to Josie, “What’s going on?”

“Well, your mother invited me over for tea,” Josie says, watching as Hope nods slowly, clearly still a bit skeptical of her parents.

Hayley scolds the man behind Hope, “Kol, pull yourself together. You’re a sweaty mess.”

Klaus adds, “You as well, Hope.”

Hope nearly rolls her eyes. A soft chuckle escapes her lips as her attention remains on Josie, “My apologies. Had I known you were here, I would’ve tried to clean up a bit.”

Josie’s smiles genuinely, “It’s fine, Hope. I should get going, really. I have to work out some issues with my realtor. Turns out the O’Connells aren’t ready to let go of the beach house yet.”

That clearly gets Klaus’s attention, since he’s secretly the reason for that, “I’m sorry to hear that. Will you be on the hunt for a fall-back rental, or are you headed elsewhere?”

Just as Josie is about to reply, her phone dings, and she sneaks a glance at it, a smile finding her lips, “Actually, as of this email, the beach house has just officially been put on the market.”

Josie notices the subtle change in Klaus’s demeanor, clearly not expecting that news, and Josie has to fight her urge to smirk.

“That’s great news! Will you be putting in an offer?” Hayley asks.

Josie nods. “Absolutely and it’ll be a strong one. It’s such a beautiful property. I can’t imagine a better place to call home,” she glances in Hope’s direction to punctuate her words, a soft blush kissing her cheeks.

“Well,” Klaus interrupts the lingering look, “We’ll be sure to keep our fingers crossed for you.”

Josie can almost hear the dishonesty in his voice, but it’s quickly replaced by Hope’s genuine interest, “How about I make good on that date and take you out to celebrate?”

Josie smiles as her plan falls more and more into place, “That sounds great. How about Friday?”

Hope nods, and her own smile grows, “Yeah, Friday’s perfect.”

Josie’s eyes gleam with anticipation, and she turns toward Hayley, “Thank you so much for the tea, Mrs. Mikaelson.”

“Anytime, Josie. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you a bit more,” Hayley says genuinely.

Josie smiles politely before turning toward Hope, who ushers her head toward the door, “Come on, I’ll walk you.”

—Earlier that day—

Father Kieran sat in his small office attached to the church, the afternoon sunlight streaming through the windows, casting warm rays across the wooden desk cluttered with paperwork and religious texts. Just as he finished preparing for the upcoming Sunday service, the donation box was dropped off to him by one of his dedicated volunteers, “Thank you. Have a blessed day.”

As he was left alone in his office once again, he reached into his desk to retrieve the key. The lock on the box clicked as he turned it before lifting the lid, revealing a stack of envelopes and checks, each containing donations. Among them, one envelope stood out. While most envelopes were plain, this one had his name written across the front in red ink.

Kieran furrowed his brow as he picked up the envelope. He carefully tore it open, retrieving the contents from inside.

His breath caught in his throat as he pulled out the photograph with hefty implications, his heart sinking as he recognized the faces captured, Klaus Mikaelson with his niece, Camille.

“Oh, dear God.”

Chapter 7: Vengeful Alliance

Chapter Text

"JoJo, please don't kill me..."

Josie smiles as she strolls down the streets of Montauk, a small town just down the beach from East Hampton. "Well, that depends. What am I not killing you for?"

"For not returning your call yesterday. The Mikaelsons had me in charge of a million-dollar art delivery and yet another event coming up," she can practically hear Penelope's eye roll at the thought.

"Oh, so no pressure there," Josie says sarcastically.

Penelope scoffs lightly, "Oh, please. That's a drop in the bucket for these people. I still have to find time to drive down the beach to the dry cleaners to pick up my dress."

Josie furrows her eyebrows as her eyes glance up, seeing a small business right across the street from her, "Same dry cleaner as last time?"

Penelope pauses, "Yes...? Why?"

Josie chuckles, "Listen, I'm actually in Montauk right now. How about I swing by and pick up your dress for you?"

"Really? Jo, you're a lifesaver."

Josie smiles genuinely, "Oh, please. I'm sightseeing. You're working. I've got you covered."

"Thank you," she can hear the relief in the raven-haired witch's voice.

"Of course. I'll talk to you later." With that, she ends the call and begins making her way over to the small business across the street.

As Josie steps out of the dry cleaners with Penelope's dress in hand, headed back across the street and towards her car, she hears the sound of a dog barking. When she glances in the direction of the sound, she notices a dog, a blonde lab, fast approaching her from the large patch of green nearby. It wasn't a vicious bark, though Josie isn't an expert.

As the dog sits obediently in front of her, dropping a ball at her feet, she hears a voice trying to call the dog back.

Josie furrows her eyebrows, seeing the recognition in the dog's eyes, the red collar around his neck, just like her dog when she was a little girl. Josie's heart skips a beat as memories of her childhood flood back at the sight of the dog.


The dog barks, standing to his feet as his tail wags happily, confirming Josie's suspicions. She smiles widely as she kneels down to scratch behind the dog's ear, to which the dog responds with a soft bark and whine.

As she's distracted by the dog, she hears footsteps approaching, and a voice cuts through the air, "The whole point of fetch is to bring the ball back when I throw it."

Josie looks up to see a handsome guy, tall, tan, and lean, approaching her and the dog in a slow jog. She recognizes him instantly, despite the years that have passed since she last saw him.


