The Journal in 2023,Internal Medicine Journal (2024)

I think the theme of this editorial in the context of Internal Medicine Journal (IMJ) may well be best represented by the word ‘change’. Change in the way academic publishing is heading, change in the way readers consume information and change in the mechanics of producing a journal. The traditional model of issue-based publishing (to which we still adhere) may well be joining cash and over-the-air television: relegated to soon-to-be-forgotten history. Many of you no longer browse through an issue of a favourite journal at a time, preferring to seek out the information you need and not actually caring when it has appeared or exactly in what form. The focus of journals such as ours will be increasingly directed to the needs of the readers, with accessibility being the lock and the move to more universal open-access publishing being the key. Thus, papers may well be published at whatever time the editorial process is completed rather than waiting for a complete issue in which to fit them. When a thematic read is wanted, there will be the opportunity for us to develop themed virtual issues such as those we ran between 2010 and 2017. These are still available by accessing the Journal webpage, clicking the Browse tab and selecting Virtual Issues. The Council of Australian University Librarians transformational agreement came into effect in January 2022 making it easier for eligible Australian and New Zealand authors to publish open-access papers that then become freely available to all. In 2022, we published 47 such papers compared with 15 in 2021 and 5 in 2020. This allows for more widespread access than to just fellows and subscribers. Of course, with every issue, we have an Editor's Choice selection, which remains freely accessible, and highlighted titles are identified on social media handle @marrow (X, formerly known as Twitter) and are available freely for a limited time.

These changes may have contributed partly to a drop in our 2022 impact factor to 2.1 from 2.6 in 2021. In partnership with our publisher Wiley, we will be watching the trends very closely to identify what we might do to improve our status amongst journals in the internal medicine category. As I am often wont to do, I will restate that there are other metrics by how we might measure the quality of IMJ and these will evolve in time. The citation index is still highly valued by authors and academic institutions, but a 1-year value may not tell the whole story. For example, our 5-year impact factor increased by over 10% from last year: 2.089 to 2.384.

The individual papers that were cited are always worth noting and the top two were the very important paper on recognition and management of sepsis by Thompson et al.1 and the paper by Torda et al. describing how the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has altered medical education.2 The two papers cited most in the 2-year postpublication were the paper by Tang et al. on food allergy3 and that by Huang et al. on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.4 All of these papers are highly relevant to our work and demonstrate the relevance and strength of the work you do and we publish.

COVID-19 papers continued to be submitted in 2023 and no doubt will continue in a new phase of the COVID-19 story.

2023 saw the escalation and continuing development of media coverage on papers published in the IMJ with the College's official media group Essential. These included coverage of the paper in February on potentially preventable hospitalisations in rural patients by Ridge et al.,5 as well as that in August on the study of outpatient exercise programmes in cancer-related fatigue by Datta Gupta et al.6 There were many more.

2023 also saw the invigoration and continuation of IMJpodcasts with three very high-quality episodes of IMJ on-air produced: ‘Hyperglycaemia and COVID-19’, released on 18 January and findable at:; A tiger in the Mallee: Victoria's JEV cluster on juvenile encephalitis, which was released on 16 July and can be found at:; and ‘HepatoCare: a model for palliative and supportive care in advanced cirrhosis’, released on 11 December and available at:

The new author manuscript submission site Research Exchange (ReX), a Wiley initiative mentioned in my editorial last year, remains in progress but was not launched for IMJ in 2023. Discussions on customising the site and updating the IMJ author guidelines where appropriate have been ongoing. It is anticipated to be launched IMJ in early 2024.

I will next tabulate the many editorial board comings and goings: Associate Professor Ganessan Kichenadasse from Adelaide replaced Professor Matthew Links as medical oncology editor. We were particularly grateful to Dr James Lynam from Newcastle, who functioned as interim medical oncology editor for an extended period during the year and enabled this very busy portfolio to continue processing papers. Dr Elizabeth Potter from Melbourne replaced Professor Ian Scott as internal medicine editor. Professor Andrew Mallett from Queensland replaced Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm as one of the nephrology editors. Professor Christian Gericke, also from Queensland, replaced Professor Mark Ferson as public health medicine editor. Dr Richard McNeill from Christchurch replaced Dr Jonathan Brett as clinical pharmacology editor. Richard, however, announced his departure from this role at the end of the year and is being replaced by Dr Joshua Inglis from Adelaide.

