The Shelby Record from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)

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The Shelby Recordi

Shelbyville, Kentucky

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THB SHELBY HECORD ENGLE DAY 5 Car Loads of Goods i ADDRESS BY DR SHERIDAN Star Attractions Oats AT THE Attractive Stocks at Attractive Prices Car Load of SILKS WOOL DRESS GOODS Re A Campbell for I 1 LOCAL NOTES reg IN LACES tl 10c agiin no pa a 3 is uncertain but it: was either Caused by rats and watches or more likely by bjantaneO'is combustion of hemp The property are hemp was insured with1 A Armstrong in th Continental Insurance G'liipauy who also had in the isntents in the South ville tire elsewhere mentioned The lovely hats at Mrs Kenney's the sensation of the city day and tomorrow The iscal Court will begin its April term next Tuesday Mrs Millinery Opening to day and tomorrow We have always on hand a nice line of trimmed hats Give us a call before purchasing Julia Amelia Scearce 1 LINEN Mixtures in Crash effects can be had in desirable colorings such as linen blue brown and grays for stvlish suits for only ast Black Bibbed double knee hose for good ones Hl Henry's Minstrels entertained and amused a big crowd at Laysun's opera house last niht 8hlbyvlllln In Washington A Washington dispatch to Times said: i "Attorneys Willis and John Todd of Shelbyville were callers on Mr Justice Harlan this morning Jus tice Harlan is one of those mentioned to deliver the chief address to the Ken tucky Bar Association this year and it may le that he will be invited How ever Mr Willis would not discuss the matter and said his call on the Justice was purely Another dispatch says that Messrs Willis aud Todd their daughters and Commissioner Yerkes were received by President Roosevelt Wednesday and spent a pleasant hour with Secretary of War Taft Science Nil! Celebrates Its Seventy Ninth Anni versary THERE will be preaching at Olivet church Sunday afternoon at 3 clock by the pastor Rev Bryce VOILE Wash Suitings the cor rect weaves ami weights for skirts and suits in exclusive col orings worch 35c only HIND1PO The Great Kidney Nerve and Brain ood restores the VIM VIGOR and VITALITY of Tailoring cleaning and repairing done in bet style at my store where I sell Clothing urnishing Goods etc at Store 3w Small ire Boulware of Chetnut Grove neighborhood lost a 3iHJ tenant house by tire on March and the tenant lost almost his entire household effects The fire originated in the at 1 o'clock at night On Wednesday afternoon last a corn crib on Mr Henry farm was destroyed It contained corn and sheer weaves representing all tile season's fashionable colors A vis it to our wash goods section will reveal to the ladies an assortment which was never before shown in Shelbyville Capt Howe 5 A and Capt Noel Gaines of rankfort in spected the local military company Tuesday night a yard is the low price for 18 inches wide absobent and linen CRASH which cannot be bought at the ad vancing market of raw material for less than low price6 The New Cash Zaltsheiw Opjiosite Shop The newest weaves in an endless varietv 1 can satisfy the most crit ical buyer in colorings This space will not permit the mention of all the new materials which are now in vogue Patrons out of town will be furnished samples on request ashion demands this soft fabric for shirt waist suits as well as for dress occasions Ladies will find a choice collection in Pongees oul ards Mosselines Louisicnnes etc at prices much lower than Louis ville houses can quote 50c 65c 75c 85c 90c a yard for yard wide INION LINEN Just the fabric for white waists and dresses cannot be bought elsewhere for lcs than 35c Republican Conventions Barnett chairman of the publican state Central Committee has iso let i me uiuciai ntn ror ine oiaie vention to be held May 3 in Louisville The call direct6 the several County vmuuhih wm itj arrange ir vo iiny ti ventions to be held April 23 to select delegate6 of which there will be 2200 under the call The convention will I aoMriuble in Theatre at two o'clock on the afternoon of May 3 and if neceary will continue over May 4 the theatre having been secured that day also Le Quinn of Cavendish Vt was robbed of his nmomarv