Young Josette Saltzman giggled happily as she ran down the beach, chasing after her dog. The young blonde lab was chasing after a stick Josie had thrown, his tail wagging enthusiastically.

"Come on, Charlie! I found another stick for you!" Josette called out, her laughter filling the air as she watched her pet race around in the sand, before dropping his stick in the sand in front of a young boy, around Josette's age.

The boy smiled at the girl as he bent down to grab the stick, "What's his name?"

"Charlie," Josette tells him.

The boy nods before throwing the stick for the dog to chase, "Fetch it, Charlie."

"Nice throw," the young brunette complimented.

"Thanks," the boy smiled sweetly at her, "I'm Raf."

"I'm Josette."


Raf crouches down to pet the dog, "I'm sorry. He's not normally this friendly. He's kind of an old grump, actually."

As Josie is snapped back to the present, she finds herself face-to-face with the grown-up version of Rafael. She just hopes he doesn't recognize her as the dog did.

"Oh, that's no big deal," she dismisses, already standing to her feet, trying to make her escape before this interaction can cause any complications for her plans.

"You coming from Earl and Em's dry cleaner?" he asks, noticing the dress in her hands before she's able to completely turn away, "Next time, tell Earl that you're a friend of Rafael Waithe's. My dad–well, foster dad–owns the tavern down by the docks, the Stowaway, and we tend to refer people. I can put you on the official complimentary list, what's your name?"

"You don't have to do that." She shakes her head, offering a polite soft smile. "Thanks anyway, though," she mutters, finally making her escape and walking towards her car, with one final glance back at her old friend and dog.

She lets out a long sigh as she sits down in the driver's seat of her car after the unexpected encounter.

She's so deep in thought, when her phone rings, she jumps slightly at the noise. She quickly pulls herself together, though, as she hits the answer button and brings the phone up to her ear.


"Josie, it's Kate with Kellar House Real Estate. I'm afraid I have some bad news...The beach house sold to someone else."

Josie's eyes widen in frustration and disbelief at the news, knowing she put in an offer that couldn't be refused. There was no way someone would outbid her. "What? Who?"


MG slides into his car, ready to head home after working in his office for a few hours. But as he starts the engine, he jumps as he's startled by a voice coming from the backseat.

"I told you, if you got in my way, I would take you down."

He lets out a sigh when he turns to see her, "How the hell did you get in here?"

Josie's eyes narrow at him, "That's the least of your problems right now. You stole my house."

He deflates as he turns around in his seat to face forward, only looking at the brunette through the rearview mirror, "If I hadn't, Klaus would have. He outbid you with a cash offer this morning."

"How could you possibly know that?"

MG shrugs, "Because I hacked the realtor's computer. I've been tracking the sale all week...Klaus outbid you, so I outbid him."

Josie purses her lips, shaking her head, "Why is it so important for you to be a part of this?"

MG scoffs, turning around to face her again, "When I met your father, I was a mess. A newbie vamp with serious issues and a misfit whiz-kid with a vision that nobody got, except him. The only reason MilCorp exists is because your father gave me cash from his personal account to develop it. Because he believed in me."

Josie studies him for a moment, searching his expression for any indication he isn't being truthful. After a moment, she somewhat softens her expression, her tone less threatening now, "I want the deed to the house."

MG nods a single time, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, "It's already in your name. Consider it a welcome back gift..for Josette Saltzman."

For a brief moment, MG can almost see a flicker of emotion cross her face. Her jaw locks for a split second, before she's fully composed again. With that, she opens the door to the backseat of the car and slips out.

MG lets out a sigh as he turns to face forward again, when he spots a familiar face up ahead, walking down the sidewalk. His eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Dorian Williams?"

"We're having lunch," Josie says simply before she shuts the door and begins making her way toward the sidewalk, so MG gets out of the car and speed-walks to catch up to her.

"Is this supposed to be part of your revenge plan? What do you need me to do?"

Josie pauses in her tracks when she sees Dorian look up from his phone and meets her gaze, and the sudden stop makes MG pause too.

Josie plasters on a fake smile as she wraps her arms around MG, who is now confused, in a seemingly friendly embrace, and she mutters, "You just did it."


"I must say, it was a nice surprise to hear from you again so quickly," Dorian says as he takes his seat across from Josie.

Josie smiles warmly, "What can I say, you made a great case."

"And you're making a great decision by investing with me. I will personally see to it that your portfolio reflects all the effort and wisdom that went into building my company."

Josie grins, sitting back in her seat as their server brings over two glasses of water for them, "That's what I'm counting on."

Dorian nods before continuing, "Where your money is, my money is. And if for any special reason you want to go big on a particular stock, I'll make sure it's worth your while."

"Actually, now that you mention it," Josie sits up in her seat, resting her elbows on the table to show her interest, knowing that Mr. Williams is falling right into her trap, "What can you tell me about up-and-coming tech corporations based overseas?" She already knows the answer, but she steers the conversation in a way that leads Dorian to think he's coming to his own conclusions.

Dorian raises an eyebrow at her, knowing that the friend he saw her hugging outside the cafe is one of the wealthiest individuals in the tech industry, "Well, recently there's been some talk about Allcom Cellular and Unitech. Smartphone manufacturers. Neither of them are huge in the global market, but I wouldn't count them out down the road. Why?"

