The First Federal Budget Surplus In Three Decades Occurred In (2024)

History High School


Answer 1

The first federal budget surplus in three decades occurred in the late 1990s, specifically in fiscal year 1998. This surplus was a significant achievement for the US government, which had been running budget deficits for many years.

The budget surplus was the result of a combination of factors, including a strong economy, increased tax revenues, and budgetary discipline. During this period, the US experienced a period of sustained economic growth, with low unemployment and rising incomes. This, in turn, led to increased tax revenues for the government.

Additionally, the federal government adopted a series of policies aimed at reducing the budget deficit, including spending cuts and increased tax rates. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997, signed into law by President Bill Clinton, played a significant role in achieving the surplus by imposing spending caps on federal programs and reducing Medicare spending.

The surplus was short-lived, however, as the budget deficit returned in the early 2000s, due in part to the economic downturn that followed the dot-com bubble and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Nonetheless, the achievement of a federal budget surplus in 1998 was a significant milestone for the US government, demonstrating the potential for fiscal discipline and responsible budget management.

To learn more about federal budget, visit:


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Evalúa el presupuesto de tu familia.

Marca con un x en donde se ubica (rojo,
amarillo o verde).


My family income depends on earnings, savings, as well as other odd work

Budgeted Monthly = $ 1000My family = balanced Our savings = Healthy but less that average budgetThe problem: Limited Income and lack of Financial Management

What is the family budget about?

My family income is sufficient for a balanced budget and financial stability. From the Evaluation, it shows that there is savings which is healthy but less than average.

Current expenses is met but savings not robust. Limited income and lack of financial management can restrict our ability to save or invest in larger financial goals. So we need to improve financial management to effectively allocate resources.

Learn more about family budget from


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Evalúa el presupuesto de tu familia. Marca con un x en donde se ubica (ro

amarillo o verde).



Menores que



Iguales a



Mayores que

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yudar a tener más información de este tema para enfrentar problema

scasos recursos.​

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Evaluate your family budget. Mark with an x ​​where it is located (ro

yellow or green).



Less Than






Greater Than

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will help to have more information on this topic to face the problem

with scarce resources.

Concrete examples of schooling issues with respect to religious pluralism are
A. compulsory attendance.
B. prayer in schools.
C. the use of public funds to support private religious education.
D. All of the answers are correct.


The correct option is D. All of the answers are correct. Compulsory attendance may be an issue for families who hold religious beliefs that conflict with certain school policies or practices.

Every person in a community with a variety of religious beliefs has the freedom and safety to practise their religion as they see fit. This is known as religious pluralism. There are several gods, according to polytheistic religions including Taoism, Japanese Shinto, and Chinese folk religion.

Prayer in schools can also be controversial, with some religious groups advocating for their own prayers to be included in school activities while others may feel excluded or uncomfortable. The use of public funds to support private religious education raises questions about the separation of church and state and whether taxpayer money should be used to promote specific religious beliefs. All of these issues can arise when trying to balance religious pluralism with the need for a standard education system.

To learn more about Religious beliefs, click here:


What Hindu text urges action in this world?
A)The Sutras
B)Rig Veda
D)Bhagavad Gita


The Hindu text that urges action in this world is the Bhagavad Gita.

It is a 700-verse scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the epic poem, the Mahabharata. The Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Arjuna, a warrior prince, and his charioteer Krishna, who is an incarnation of the god Vishnu.

Arjuna is hesitant to fight in a battle against his own family and friends, but Krishna explains to him the importance of fulfilling his duty as a warrior and the concept of dharma, which means fulfilling one's responsibilities and obligations in life.

The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the importance of taking action in the world, but also emphasizes the need for detachment and spiritual growth.

It teaches that one can achieve spiritual liberation while still living in the world by performing actions with the right intention and without attachment to the outcome. The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most widely read and influential texts in Hinduism and has inspired many great thinkers and leaders throughout history.

To know more about Bhagavad Gita refer here:


The photograph below shows several African American students holding a sit-in at a diner in North Carolina during the 1960s: A photograph shows several African American students seated at the counter of a diner. © Photo Researchers/Image Quest 2012 Which civil rights leader would have rejected the students' approach to fighting for integration?