I would like to express my usual but increasingly heartfelt thanks to our reviewers for 2023, whose names are tabulated after this piece for their unpaid and essential contribution to IMJ. A special ‘shout-out’ to those six busiest reviewers who went the extra kilometre and reviewed most papers in the calendar year:P. Pavli, F. Macrae, A. Elford, G. Moore, J. de Looze and C. Sidhu. I would emphasise strongly how the acceptance of an invitation to review a submitted manuscript is an essential part of scientific exchange and should be a duty not shirked, particularly by those who expect to have their own work peer-reviewed and published.

Again, please subscribe to the electronic table of contents, which will automatically include alerts to newly published papers. Sign up at Wiley Online Library at: and click on the ‘Get New Contents’ alert tab in the upper left corner or for fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, through the publications link at: Please explore this function if you have not done so already.

I thank Virginia Savickis, our long-serving editorial manager, who continues to be the heart, soul and engine keeping our journal alive and thriving. I also welcome back with great joy, Louise Young-Wilson, who has returned as editorial/technical assistant and has worked as if she never left in the most efficient manner possible. Thank you both on behalf of all authors, reviewers and readers of the IMJ.

Despite the significant changes in the editorial board and the long period since we met in person, it has continued to work, and I would like to thank each and every present and past editor for keeping up with an increasing workload.

Change indeed is what we have seen at many levels, but, in many ways, what you see is what has always been: a frank exchange of scientific description to enhance knowledge, improve practice and to some extent entertain us with messages of the disciplines of internal medicine that occupy so much of our lives.

I wish you all a wonderful 2024 in every conceivable way.

The Journal in 2023,Internal Medicine Journal (1)


我认为《内科杂志》 (IMJ)中这篇社论的主题很可能用“改变”一词来最好地体现。学术出版方式的变化、读者消费信息的方式的变化以及期刊制作机制的变化。基于问题的出版传统模式(我们仍然坚持这种模式)很可能会加入现金和无线电视的行列:很快就会被遗忘。你们中的许多人不再一次浏览一本最喜欢的期刊,而是更喜欢寻找您需要的信息,而不是真正关心它何时出现或具体以什么形式出现。像我们这样的期刊的焦点将越来越多地转向读者的需求,可访问性是锁,转向更普遍的开放获取出版是关键。因此,论文很可能在编辑过程完成的任何时候发表,而不是等待完整的期刊来适合它们。当需要主题阅读时,我们将有机会开发主题虚拟问题,例如我们在 2010 年至 2017 年期间运行的问题。仍然可以通过访问期刊网页、单击“浏览”选项卡并选择“虚拟问题”来获取这些主题。澳大利亚大学图书馆员委员会转型协议于 2022 年 1 月生效,使符合资格的澳大利亚和新西兰作者更容易发表开放获取论文,然后供所有人免费获取。2022 年,我们发表了 47 篇此类论文,而 2021 年为 15 篇,2020 年为 5 篇。这使得我们能够更广泛地访问,而不仅仅是研究员和订阅者。当然,每一期我们都会有编辑精选,可供免费获取,突出显示的标题会在社交媒体账号@marrow(X,以前称为 Twitter)上标识,并在有限的时间内免费提供。

这些变化可能在一定程度上导致我们 2022 年的影响因子从 2021 年的 2.6 下降到 2.1。我们将与我们的出版商 Wiley 合作,密切关注趋势,以确定我们可以采取哪些措施来提高我们在期刊中的地位。内科类。正如我经常做的那样,我将重申,我们还可以通过其他指标来衡量 IMJ 的质量,这些指标将随着时间的推移而发展。引文索引仍然受到作者和学术机构的高度重视,但一年的数值可能并不能说明全部情况。例如,我们的 5 年影响因子比去年增长了 10% 以上:2.089 至 2.384。