Josie sets her glass back down after taking a sip of her water, "I want to look into them. Today."

"Today..." Williams' grin grows as he takes the bait, "Any particular reason?"

Josie wears a subtle smirk as she shrugs unconvincingly, "A little bird may have whispered something to me." Josie pauses to thank their server as their small meals are dropped off at their table, "I'll wire the funds this afternoon and we can deal with the whole portfolio transfer next week."

He nods a single time, "Sounds good."


Back in the comfort of the beach house, Josie sits on her couch, scanning over an anonymous tip she sent to the press after her lunch meeting. With her father's box of journals and evidence in front of her, she turns on the T.V. and finds the channel she needs.

Her phone suddenly rings in her purse, so she reaches for it. When she sees the name displayed across the screen, the corner of her lips involuntarily upturn as she presses the button to answer, "Hi."

"Hey, I was just thinking about tonight," she hears a certain auburnette say over the phone, and Josie can practically hear her charming grin through the phone.

"Oh yeah? What were you thinking?"

"How do you feel about surprises?"

Josie raises an eyebrow as the headline for the next segment on the local news channel comes across her screen, "Tonight, pretty good."

"Great, then I won't say anymore. I'll pick you up at six?"

Josie isn't hardly paying attention to the conversation on the phone anymore, as her eyes remain on her T.V., waiting for her plan to play out before her eyes. "Actually I have Penelope's dress for one of your parents' events, so I'll just meet you at your place. How should I dress?"


Hope wears her signature smirk as she sits down in her chair at the local coffee car, looking across the table for two at her companion as she replies to Josie over the phone, "Surprise me."

"Does she suspect anything?" Penelope asks the Tribrid after she ends the call.

Hope shakes her head as she hands over a cup of coffee to the raven-haired witch, "Nope, not a thing..."


Josie turns her full attention to the T.V., turning it up to hear the woman on her screen, "...In other financial news, Wall Street is buzzing with rumors that Allcom Cellular is now a front runner for an exclusive contract with innovative tech industry leader, MilCorp. Milton Greasley, the founder, has promised an exclusive–"

Her phone rings as if on cue, and she picks it up already knowing who's calling, "Hello?"

"Josie, it's Dorian Williams. Listen, that little bird that whispered to you, it wouldn't happen to be the gentleman I saw you with outside the cafe this morning, would it?"

Josie smirks, unbeknownst to Dorian, "Well, I'm not saying that it was and I'm not saying that it wasn't, but what I will say is that I trust that little bird enough to double my position."

Dorian grins as he sits in his office chair with the news playing on the small T.V. mounted on his wall, "That's all I need to know."

He signals his assistant, Lydia, to come in as he ends the phone call. When she enters through the doors, he tells her, "We're going all in on Allcom. Get the top tier investors in on it."

"Are you sure?" She asks hesitantly.

But he nods confidently, "Yeah, make the trade."


A hit of adrenaline courses through Josie's veins as she turns up the volume on her T.V., and she restlessly stands to her feet in anticipation for what's to come, "...with Milton being named one of the richest men in the world, and MilCorp continues to push the boundaries in cellular technology. We take you now live to Milton Greasley..."

MG appears on the screen, "Milton Greasley here with what was supposed to be a surprise announcement about the future of MilCorp. But someone somewhere has a big mouth..."

Josie can't help but chuckle at that.

"I can now confirm that the Allcom rumors came from a misguided employee. Allcom will not be receiving a contract from me..."


Dorian's heart drops, as does his expression, "What? No.."

"Instead, I've decided to offer our humble services to Allcom's soon-to-be chief competitor, Unitech."

With that the anchorwoman returns to the screen, "Well, there you have it. Expect Unitech stock to be booming tomorrow, and for those of you who bet big on Allcom Cellular, get ready to cover equally heavy losses."

Dorian watches in disbelief. How could he have read this situation so wrong?

He can see the panic on his assistant's face as he reaches for the button to turn on the intercom in his office. He commands his employees, "Everybody listen up! If you value your jobs, keep your mouths shut. If a word of this leaks, we're finished!"


Josie wears a wicked grin as she dials the next phone number on her list to leave a voice message, "Hello, this is Lydia calling from Dorian William's office. I'm afraid I've got some bad news regarding a major loss today and its immediate effect on your portfolio. Please call the office as soon as you can."

—The Previous Night—

Josie waited in her car outside of William's office building until she watched him leave for the night. Once he was gone, she made her way out of her car and into the building, walking up to the desk, where she saw the same woman from her meeting before.

"Hi, Lydia right?" She smiled politely.

The woman returned the smile, "Ms. Parker, how can I help you?"

Josie feigned ignorance, "Is Mr. Williams still here? I was hoping to follow up with him after our meeting the other day."

The woman gave her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, you just missed him."

"Oh, that's alright. Could you just have him call me tomorrow?"

Lydia nodded, "Of course, I'll leave a note on his desk now."

"Thanks." Josie smiled gratefully as the woman began making her way from around the desk. Once she's out of sight, Josie glanced around to be sure no one was there. When she saw no one, she went around to the other side of the desk to the computer. She used the password she saw Dorian use during their meeting to enter into the company files, finding the contact list for their top-tier investors and snapping a picture on her phone to print out later.