One civil rights leader who would have rejected the students' approach to fighting for integration is Booker T. Washington.

1. Booker T. Washington, a prominent civil rights leader during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, advocated for a different approach to achieving racial equality compared to other leaders of his time.

2. Washington believed in a gradualist approach, focusing on economic self-improvement and education for African Americans, rather than immediate protests or direct confrontation.

3. He emphasized the importance of vocational training and economic independence as the means to uplift the African American community.

4. Washington's famous speech in 1895, known as the Atlanta Compromise, outlined his philosophy of accommodation and cooperation with white Americans in the South.

5. According to Washington's approach, African Americans should work towards gaining economic success and proving their worth to society, which would eventually lead to social acceptance and equality.

6. In contrast to the sit-in approach taken by the African American students in the photograph, Washington would have discouraged such direct confrontations and instead advocated for building bridges through economic empowerment and education.

7. His philosophy was criticized by other civil rights leaders, such as W.E.B. Du Bois, who believed in a more confrontational approach to address racial injustice.

8. While Washington's ideas were influential at the time, his approach eventually came under criticism for perpetuating inequality and not directly challenging discriminatory laws and practices.

9. Despite the differences in their approaches, it is important to recognize the contributions of all civil rights leaders in the fight for equality, as their diverse strategies and ideas shaped the broader movement.

For more such questions on civil rights, click on:


Who in Congress worked tirelessly to end the gag rule?Answers:Selected Answer:a.John Quincy Adams.b.Abraham Lincoln.


John Quincy Adams worked tirelessly in Congress to end the gag rule.

The sixth president of the United States, John Quincy Adams, served in office from 1825 to 1829. He was an American politician, diplomat, lawyer, and diarist. He died on February 23, 1848. From 1817 until 1825, he was the seventh Secretary of State for the United States. Adams held both the positions of ambassador and congressman for Massachusetts over the course of his extensive diplomatic and political career. He was the oldest child of First Lady Abigail Adams and Second President John Adams, who presided over the country from 1797 to 1801.

To know more about John Quincy Adams


why did people in many foreign countries distrusted the peace corps


People in many foreign countries distrusted the Peace Corps due to a few key factors, such as concerns over cultural imperialism, political motivations, and potential espionage activities.

Cultural imperialism refers to the imposition of one's own culture, beliefs, and values onto another. As the Peace Corps, founded in 1961, is an American organization sending volunteers to foreign countries, some people feared it might promote American culture and values, potentially undermining local traditions and customs. The Peace Corps emerged during the Cold War era, which sparked suspicion about the organization's true intentions.

People questioned whether the Peace Corps was genuinely interested in promoting development and goodwill, or if it was a tool for promoting American political interests and influence in foreign nations. Concerns about potential espionage activities were also a reason for distrust. Some believed that Peace Corps volunteers might serve as spies or intelligence gatherers, collecting sensitive information about the host country and passing it on to the U.S. government.

This suspicion was fueled by the fact that the Peace Corps was established during a time of heightened international tension and competition. Despite these concerns, the Peace Corps has successfully contributed to various development projects and fostered positive relationships in many countries. However, it's important to recognize the historical and political context that led to initial distrust in the organization.

know more about Peace Corps here:


On the home front, popular culture was characterized by
a) weariness and low spirits.
b) pessimism and fear.
c) resentment and hostility.
d) patriotism and high morale.


d) patriotism and high morale.

On the home front, popular culture was characterized by patriotism and high morale(Option D).

Despite the challenges and sacrifices that came with the war, many people found comfort and inspiration in rallying around their country and supporting the troops. This sense of unity and pride was reflected in popular songs, films, and other forms of entertainment, which often celebrated American values and ideals. While there may have been moments of weariness or pessimism, overall the cultural climate at home during this time was marked by a strong sense of national identity and purpose.

for further information on patriotism and high morale visit :


Two landmark Supreme Court cases in 2003 dealt with: a) hom*osexuality & abortion. b) affirmative action & disabled persons. c) hom*osexuality & affirmative action. d) abortion & affirmative action. e) disabled persons & hom*osexuality.


The two landmark Supreme Court cases in 2003 dealt with hom*osexuality and affirmative action (option c). The cases were Lawrence v. Texas and Grutter v. Bollinger.

In Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court struck down a Texas sodomy law that criminalized consensual same-sex sexual activity, ruling that such laws violated the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This decision overturned the Court's previous ruling in Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) and decriminalized same-sex sexual activity throughout the United States.In Grutter v. Bollinger, the Supreme Court upheld the use of race as a factor in the admissions process at the University of Michigan Law School, ruling that affirmative action policies aimed at promoting diversity in higher education were consistent with the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court held that universities have a compelling interest in achieving a diverse student body and that race could be considered as one of many factors in admissions decisions, as long as it is not the sole determining factor.These cases were significant for advancing the rights of LGBTQ individuals and supporting the use of affirmative action policies in higher education.

know more about Lawrence v. Texas here:


the walsh healey public contracts act of 1936 quizlet


The Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act of 1936 was a federal law enacted to protect workers employed by government contractors from unfair labor practices.

The act requires that all contractors with the federal government pay their workers a minimum wage, ensure safe working conditions, and observe certain labor standards. It applies to all contracts of $15,000 or more for the manufacturing or furnishing of materials, supplies, articles, or equipment to the government.

The act also requires contractors to maintain accurate records of their workers' wages and hours worked and to submit periodic reports to the government. It also prohibits child labor and the employment of convict labor in the performance of any contract or subcontract. The act is enforced by the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

Overall, the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act of 1936 was an important milestone in the history of labor law, as it provided important protections for workers in the federal government supply chain and helped to ensure fair labor practices across the country.

For more about Contracts Act:


other than franklin d. roosevelt, which presidents (up to the time period in this unit) served during a time when the united states was officially at war (excluding conflicts with the plains indians)?


The US presidents who served during a time when the United States was officially at war were James Madison, James K. Polk, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson and many more.

Which US presidents served during war?

There were several US presidents who served during a time when the United States was officially at war before the time period covered in this unit. Some of these include:

1. James Madison: Madison served as President during the War of 1812, which was fought between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815.

2. James K. Polk: Polk served as President during the Mexican-American War, which was fought between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848.

3. Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln served as President during the American Civil War, which was fought between the United States and the Confederate States of America from 1861 to 1865.

4. William McKinley: McKinley served as President during the Spanish-American War, which was fought between the United States and Spain in 1898.

5. Woodrow Wilson: Wilson served as President during World War I, which was fought between 1914 and 1918.

It's worth noting that while the United States was not officially at war with the Plains Indians, there were several conflicts between the US government and various Indian tribes during the 19th century, such as the Black Hawk War and the Sioux Wars.

To learn more about war, visit


most white northerners in the period between 1820 and 1860


Most white northerners in the period between 1820 and 1860 held a variety of views on slavery and race.

There was a range of opinions and attitudes among white northerners regarding the institution of slavery and its expansion. Here are some key points:

1. Abolitionist Movement: A significant number of white northerners were part of the abolitionist movement, which sought the immediate and complete end of slavery. Abolitionists viewed slavery as morally wrong and worked towards its abolition through various means, including activism, writing, and supporting the Underground Railroad.

2. Free Soil Movement: Another faction of white northerners were part of the Free Soil movement, which opposed the expansion of slavery into new territories rather than advocating for its immediate abolition. Free Soilers were primarily concerned with preserving the economic opportunities of white laborers and farmers, and they opposed the spread of slavery into the western territories.

3. Indifference or Limited Opposition: Many white northerners held more moderate or indifferent views towards slavery. Some may have been sympathetic to the institution or had economic ties to the Southern slave economy. Others may have simply prioritized other political or economic issues over the slavery debate.

4. Racial Prejudice: It's important to note that even among those who opposed the institution of slavery, racial prejudice and discrimination were still prevalent in northern society. While they objected to slavery, some white northerners held negative stereotypes and discriminatory views towards African Americans.

5. Political Divisions: The issue of slavery created significant political divisions among white northerners. Political parties such as the Democrats, Whigs, and later the Republican Party were divided along sectional lines, with differing views on the expansion of slavery and the rights of African Americans.

Learn more about Abolitionist Movement at:


how was foot binding viewed during the song dynasty quizlet


The foot binding was viewed during the Song dynasty as, beauty and feminine virtue, social status and marriage prospects, social norm and control, male preference.