health bv in vasion of Chrome constipation When Dr King 6 New Life Pills broke into his i house his trouble was arrested aud now entirely cured guaranteed to cure 25c at all Druggists cure ncrvnu debility exhaustion insomnia failin a memory lost vitality ztn all IDXEY ant! BLXDI'EK trouble' Pre vents DISEASE lumbago jaun dice Clear the brain and ard off early decay inanitv consumption and death Collins a rankfort policemanwas promptly acquitted in Jidve Davis' court Monday He was charged by a former prisoner with too mm "gun The charge was not s'l tained Popular Judge William6 was here to represent Collins are Opening to ll it A POPULAR STORE JUST RECEIVED CONSISTING Car Load of Northern White Seed Yard wide fine quality printed corded Madras for waists and dresses neat designs regular ISe quality so long as the lot lasts onlv The Modern Maccabees are rapidly coming to the front in this city Deputy Shelton announces a fine list of our best citizens They have a splen did insuram propiosition and promise to interest the young men by giving them something interesting in degree work We have the be and largest varie tie6 of garden eds and seed potatoes in town A Hollenbach or Rent Beginning April 1st the lions now oceupi' by the A Apply to Woodford Hall or to Collier Harbi son The reason yon didn't raise a good garden la year was because yon did nnt'nny Lanuretn garien roeOR rrom A Holienbach Having found an opportunity to secure a great bargain in Platt ai Laces I bought some and will give my patrons the benefit of this purchse These laces are suitable to trim wash dresses and underwear they are from 2'i p0 4 inches wide and are worth 10c 1 21 jc ami 15c for onlv flic anil ormerly Lived Here The St Louis Republic of March 2Gth says: Duvall Bull of No La fayette Avenue Chief Deputy under Jailer James Dawson and former A6 sistant Deputy Coroner died yesterday at Mullanphy Hospital from blood pen soning He had been at the hospital two weeks where amputation of his left foot was found necessary but his heart was too weak to permit of admin istration of opiates and the operation 22 school of like character 6uccnmled un 22 til the failing health of the noble worn an who had been its inspiration for (if 22 ty fonr years compelled her to pass on the work to Dr Poynter in whose hands 22 the curriculum was adapted to meet modern requirement6 with the result 22 that today Science Hill stands the peer of any preparatory school lor girls in 22 the land continuing under Mrs Poyn ter the grand work instituted by Mrs 22 Tevis seveuty nine years ago Thoughts of this nature were necesa 22 lily suggested to those who heard in telligently the introductory remarks of 22 Dr Wilbur Sheridan who was the 22 Day orator at Science Hill on 22 riday evening "Dr Sheridan is at present the pa tor of the Trinity Meth 22 odist church 111 Louisville but is soon 22 i go to the Mt Vernon Methodist church in one of the largest 22 in the and onr proqde are to be 3S congratulated ou this opportunity of I 22 hearing him before hi6 departure for hi tipw HmIiI if lnUir i tnan 22 film presence charminc address andL such strong ersonal magnetism that LpD ifp Em EmiI tai tnn minnk 111 "it JJ 111 i Ul I 7 1 1X 1 I XI I rt dieuce each of whom listened to his I every word with manifest interest aud many no doubt with as much profit PhilJrx rf thn the comprehensive subject of Dr Sheri a conliict including in its scojie not only all sen ami daughter6 of the human race 1 ex tending abo iutpthe animal and vege table kingdoms where the stronger have invariably crowded out or killed the weaker The struggle began in the beginning and as civilization has pro grossed the conflict has become the mor nse as the piilation lias grown more dense has the struggle become the more in a veritable struggle for the chance to until the struggle for leadership has be come the stern reality of life As a practical outcome there ha grown np a bitter and rebellion6 pint towards od and a profound distrust by man of his fellow a belief that behind every art fhor in an ulterior motive that every creature is a selfish creature it in contradistinetion to this spirit declar! the speaker emphatically there is Knottier ano stronger ine ai truistic spirit opposed to