Josie folds up the list and puts it into her father's box. Her eyes scan over the printed anonymous email she sent to the press, leaking false news of about a MilCorp and Allcom partnership, knowing Dorian would see the headlines and take the bait. She would be in the clear, and his major loss would be due to his own assumptions. She smirks as she folds the paper, puts it in the box, and shuts the lid.

With that, she picks up the box and walks over to the corner of the rug, lifting its edge to see a latch on the floor, leading to a secret compartment in the flooring, where she hides the box out of sight.

After closing the compartment and fixing the rug back to normal, she stands to her feet and makes her way upstairs to get dressed for her date this evening.

Josie looks at her reflection in the mirror lining the wall of her foyer, carefully putting in her small gold earrings to complete her outfit for her date with Hope.

She adjusts her white dress, which stops at her mid-thigh, ensuring it falls just right. The fabric drapes elegantly around her figure, giving off a timeless charm. She brushes a few stray stands of her flowing locks behind her ear. A neutral shawl is draped around her torso, providing a subtle warmth against the evening breeze.

Completing her outfit, Josie clasps a simple gold necklace that rests softly against her collarbone, pairing nicely with her gold earrings.

She doesn't know why she's suddenly a bit nervous. She's prepared herself for this since she set her sights on the youngest Mikaelson. She convinces herself it's just because her plans for the Mikaelson's will only work if this date goes well. Her years of preparation would go to waste if this doesn't work out the way she planned.

With that in mind, Josie gives her reflection one last glance before grabbing Penelope's dress and a small gift box from the table. She makes her way out the door with a sense of determination and anticipation, eager to see where the evening will take her.

Josie knocks on the door of Mikaelson Manor to be greeted by Hope, who wears a warm smile, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the brunette. "Hello, love," she says softly, her smile widening as she takes in Josie's appearance, "You look amazing."

A blush dusts Josie's cheeks as she returns the smile, feeling a rush of excitement mixed with nerves at the sight of Hope. "Thanks," she replies, her voice steady despite the fluttering feeling in her stomach, "You look pretty great yourself."

Hope wears navy blue dress pants and a white dress shirt, with the top two buttons undone. Her usual necklace with the Mikaelson crest pendant adorns her neck, and her hair is loosely curled.

Hope chuckles lightly, which reminds Josie not to stare. The auburnette steps aside to let Josie into the grand foyer of the manor, "Come on in."

As Josie steps inside, Hope shuts the door and turns to face her. "Here, let me get that for you," she says, reaching out to take the garment bag containing Penelope's dress from Josie, before setting it to the side for the raven-haired girl to get.

"Thank you," Josie mutters just as she hears heels clicking against the floor drawing nearer.

Josie turns to see Hayley approaching them with a warm smile on her face. As the two stand near eachother, Josie can see now that the resemblance between Hope and her mother is striking.

"Josie, it's so good to see you again," she says genuinely.

"It's good to see you too, Mrs. Mikaelson," Josie replies, returning the smile before extending the small box in her hands toward the woman, "I actually brought you a little something..."

"For me?" she asks skeptically, to which Josie nods.

Hayley furrows her eyebrows a bit, though her eyes light up with curiosity as she takes the gift box from the brunette. She carefully unties the ribbon and opens the box to reveal the contents inside. Josie explains, "During my time in Japan, I picked up a special recipe for tea. I thought you might like to try it, see what you think."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Josie," Hayley smiles gratefully, "Thank you."

Josie nods a single time, "Of course."

Their conversation suddenly gets interrupted by the entrance of a few workers carrying a large painting. Rebekah and Kol enter with them, arguing about where to hang it, while Elijah follows closely behind them, attempting and failing to mediate the situation.

Hayley shakes her head at the usual antics between the siblings, "Don't mind them. That's just another painting my husband saw on a business trip and decided to add to the collection."

Josie nods understandingly, watching as Rebekah and Kol continue to debate animatedly.

Just then, someone else enters the room. Klaus is looking down at his phone as he comes through the doorway, freshly home from his office in the city, with Marcel entering right behind him. When he tucks his phone into his pocket, his gaze flickers toward the painting, then toward the others in the room as his wife addresses him, "You worked late today."

"We had a meeting run later than expected," he replies as he plants a kiss against his wife's cheek, "How do you like the painting?"

"It's lovely," Hayley glances at it, with Kol fighting Rebekah to put it against one wall. She replies to her husband, "but I'd like it a lot better on the other wall."

"Good luck with that," Hope says sarcastically, watching as Rebekah puts Kol in a headlock.

After hearing Hayley's comment, Elijah grabs his two siblings, forcing them apart and away from the painting, "You're both behaving like children." He turns to Hayley as he grabs the painting, "Where would you like it?"

Hayley smiles softly as she ushers her head in the direction of the wall she wants. She replies softly, "Thank you, Elijah."

His eyes linger on her for a split second longer than necessary before he gives her a single nod.

Hope turns to her father, who is looking back at his phone, "So, where'd you get the painting?"

Klaus shrugs, answering casually, "Oh, just one of my business trips."

Hope raises an eyebrow, clearly noticing his dismissiveness, "Which one?"

Klaus raises an eyebrow at her as he looks up from his phone, but Hope doesn't relent, only asking an innocent question. Josie observes the interaction, making a mental note of it to look into the matter later.