During the Song Dynasty in China (960-1279), foot binding was widely practiced among upper-class women. The practice involved tightly binding the feet of young girls to prevent further growth, resulting in deformed and tiny feet known as "lotus feet."

1. Beauty and Feminine Virtue: Foot binding was associated with beauty and femininity. It was believed that small, delicate feet were aesthetically pleasing and represented a woman's virtue, refinement, and social status. Women with bound feet were considered more marriageable and desirable.

2. Social Status and Marriage Prospects: Foot binding was seen as a marker of social status. Women from wealthy and influential families bound their feet to demonstrate their elite status. Having bound feet was also linked to improved marriage prospects, as it was considered a desirable trait in a potential bride.

3. Social Norms and Social Control: Foot binding became a social norm enforced by societal expectations and pressures. Women who did not bind their feet risked being perceived as lower class or unfeminine. Peer pressure and social conformity played a significant role in perpetuating the practice.

4. Male Preferences and Control: Foot binding was encouraged by men as it catered to their aesthetic preferences. Men often had the power to choose a spouse and looked for women with bound feet, reinforcing the practice. Foot binding also reinforced male control and dominance over women's bodies and mobility.

5. Health and Physical Limitations: Despite the cultural significance attached to foot binding, it caused severe physical deformities and lifelong health issues for women. The process was painful, led to difficulty in walking, and increased susceptibility to infections and injuries.

Learn more about Song dynasty at:


the initial fighting of the civil war began when quizlet


The initial fighting of the American Civil War began on April 12, 1861, with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina.

Fort Sumter was a federal fort located in the harbor of Charleston and was one of the last remaining federal installations in the Confederate States of America.

The Confederate government had demanded that Union troops evacuate Fort Sumter, but when the Union refused, Confederate forces under General P.G.T. Beauregard opened fire on the fort, beginning a 34-hour bombardment that ended with the fort's surrender.

The attack on Fort Sumter was a significant event in the history of the United States, as it marked the beginning of the American Civil War, which would last for four years and result in the deaths of an estimated 620,000 soldiers and civilians. The conflict was fought primarily between the Union, which represented the northern states and the federal government, and the Confederacy, which represented the southern states that had seceded from the Union.

The initial fighting at Fort Sumter was a product of the growing tensions between the North and the South over issues such as slavery, states' rights, and the role of the federal government. The attack on the fort galvanized public opinion in both the North and the South and led to widespread mobilization of troops and resources as both sides prepared for what would become one of the bloodiest conflicts in American history.

To learn more about the American Civil War, visit:


The document above was written in direct response to?







I am pretty sure it is tobacco


Federal Reserve
New York
St. Louis
Kansas City
San Francisco
Letter Designation
Number Designation
What fact can
be made from
the table in
regard to the
Reserve Banks?
A. San Francisco is notated by the letter "L"
B. Cleveland only provides banking services to Ohio
C. There are more than 12 Federal Reserve Banks
D. Boston is the newest of the Federal Reserve Banks


The fact can be made from the table in regard to the Federal Reserve Banks There are more than 12 Federal Reserve Banks. Thus the correct option is C.

The Federal Reserve Banks, sometimes referred to as the "Fed," are a crucial part of the American central banking system. They are essential, In order to keep the country's financial system stable and honest,

With letter designations ranging from A to L, the table lists the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. There are at least 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the United States, as shown by the fact that there are 12 letter designations.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about Banks, here:


daring southern commander killed at the battle of chancellorsville. True/False



True. A daring Southern commander, Stonewall Jackson, was killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville during the American Civil War. Jackson was a prominent Confederate general known for his tactical brilliance and aggressive maneuvers on the battlefield. He was accidentally shot by his own troops while returning from a reconnaissance mission during the Battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863. His death was a significant loss for the Confederacy and had a major impact on the outcome of the war.

Learn more about Stonewall Jackson here:


The given statement-''daring southern commander killed at the battle of chancellorsville'' is True.

During the Battle of Chancellorsville in the American Civil War, a daring southern commander named General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was killed.