the struggle for self is the struggle to help others another law the supreme law of love is to usher in the final perfection It is the law of the world's redemption this law self sacrifice and it mu pre vail When it then sai! the speaker in conclusion shall we know the perfect social state Tomn ic indeed to the The VULCAN IS THE BEST PLOW Made and more sold than all other makes Pure Linen Voiles and Etamines In Bourette To some people the occasion known as "ounder's Day" serves but to recall the memory of many evenings pleas antly and perhaps profitably spent at Science Hill since the birthday of the school first began to be celebrated twenty five years ago when it passed to the present management To thought ful minds this annua) event has a deeper and far wider significance To these it suggestthe school's small be ginning in 1825 in a modest home of two or three rooms its gradual growth the buildings expanding a6 its patron age increased until the name and fame of Science Hill were known throughout the' South and the pupils within her halls were numbered by the hnndieds representing the first families of thebest communities in that section Then the war came with its reverses follow ed bv the brave strnirirle for existence the ultimate trimuph over obstacle to imp etueur and about 4M) which nearly every othr unendowed orth of hemp ihe origin of the tire Car Load of Columbus Buggy ine Buggies Surreys Phaetons Road Wagons and Carriages built to order or Style inish and Durability None Better Misses' and boys' fast black double knee dose ribbed 1 5c a pvir or two pairs for Car Load of Nails and Barbed and Smooth "II is the price for 4G inches wide RENCH LAWN of sheer quali XkC ty would be cheap for 35c Seed Potatoes Garden Seeds dii save yuu money on douve gooaj xxespr Car Load of Kitselman Bros Wire rClltv THE BEST MADE per box: 12 boxes No cure Come in gi a ree Booklet or bale Only By GOODMAN BROS CO 4 a vard for wash fabrics in Scotch anil Bourettes weaves suit AxJC able weights for or skirts and suits A large variety to select from wagons With Some New and Special eatures Not ound in Otter Wagons 22 22 25c 12 Special 5c 5c 25c Rev Nowlin ot Lexington will preach at the Shelbyville Baptist church next Sunday morning and eve ning at the usual hours SALLIE ontaine a colored woman eighty odd years of age died under ie cnliar if not suspicious circ*mstances in "Tin last riday The cor oner however decided that her death was from natural causes Eri Mitchell colored was arreted at Bagdad last Sunday night by Marshall True and was taken to rankfort to answer in the ederal court to a charge of illicit liquor selling Mb Petty has removed a siderable portion of the display space in his show window making room for an attractive "cozy where his customers may be seated while they eat ice cream or drink soda water Mr 31 Coots of (Hark county Indi was here Tuesday to remove the remains of his mother who was buried in Grove Hill cemetery six years ago They were taken to Jeffersonville ami interred in Walnut Hill cemetery Mr George Hess has graduated from the Louisville College of Pharmacy and has also passed the examination be fore the State Board and will receive his certificate as a registered pharma cist in a few davs Mr Hum will con tinue with the Smith McKenney Co could not be performed A peculiar primary cans led to the death of Mr Bull He had a corn on the sole of his left foot Two weeks ago he trimmed it too leej The foot swelled and the attention of his broth er in law Doctor Atkinson was called to it He realize! the aerious ness of his condition and sent him the hospital where izangrtne set it Deputy Bull wa a bachelor years old He was born in Shelbyville Ky in 148 and came to St Louis when a mere boy or the past six months he was deputy jailer Previously he was Assistant Coroner He was at one time Assistant Clerk of the Circuit Court His mother Mrs Bull: a brother John Bull two sisters Mrs Roliert Atkinson of St Louis and Mrs Edelin of ranklin Ky survive him A Rally i April first ends the third year fir the Shelbyville Young Men's Christian As sociation The first meeting in the new year will be held in the auditorium of the library building Sunday April 3 where the Association will have its