Before Klaus has to reply, he's saved by the bell–or cellphone in this case. Josie's phone rings suddenly. "I'm sorry," she apologizes for the interruption as she glances down at the screen. She flashes Hope an apologetic look, "It's my realtor. I should probably get this before we head out."

Hope gives her an understanding smile, "Take your time, love."

Josie steps away to answer the call, already knowing what it's about, but she has to play the part of the innocent girl next door.

A moment later, Josie returns to the group, and Klaus raises an eyebrow at her, "Not the news you were hoping for?"

There's something so subtly condescending in his voice that makes Josie want to smirk in his face as the next words leave her mouth, but she settles for a smile, "Acutally just the opposite..." Her smile widens as she turns to look at Hope, "I've just become the new official owner of the beach house."

Josie spares a subtle glance in Klaus's direction. His face shows his shock and displeasure at the news, a mixture of surprise and frustration evident in his expression. Marcel raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the development and wondering how Josie managed to secure the house, considering Klaus's secret significant offer.

Hayley offers her congratulations, "That's wonderful news, Josie. Congratulations."

Hope's nods in agreement, her eyes never leaving the brunette's as a smile plays at her lips, "All the more reason to celebrate."


"I hope my mother wasn't too hard on you before, with the tea and the questions," Hope says, her voice tinged with concern, as she guides Josie down the sandy beach, only a short distance away from the beach house, the sound of waves crashing against the shore providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

Josie smiles reassuringly, shaking her head, "I don't scare too easily. Does she interrogate all of your dates?"

Hope shakes her head as a soft chuckle leaves her lips, "No, actually it's usually my dad. He likes to have some sort of..." She tilts her head as she tries to think of an appropriate word for it, "..control, over everything."

Josie nods in understanding, "Well, at least he has good taste in art."

Hope smiles, "Yeah. He used to paint, but now he focuses more on the business than anything."

Josie spares a glance at the Tribrid, growing more curious about the girl by the minute. She's different from the rest of them... "And do you? Paint?"

The brunette watches as a soft smile grows on Hope's lips, "Used to. I guess that's one trait I can thank my father for. Though, I haven't painted anything in a really long time."

Hope's gaze drifts to the horizon, imagining how she might have once painted the image on a canvas. Josie can see a hint of longing in her eyes.

"Seems like you miss it."

Hope nods before turning to Josie, feeling like she can tell the woman anything, "I used to dream of foregoing the family business and being an artist instead."

Josie wears a sweet smile. "You still can be," she offers gently, her voice filled with sincerity.

Hope's expression softens at the encouragement. It's the first time in her life someone has encouraged her to follow her own dream. "Maybe in my next life...My future is pretty much mapped out this time around. Graduated from UPenn with a degree in business, and it was straight to the boardroom. My father had an office picked out for me since I was a kid."

Josie nods slowly, taking all of the information in. "Hm. That sounds..." Josie searches for the right word, understanding the weight of the expectations placed on Hope.

"I know how it sounds," Hope replies, "At least with my branch of the family business, I can head the art and editorial departments."

Josie furrows her eyebrows, "So you're constantly surrounded by art that isn't your own? That must be tough," she offers sympathetically.

"It can be," Hope admits for the first time, "But it's for the greater good of the business and my family."

There's a moment of silence between them as they continue to walk slowly along the beach, in no hurry as they enjoy their conversations.

Josie eventually breaks the silence, her tone gentle yet curious. "Do you ever regret it? Giving up on your own dreams for the sake of the family business?"

'Everyday,' Hope thinks. She pauses, contemplating it before she responds, "Sometimes...But I've accepted that my role within the family is important, even if it means setting aside my own aspirations."

Before Josie is able to respond, she notices they are approaching a nice spot along the golden sand. A checkered blanket is spread out on the sand, with a large woven basket and serving dishes arranged neatly on top.

A bottle of chilled champagne sits in an ice bucket nearby, ready to be uncorked and enjoyed. Beside it, two crystal champagne flutes glint in the sunlight.

Hope has thoughtfully included small touches to enhance the romantic setting, with flickering candles nestled in glass holders, casting a warm and romantic glow over the picnic area. A bouquet of vibrant wildflowers is placed in the center of the blanket.

Josie's heart swells with appreciation for Hope's thoughtfulness. She expected a first date with a Mikaelson would have been much different, she never imagined something so personal and serene. It's enchanting.

"Hope, this is..." Josie begins, unable to express her appreciation.

Hope smiles softly, before her eyes flash with a hint of nervousness, "It's not too much, is it?"

"No, not at all," Josie replies, returning Hope's smile with one of her own, "It's perfect."

Hope's smile grows charmingly at Josie's words, and she helps Josie sit down on the blanket before joining her.

As she pours them both a drink, she continues their conversation, "What about your parents? What are they like?"

Josie thinks of how to answer the question, her tone thoughtful, "My mom...caring, compassionate, smart. My dad's very strong, driven. Lovely people."

Hope smiles softly at the admiration in Josie's voice, "So I shouldn't expect an interrogation, then?"

Josie's voice trails off as she purses her lips together briefly, "They passed away when I was a kid. Car crash."

Hope's expression softens with sympathy. "I'm so sorry, Josie," she says softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on top of the brunette's.

Josie offers a small smile, appreciating the gesture.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Hope asks, hoping that Josie still has some family.

But the brunette shakes her head, "Just me." She recites the story of her life that she's memorized and perfected over the past several years.