The battle took place from April 30 to May 6, 1863. On the evening of May 2, 1863, while scouting positions, Jackson was accidentally shot by his own men. His death was a significant loss for the Confederate forces as Jackson was known for his tactical brilliance and aggressive leadership.

The loss of Jackson had a profound impact on the outcome of the battle and the subsequent strategies employed by both the Union and Confederate armies.

To know more about Chancellorsville refer to-


Puritanism is an important part of Colonial American history because ____________.
Puritans developed the idea of free education in all towns
Puritans made strict laws that helped bring about the success of their colonies
Puritans showed the world that America was a good place to practice different types of religion
All of the answers are correct.


Puritanism is an important part of Colonial American history because Puritans made strict laws that helped bring about the success of their colonies.

Puritans played a significant role in the early development of the American colonies, particularly in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. They believed in a strict interpretation of the Bible, with a focus on personal religious experience and a rejection of Catholic and Anglican practices. The Puritans established strict laws governing social behavior, such as dress, leisure activities, and sexual morality, which they believed were necessary to build a godly community.

These laws helped create a stable and prosperous society in the colonies, laying the groundwork for future growth and development.

To know more about Puritans, click here:


Many people cite Clinton's charm and charisma as two key factors which helped to get
him elected. In your opinion, how much influence do things such as looks, charm, and
charisma have in elections? How important of a role should they play?


Appearance, charm, and charisma may have different levels of impact in elections, depending on context and candidates' traits.

What is the charisma?

Despite the benefits of possessing these qualities, many other factors are involved in this complex process. Studies show appearance can impact election success, but importance varies among cultures and political systems.

Charismatic candidates connect better with voters, conveying messages more effectively and mobilizing their supporters during campaigns. Charm and charisma are not enough for choosing political leaders. Evaluate candidates based on their substance, competence, policy positions, and accomplishments.

Learn more about charisma from


.Jacob van Ruisdael specialized in which of the following genres?
church interiors
still life


Jacob van Ruisdael specialized in the genre of landscapes.

Jacob van Ruisdael (1628/9–1682) was a Dutch painter who was renowned for his landscape paintings. He was one of the most important landscape artists of the Dutch Golden Age and was known for his ability to create atmospheric and detailed representations of the natural world. He painted a variety of landscapes, including forests, rivers, waterfalls, and seascapes, and was particularly skilled at capturing the effects of light and shadow.

His work influenced many artists who came after him and helped to establish landscape painting as a major genre in Dutch art.

To know more about Jacob van Ruisdael, click here:


Write 20 facts about Africa's new nations.


Africa has seen the emergence of several new nations since its decolonization era.
South Sudan is the newest nation in Africa, having gained independence from Sudan in 2011.
Eritrea became an independent nation in 1993 after a long struggle for self-determination from Ethiopia.
Namibia gained independence from South Africa in 1990 after decades of apartheid rule.
Zimbabwe, formerly known as Rhodesia, achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1980.
Angola declared independence from Portugal in 1975 after a lengthy war of independence.
Mozambique became independent from Portugal in 1975 after a protracted armed struggle.
The Republic of Guinea-Bissau gained independence from Portugal in 1973.
Cape Verde achieved independence from Portugal in 1975.
Djibouti became an independent nation in 1977 after being a French overseas territory.
Comoros gained independence from France in 1975.
The island nation of Seychelles gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1976.
São Tomé and Príncipe became independent from Portugal in 1975.
The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic declared independence from Spain in 1976, but it remains unrecognized by many countries.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) gained independence from Belgium in 1960.
Somalia achieved independence from Italy and the United Kingdom in 1960.
Togo gained independence from France in 1960.
Senegal declared independence from France in 1960.
Madagascar became independent from France in 1960.
Most African countries gained their independence during the 1950s and 1960s as part of the wave of decolonization in the continent.

what is system of the government where most of the power lies with the individaul states


In a federal system of government, most of the power is decentralized and given to individual states.

This means that each state has its own government and laws, while the national government is responsible for overarching issues like defense and foreign policy.

This type of government is often used in large countries with diverse populations, as it allows for more localized decision-making and greater representation for different regions.

In a federal system, the national government serves as a unifying force, but it does not have absolute power over the states.

Instead, power is shared between different levels of government, with each having its own set of responsibilities and areas of authority.