quarters after this week side entrance The address Sunday will be given by Mr Dix Secretary of the State Committee from Louisville All mem bers are especially urged to le present as some important matters will be pre sented All men are cordially invited The annual election of officers will oc cur next Monday night ence in the pleasure of the ev ening was much enhance! by the two numbers on the program Miss Drew sang Patria" by Tito Mattei in way to strengthen the already excellent im pression her former appearance have created Her voice is a strong pure contralto one which adapts itself equally well to tender appealing songs as to the broad and a 'combination one ddes nut usually to which adds the rejo and finish of the true artist Mr Oliver's rendition Harasate's Zigennerweisen was also well received and won him new admirers in his audi ence Sunday School Organized A Sunday school was organized last Sunday evening at the Ashland school house in the county and considerable interest was taken in the exercises Mr Chas Weakley wa elected superin tendent It is the desire of the school to have Sunday school everyBunday af ternoon beginning promptly at 3 Those who live in the immediate vicin ity as well as those outside are re quested to come out Parents are urged to lend a hand in this worthy cause by attending themselves and by bringing their children Remember there will be a meeting next Sunday April 3 11(01 promptly at 3 o'clock "Carpets and mattings the largest stock the lowest prices at Engle Plant rose now Get them from Du Igiiirg Real Pongee Miks in all widths and qualities at Select Tailored Models will be opened April 1st and 2nd at Mbldelton's Now is the time to plant rosee A fine stock at or Sale orty five shoats weight about sixty pounds Apply to me or to Thomas Bros on my farm known as the Ben Matthews place Haktiohu Millinery Opening! The lalies are cordially invited to at tend the Millinery opening st my store today (riday) Mum Zilhakt Blue Grass Nurseries miHG l904r Trees by the million! ruit and Orna mental Shrubs Grajievlnes Asparagus Rhubarb Small ruits and everything for Orchard Lawn ami Garden No agents Strawberry and General Catalogue on application to NILUIIEYER MIW Both 'Phones 27 Lexington Kr Pure linen silver bleached TABLE DAMASK GG inches wide actual value 75c a yard only VV ast color Turkey Red Table Cloths heavy weight other houses would ask Idea yard only ine quality pure linen silver bleach Double Table Damask ft 72 inches wide the $125 quality so long as the lot lasts only VJsxV Lace 'X Curtains Entirely new designs SPECIAL offering in Irish andIambour qualities nt $275 $350 Aid $500 SPECIAL offering in Lace Cur tains at $100 $125 and $150 p'r Carpets and Mattings No carried over all brand large stock usual low prices Cottton warp Mattings in carpet patterns 18e20e and SHOES OXORDS In footwear for Ladies Gents Misses and Children I am offering the best leathers most approved shajics and styles at their usual littleness of prices Remember all shoes are warranted to give satisfaction ENGLE I 1 I 2 4 4 yd 1 I.

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The Shelby Record from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)


Why is Shelbyville, Kentucky historic? ›

Once a wilderness between Louisville and Frankfort, Shelbyville was founded in 1792 and had a population of 262 by 1800. By the time the Civil War arrived, Shelbyville had a few thousand residents-many of them fought valiantly when the town's courthouse was attacked by confederate soldiers.

What is the oldest town in Kentucky? ›

The City of Harrodsburg Kentucky was founded in 1774 as the first permanent settlement west of the Allegheny Mountains. As Kentucky's oldest town, the city is located in the heart of the Bluegrass Region and is surrounded by rolling countryside, horse farms, historic stone fences, historic architecture and culture.

Did Colonel Sanders live in Shelbyville KY? ›

In 1959, at the age of 69, Colonel Harland Sanders and his wife, Claudia, moved from Southeastern Kentucky to Shelbyville. Prior to this, the Colonel had spent many years in Corbin, Kentucky, developing his now world-famous chicken recipe.


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.