"Well," Hope caresses Josie's hand with her own, "now you have me, and that beautiful beach house. Maybe you can set down some roots of your own now."

"Yeah, maybe," she mutters. Josie's heart flutters for some unknown reason, a sense of comfort washing over her, feeling a foreign sense of belonging that she quickly pushes out of her head. "Wanna come by for the tour?"

Hope's eyes sparkle in the light of the sunset as she nods her head with a charming grin on her lips, "I'm ready when you are."


Hope walks Josie home from their date, their footsteps slow and leisurely as they approach the familiar porch of Josie's new beach house. The moonlight casts a soft glow over their surroundings, shimmering across the surface of the ocean.

As they reach the porch steps, Hope turns to face Josie, a soft smile playing at her lips. "How does it feel to know you'll be spending the night in your own house?"

Josie considers Hope's question for a moment, the history of her family in this house replaying in her head. "Kind of hard to describe, actually," she ends up replying, honestly. She eyes the Tribrid for a moment before folding against the intensity of her piercing stare, a blush reaching her cheeks as she admits, "I had a really great time tonight... No one has ever made me feel so special."

Hope's lips upcurve into a smile. "Me too," she replies softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

In that moment, the air between them is charged with anticipation, the unspoken tension palpable as they stand on the porch in the fading light. They both know what's about to happen, the desire hanging in the air like a promise.

Just as they lean in closer, their lips mere inches apart, the sound of a light footsteps across the wooden boards of the porch suddenly breaks them apart. They turn towards the source of the noise to see a dog rounding the corner of the wrap-around porch, Charlie.

Josie furrows her eyebrows in confusion, even more-so when she sees the two people who round the corner just after the dog. It's Raf and MG, who pause in their tracks when they see the brunette and the Tribrid in front of the door.

MG looks between them, noting the tension, "Sorry...Are we early or are we late?"

Just when Josie can't get anymore confused, the door of her beach house opens from the inside to reveal Penelope on the other side, along with many other people, and a large banner behind her. "Surprise!"

Josie blinks in surprise at the sudden appearance of all the people, her mind trying to process the unexpected turn of events. Her heart swells with a mix of emotions–gratitude, confusion, and a hint of trepidation. She wasn't expecting a welcome party.

Penelope has a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "Welcome to the Hamptons, Josie!"


"I'm sorry, Jojo. Leave it to me to ruin the ending of a perfect first date," Penelope says to her quietly as they take a break from mingling with guests so that Josie can update her on how the night went.

"No, no, this is great," Josie reassures her, "I just wasn't expecting it, that's all."

Penelope grins, "I had to get your charmer over there to help me out a little bit."

Josie looks surprised to hear that, "Hope helped?"

Penelope smirks as she rolls her eyes, "Oh, please. Don't act like you don't see how smitten she is with you."

Josie grins as she glances across the room to see Hope chatting with another guest, meeting her gaze before her lips subtly upturn. "Well, the feeling's mutual."

Penelope smiles at that before her eyes land on someone else, "Who's the hottie with the dog?"

Josie feigns ignorance, shrugging her shoulders, "He came in with MG."

Penelope hums, "Well, maybe he should leave with my number. Excuse me."

Josie fakes a smile as Penelope makes her way over, but she doesn't get to dwell on whatever she's feeling in that moment, as her thoughts are interrupted, "Surprise."

She turns toward the voice, fighting her urge to roll her eyes. "What do you think you're doing, bringing Raf here?" Josie whispers, making sure her face doesn't show any of her emotions.

MG shrugs as he answers casually, "Raf and I are friends."

Josie narrows her eyes at him skeptically, "You don't have friends. Neither one of us can afford to have friends, you know that."

MG scoffs softly as he picks up a piece of cake, stuffing his mouth, "Speak for yourself. You betrayed me." He finishes his cake before whispering, "I know it was you who went to the press. I just can't understand why you'd leak the wrong information when you have access to the MilCorp business meeting notes. You knew I wasn't going with Allcom."

Josie nods with a grin. "Yes, but Dorian Williams didn't. He bet big on Allcom. Two billion of his fund's assets down the drain," she shrugs nonchalantly, "He's ruined. Now I just have to figure out a way to put Klaus's affair on Hayley's radar without drawing attention to myself..."

Josie's voice trails off as she takes a sip of her drink, her mind already calculating her next move. She knows she needs to be strategic if she wants to continue her plan without raising any suspicions. "Can you hack into Klaus's bank account history?"

MG shrugs, "With my eyes closed. Why?"

"I need you to figure out where he got the new painting. I think he was hiding something from Hope earlier when she asked him."

MG raises an eyebrow at Josie, "So, are you doing this for your revenge plan, or to find out the truth for Hope?"

Josie scoffs, but she glances in Hope's direction yet again, her eyes gravitating in that direction for some reason. Despite the lingering tension between them, Josie can't help but feel a sense of warmth wash over her at the sight of Hope. She knows she shouldn't let herself get too attached, but there's something about the Tribrid that draws her in, something she can't quite explain.

MG watches her carefully, a mixture of admiration and wariness in his eyes, "You're playing a dangerous game, Josie."

As Hope catches Josie's eye from across the room yet again, she can't help but wear a subtle smirk at catching the woman staring again.