For more such questions on government, click on:


Between 1840 and 1860, the American Southern slave populationA. could not meet the labor needs.B. changed little.C. dramatically shifted into the Southwest.D. declined in overall numbers.E. became concentrated in the upper South.


Between 1840 and 1860, the American Southern slave population experienced a dramatic shift into the Southwest, as more and more slaveholders moved westward in search of new agricultural opportunities. The correct option is C and E.

This led to an increase in overall numbers of enslaved people in the region, despite the fact that some individual states saw declines in their slave populations. The upper South, however, saw a concentration of slaves as many planters in this region chose to specialize in growing cotton and tobacco, crops that required large numbers of laborers. Therefore, options C and E are both partially correct.

Option A is incorrect, as the demand for slave labor in the South continued to grow during this time period. Option B is also incorrect, as the movement of slaves into the Southwest was a significant demographic change. Option D is incorrect, as the overall number of slaves in the South increased during this time period.

Learn more about Southern Slave Population :-


what replaced the old kingdom mastabas in the middle kingdom


In the Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt, the mastaba tombs of the Old Kingdom were gradually replaced by rock-cut tombs known as "rock-cut tombs" or "rock-cut tombs." These tombs were carved directly into the natural rock formations, typically on the cliffs of desert hillsides.

The shift from mastaba tombs to rock-cut tombs can be seen as a reflection of the changing funerary practices and architectural preferences during the Middle Kingdom. Rock-cut tombs provided several advantages over mastabas.

They were more secure and offered better protection against tomb robbers, as they were hidden and often located in remote areas. The natural rock formations also provided stability for the tombs, ensuring their longevity.

Rock-cut tombs typically consisted of a series of corridors and chambers, including a burial chamber and various offering chambers. The walls of these tombs were often adorned with intricate carvings and paintings, depicting scenes from the deceased's life, religious rituals, and funerary texts.

One famous example of rock-cut tombs from the Middle Kingdom is the Beni Hasan tombs located near the Nile River in central Egypt.

These tombs belong to the provincial nobles and officials and are renowned for their well-preserved wall paintings, providing valuable insights into the daily life, occupations, and artistic styles of the Middle Kingdom period.

Overall, the transition from mastaba tombs to rock-cut tombs in the Middle Kingdom reflected a shift in burial practices and architectural preferences, with rock-cut tombs offering greater security and durability for the deceased's eternal resting place.

Learn more about mastabas at:


Why was the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 significant?
a) It was the only law that dealt with children.
b) It represented a compilation and refinement of all the antipoverty legislation of the previous 250 years.
c) It represented a compilation of all the antipoverty legislation and added an equal wage law. d) It was the first piece of legislation Queen Elizabeth signed into law.


The Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 significant option b) It represented a compilation and refinement of all the antipoverty legislation of the previous 250 years.

The Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601, also known as the Act for the Relief of the Poor, was significant because it consolidated and improved upon previous laws related to poverty relief in England. Option (b) correctly states that the law represented a compilation and refinement of all the antipoverty legislation of the previous 250 years.

The Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 established a system for providing assistance to the poor, setting guidelines for the collection and distribution of poor relief.

It made the local parish responsible for taking care of those who were unable to support themselves, including the elderly, disabled, and unemployed.

The law required each parish to appoint overseers of the poor to administer relief, and it established a system of workhouses for those who were capable of work but unable to find employment.

While the law did not specifically deal with children (option a), it addressed poverty relief comprehensively. Option c, regarding the addition of an equal wage law, is not accurate as the Elizabethan Poor Law did not include such a provision.

Additionally, option d is incorrect because it was not the first law signed by Queen Elizabeth I, as she had already signed several other laws during her reign.

To learn more about Elizabethan Poor Law refer below:


Option b) is Correct. It represented a compilation and refinement of all the antipoverty legislation of the previous 250 years.

The Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 was significant because it represented a major overhaul of the laws and policies that governed poverty in England during the Tudor and Stuart periods. The law replaced the system of local poor relief, in which local communities were responsible for providing aid to the poor, with a centralized system of poorhouses, in which the poor were required to live in exchange for basic necessities such as food and shelter.