被引用的个别论文总是值得注意的,前两篇是 Thompson等人关于败血症的识别和管理的非常重要的论文。1和 Torda等人的论文。描述 2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 大流行如何改变医学教育。2发表后两年内被引用最多的两篇论文是 Tang等人的论文。关于食物过敏3以及 Huang等人的研究。关于非酒精性脂肪肝。4所有这些论文都与我们的工作高度相关,并展示了您所做的工作和我们发表的工作的相关性和强度。

2023 年,COVID-19 论文继续提交,毫无疑问,COVID-19 故事将继续进入新阶段。

2023 年,学院官方媒体集团 Essential 对 IMJ 上发表的论文的媒体报道不断升级和持续发展。其中包括 Ridge等人2 月份关于农村患者可能可预防的住院治疗的论文5以及 Datta Gupta 等人 8 月份关于癌症相关疲劳的门诊锻炼计划研究报道。6还有更多。

2023 年,IMJ 播客也迎来了活力和延续,制作了三期非常高质量的 IMJ 播客:“高血糖和 COVID-19”,于 1 月 18 日发布,可在以下网址找到:。 au/pomegranate/view/imj-on-air-hyperglycaemia-and-covid-19;Mallee 中的老虎:维多利亚州青少年脑炎 JEV 群,该报告于 7 月 16 日发布,可在以下网址找到: -在马里维多利亚杰夫星团中;以及“HepatoCare:晚期肝硬化姑息和支持治疗的模式”,于 12 月 11 日发布,可访问:晚期肝硬化姑息治疗和支持治疗模型。

新的作者手稿提交网站 Research Exchange (ReX) 是我去年在社论中提到的一项 Wiley 举措,该网站仍在进行中,但并未在 2023 年为 IMJ 推出。有关定制该网站和在适当情况下更新 IMJ 作者指南的讨论一直在进行中。预计将于 2024 年初在 IMJ 上推出。

接下来我将列出许多编辑委员会的来来去去:来自阿德莱德的 Ganessan Kichenadasse 副教授接替 Matthew Links 教授担任医学肿瘤学编辑。我们特别感谢来自纽卡斯尔的 James Lynam 博士,他在这一年中长期担任临时医学肿瘤学编辑,使这个非常繁忙的项目能够继续处理论文。来自墨尔本的伊丽莎白·波特博士取代了伊恩·斯科特教授担任内科编辑。来自昆士兰州的 Andrew Mallett 教授取代了 Karin Jandeleit-Dahm 教授成为肾脏病学编辑之一。同样来自昆士兰州的克里斯蒂安·格里克(Christian Gericke)教授接替马克·费森(Mark Ferson)教授担任公共卫生医学编辑。来自基督城的理查德·麦克尼尔博士取代乔纳森·布雷特博士担任临床药理学编辑。然而,理查德宣布在今年年底辞去这一职务,并由来自阿德莱德的约书亚·英格利斯博士接替。

我想向我们 2023 年的审稿人表达我一贯但越来越衷心的感谢,他们的名字列在本文后面,以表彰他们对 IMJ 做出的无偿和重要贡献。特别向六位最忙碌的审稿人表示敬意,他们在这一年中加倍努力,审阅了大多数论文:P. Pavli、F. Macrae、A. Elford、G. Moore、J. de Looze 和 C. Sidhu 。我要强烈强调,接受审稿邀请是科学交流的重要组成部分,并且应该是一项不可推卸的责任,特别是对于那些希望自己的作品得到同行评审和出版的人来说。

再次,请订阅电子目录,其中将自动包含新发表论文的提醒。在 Wiley 在线图书馆注册:,然后单击左上角的“获取新内容”警报选项卡或皇家研究员澳大利亚内科医师学会,通过出版物链接:。如果您还没有尝试过此功能,请探索一下。

我感谢长期担任我们期刊的编辑经理 Virginia Savickis,她一直是我们期刊的核心、灵魂和引擎,让我们的期刊保持活力和繁荣。我还非常高兴地欢迎 Louise Young-Wilson 的回归,她以编辑/技术助理的身份回归,并以最高效的方式工作,就好像她从未离开过一样。我代表 IMJ 的所有作者、审稿人和读者感谢你们。



我祝愿大家 2024 年一切顺利。

The Journal in 2023,Internal Medicine Journal (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.