Josie forces herself to push aside the feeling she gets. She has a plan to execute, and nothing–especially not a simple look from the Tribrid–will stand in her way.

"I need some air."


Josie lets out a sigh as she runs a hand through her hair, leaning her weight against the railing of her back porch.

But a voice interrupts her overwhelming thoughts, "Josie Parker." She turns toward the familiar voice to see a smiling Rafael approaching with Charlie at his heel, and he jokes, "I swear I'm not stalking you. Though I'm not sure the same can be said for my dog." Josie actually cracks a smile at that as she bends down to pet the dog, and Raf adds, "Congratulations on the house."

Josie stands up straight and offers him a warm smile, "Thank you. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it."

Raf smiles, "It's nice to know there's somebody else out there who appreciates it. This house has a rich history." A flash of nostalgia crosses his features, but he snaps out of it quickly, "Anyway, um...I'll let you get back to your party. If you see MG, would you mind letting him know I left?"

Josie nods slowly, knowing the memories that likely crossed Raf's mind just then. "Yeah, no problem."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Raf offers her one last smile before he and Charlie disappear into the night, leaving Josie alone on the porch with her thoughts.


As the last of the guests leave, Hope joins Josie on the porch. "'Where we love is home. Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts," Hope recites as she approaches and gains Josie's attention.

Josie smiles as she turns to face the Tribrid. "Oliver Wendell Holmes?" she guesses, impressed by Hope's choice of quote. Hope nods in confirmation, closing the distance between them. Josie grins, her eyes sparkling with playful curiosity, "So you're an artist and a poet?"

Hope chuckles at Josie's remark, "Not hardly."

Josie tilts her head, studying the Tribrid for a moment, "Something tells me you're just being modest."

Hope grins as she simply shakes her head.

Her eyes linger on Josie's lips for a moment as she takes a step closer, something the brunette notices and can't help but do the same before glancing back up to blue orbs.

"Can I kiss you?" Hope's gaze lingers on her lips for a second longer before meeting her eyes.

Josie's heart skips a beat at Hope's question, her mind racing with a million thoughts and feelings. But as she looks into Hope's eyes, she knows that she wants this more than anything else right now.

With a soft smile, Josie leans closer, her breath mingling with Hope's as their lips draw nearer. And then, finally, their mouths meet in a gentle yet electrifying kiss, sending shockwaves of desire coursing through their bodies.

As Hope reaches a hand up to gently cup Josie's jaw, the brunette pulls the auburnette closer by her waist.

In that moment, all of Josie's doubt and dwelling on the past melts away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment unlike anything she's ever known.

Josie nearly loses herself in the kiss, but Hope pulls away before she can deepen it, leaving the brunette wanting more. When Josie opens her eyes, she's met with those same mesmerizing blue ones gazing back at her.

Hope grazes her thumb against Josie's cheek one last time as she says softly, "Goodnight."

Josie's breath catches in her throat as she replies, her voice barely above a whisper as she watches Hope retreat, sparing another glance back at her, "Goodnight..."


Let me know what you think of the story so far! What do you think happens next?

Chapter 8: The Revengenda

Chapter Text

Josie’s eyes flutter open slowly as she lays across her couch in the living room. She blinks her eyes a few times and stretches as she vaguely registers the sound of helicopter rotors growing closer and closer.

Confusion clouds her features as she slowly sits up with her senses on high alert. There’s suddenly lights shining through all of her windows. The brightness makes her squint, and her heart rate immediately quickens with unease.

Before she can fully comprehend what is happening, the door bursts open, and a team of FBI agents storm into the house, fully armed, and their voices are sharp. “Freeze! Don’t move!”


Josie’s eyes widen and she scrambles to her feet, the urgency in the agents’ voices sends a chill down her spine, and she can feel her pulse pounding as they close in on her, bringing her to her knees as they try cuffing her, keeping her held at gunpoint, “Let me go!”

“Stop resisting!” One of them yells at her.

Josie’s breaths come in short, unsteady gasps as she tries to make sense of what is going on around her. Some agents are panning out around her house, some going upstairs. She struggles against the grip of the agents, and her mind races with so many thoughts and questions.

Her gaze darts around the room, in sheer disbelief. This can be happening. Not here. Not now.

And then, as if it couldn’t get any worse, a chilling voice cuts through all of the chaos. “Josie Parker.”

Josie’s blood runs cold as she turns to see Klaus Mikaelson standing in the doorway, his gaze locked on her, a smirk on his lips that can only be described as a mockery, “How long did you really think you could fool me?”

Josie struggles once more against the grip of the agents, until Klaus crouches down just in front of her, tilting his head and looking at her as if he regards her at the same significance as the dirt you would walk on. His voice is low as he continues to taunt her, “You must be as stupid as your father.”


Josie jolts awake with a gasp, her heart racing and her body beginning to break a sweat. She looks around, safe and sound on her couch, with the sunlight beginning to shine in through the windows.

For a moment, she just sits there, rubbing her eyes gently, trying to catch her breath.

Once her heart rate seems to get back to normal, she lets out a long sigh, looking over at the other couch to see MG still fast asleep, sprawled out and with some drool coming out of his mouth.

They must have both fallen asleep last night, when MG came over to hack into Klaus’s bank account to track the transaction of the million dollar painting he had delivered to Mikaelson Manor yesterday.