The Elizabethan Poor Law was significant because it represented a compilation and refinement of all the antipoverty legislation of the previous 250 years. This included the Statute of Labourers, which had been passed in 1351 to regulate wages and prevent labor shortages during the Black Death, and the Statute of the Artificers, which had been passed in 1563 to regulate apprenticeships and wages in the skilled trades. The Elizabethan Poor Law built on these earlier laws and policies, but also introduced new provisions, such as the requirement that the poor be compelled to enter the workhouse and the provision of relief only in cases of extreme need.

Learn more about legislation Visit:


What did the South gain from the compromise? What did the North gain?


The Compromise of 1850 was a bundle of bill neglected the United States Congress to address the quarrelsome issues had connection with serfdom and regional growth.

What is the the compromise?

It amounted to various supplyings that proposed to placate two together Northern and Southern interests.

Fugitive Slave Act: The South win a tighter Fugitive Slave Act, that administered the return of out slaves to their proprietor, even in free states.

Learn more about the compromise from


Answer:If passed, the North would gain California as a free state and an end to the slave trade in Washington, D.C., while the South would get a stronger fugitive slave law and the possibility of western slavery through popular sovereignty. This compromise, Clay insisted, represented the “reunion of [the] Union.”


which city-state dominated the delian league and used warfare to keep others from withdrawing? responses sparta sparta corinth corinth thassos thasos athens


The city-state that dominated the Delian League and used warfare to keep others from withdrawing was Athens. This was a period of great power and expansion for Athens, as they had established the Delian League as a military alliance of city-states in order to protect against Persia.

However, Athens soon took control of the league, using its resources and military might to further their own interests. When city-states attempted to withdraw from the league, Athens would use force to keep them in line, leading to conflicts and battles throughout the region.

This period of Athenian dominance is often referred to as the Athenian Empire, and it lasted from roughly 478 BC until the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC.

Overall, the role of Athens in the Delian League was a complex and controversial one, marked by both great achievements and significant abuses of power.

To know more about Delian League, refer


true or false: ascension of jesus was his last act on earth returning to heaven.



True this was his last act. Until his second coming


Explain why the trapper business lasted only about ten years from 1829 to 1840. ANSWER QUICKLY ILL GIVE BRAINLIST!!!!​



Explanation:There were thousands of trappers looking for furs all through the Rocky Mountains and Canada. It took only about ten years for the animals to become scarce. Beaver, which had been hunted to make beaver hats were almost hunted to extinction and then fancy people in the east and Europe decided they wanted silk hats and the market for beaver died.

why does douglass have no knowledge of his birth date?


Frederick Douglass, a prominent American abolitionist and orator, was born into slavery in the state of Maryland in the early 19th century. Like many enslaved individuals, he did not have access to formal education or documentation, including a birth certificate that would indicate his date of birth.

In his first autobiography, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave," Douglass writes that he was separated from his mother as an infant and had little contact with her thereafter. This meant that he could not rely on her memory or knowledge of his birth date. Additionally, enslaved people were often not allowed to celebrate birthdays, which further contributed to the lack of awareness of their birth dates.

Without access to formal documentation or the ability to celebrate birthdays, many enslaved people had no way of knowing their exact birth dates, including Frederick Douglass. This lack of knowledge highlights one of the many dehumanizing aspects of slavery, in which individuals were denied basic rights and treated as property rather than human beings.

To learn more about Frederick Douglass, click here:


Frederick Douglass, a prominent American abolitionist and orator, was born into slavery in the state of Maryland in the early 19th century. Like many enslaved individuals, he did not have access to formal education or documentation, including a birth certificate that would indicate his date of birth.

In his first autobiography, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave," Douglass writes that he was separated from his mother as an infant and had little contact with her thereafter. This meant that he could not rely on her memory or knowledge of his birth date. Additionally, enslaved people were often not allowed to celebrate birthdays, which further contributed to the lack of awareness of their birth dates.

Without access to formal documentation or the ability to celebrate birthdays, many enslaved people had no way of knowing their exact birth dates, including Frederick Douglass. This lack of knowledge highlights one of the many dehumanizing aspects of slavery, in which individuals were denied basic rights and treated as property rather than human beings.

To learn more about Frederick Douglass, click here:


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