They found out that it was bought in New Orleans not too long ago, where Hope’s branch of Mikaelson Industries is located. But clearly, he never visited Hope while he was there. She never even knew he was there. Josie has a feeling she may know why he is being so secretive about this so called business trip…

Josie lets out a sigh as MG snores lightly. She doesn’t want to get close to him, but he is so insistent on helping her avenge her family. He saw first-hand what these people did to her father, and Josie thinks that alone bonds them somehow.

But, friendship and trust are not luxuries she can afford, not with the path of revenge that she has chosen.

When MG lets out a much louder snore, breaking Josie out of her thoughts, she huffs in annoyance, finally standing to her feet and going over to him.

“MG,” she nudges him lightly, trying to wake him. But he only stirs for a split second before starting to snore again.

Josie deadpans before rolling her eyes. Annoyed, she brings her leg up and kicks him with enough force to startle him awake, sending him rolling off the couch and landing just in front of Josie.

MG looks up at the woman towering over him, “What the hell?”

“You need to go,” Josie replies simply. She begins cleaning up the area as MG groans and stands to his feet, “Out the back door, so the Mikaelson’s don’t see you.”

MG furrows his eyebrows at her as he begins to put his shoes on, “You’re even bossier in the morning.”

Josie turns her gaze to him, deadpan. But she decides to ignore his commentary as she makes her way over to the kitchen to make some coffee.

As MG is packing up his things, he asks the brunette, “Remind me again why I couldn’t just send all of these records to you?”

Josie sighs, not wanting to answer his questions before she has her coffee, “Because, if they were to hack into my phone, it would be awfully suspicious if I have Klaus Mikaelson’s bank information on it.”

MG chuckles under his breath, “I think you’re a little paranoid. Why would they hack into your phone?”

“Because they are the only people on the planet who might actually be more paranoid than me,” she replies as she pours herself some coffee into a mug. “Klaus is already using Hayley to learn more about me.”

MG makes his way over to the kitchen, making himself at home as he grabs a mug for himself and pours some coffee into it, ignoring the look he gets from the brunette. “How do you know that? She could just want to get to know you since you’re into her daughter.” MG wriggles his eyebrows at her suggestively, an action that Josie decides not to comment on.

“Because I know Klaus Mikaelson. Hayley might have good intentions deep down, but Klaus…never.”

MG takes a seat at one of the barstools in the kitchen, making himself even more comfortable as he sips on his coffee, “Right, so when do we get to expose his affair? We have this evidence now with this painting, and that photograph you sent to Father Kieran.”

Josie raises an eyebrow at him, “We aren’t doing anything.”

MG looks at her confused, and maybe even a little hurt, “What? I thought you said I could help.”

Josie sighs, setting her mug down as she stands on the opposite side of the counter, facing him. “If either one of us exposes him, it puts a target on our back. It has to be someone that the Mikaelson’s won’t question.”

MG nods slowly, “Someone on the inside…But who?”

Josie shrugs nonchalantly, “I have a couple of–”

Josie pauses, so does MG, when they hear some sort of rustling coming from the porch facing the beach.

MG stands from his seat, looking toward the large French doors.

Josie takes a step in the direction of the noise, but MG stops her by placing a hand on her arm, and he walks in front of her instead as they both slowly approach the doors.

The sound grows louder and louder as they get closer.

Suddenly, a dog bounds up to the door, his tail wagging happily.

MG lets out a shriek, jumping so high that both his feet leave the ground momentarily. And Josie just sighs in relief, recognizing the familiar face. “Charlie.”

She walks past MG and opens the door, letting the dog inside as she kneels down to greet him. “What are you doing here, buddy?” she asks in a slightly higher pitched voice as she scratches behind his ears.

MG only watches her with an amused expression, shaking his head, “Wow, so you can put your guard down every once in a while.”

Josie turns and glares at him, and it almost seems like Charlie does too. “You can go now.”

MG scoffs humorously, grabbing his things, “Should I take the dog, or do you want an excuse to see Raf again? I’m not sure Hopey would like that very much. Which lover will it be today?”

Josie deflates slightly, letting out a soft sigh. “I’ll take him. I don’t want Raf asking questions about you staying here last night. The less he knows the better.”

MG chuckles, “Don't want him thinking we’re shacking up?”

Josie grimaces, “Ew, gross.”

MG laughs some more at her reaction, “I was kidding. Plus, my heart still belongs to your sister.” He says the last part quietly, but Josie still manages to hear what he said.

She freezes, her body tensing at the mention of Lizzie, her sister. She turns to look at MG in disbelief, “You haven’t seen her since we were kids.”

MG shrugs, “That doesn’t make it any less true. I still care about her.” Josie sighs and looks back at the dog. MG watches as she tries to bury whatever emotions are rising to the surface. “Do you ever think about–”

“Stop,” she interrupts him, her voice strained suddenly. She sees MG deflate, sadness clouding his features, and she deflates, trying to reassure him, “I found her several years ago. I anonymously sent her some money to make sure she was taken care of.”

MG nods, concern still etched in his expression, “Where is she now?”

“She was in Georgia when I tracked her down. Now…she could be anywhere,” Josie’s voice softens, “Trust me, it’s better this way. She’s safe, and more importantly, she’s off the Mikaelsons’ radar.”

Revenge Turned Blue (Hosie) - hm0728 (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.