Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (2024)

As the mighty Kingdom of Loegria encroaches on the boundaries of the Highlands to the north, the bitter rivalries between the Highlands’ clans must be put aside to fight for the greater good and end a centuries-long conflict in the thrilling newSeasonal Campaign. Begin your journey in the Conqueror's City in the heart of the Borderlands, then venture out to complete new Stages, hone your forces alongside your House in twice-weekly Territory Wars, and prepare for a final showdown atTurul Város at the end of Highlanders!

Table of Contents:

  • Campaign Schedule
  • Units
  • Battle Pass
  • Quality of Life Improvements

Campaign Schedule

  • Dec. 20th, 2021: Opening Moves
    A new generation of noble warriors will be born on the field of battle.
    Conquerable regions: Borderlands & Ungverija.
  • Dec. 20th, 2021: Bagpipers Available
    Unlock these units by completing two tiers of seasonal challenges. Unlock three or more for the Bagpiper Health Doctrine.
  • Dec. 26th, 2021: Claymores Available
    Unlock these units by completing three tiers of seasonal challenges. Unlock four or more for the Wild Rovers Doctrine.
  • Jan. 3rd, 2022: Eve of the Storm
    Chaos spreads as the ambitious expand their territories.
    Main Region: Ungverija
    Conquerable regions: Borderlands, Ungverija, Ostaria
  • Jan. 16th, 2022: Houndsmen Available
  • Jan. 17th, 2022: All is Chaos
    The conqueror believes that everything under the hooves of his horse is his territory.
    Main region: Ungverija
    Conquerable regions: Borderlands, Ungverija, Ostaria, Anadolou
  • Jan. 31st, 2022: Usurp the Thrones
    Through endless conflict, kings are born.
    Main region: Ungverija
    Conquerable regions: Borderlands, Ungverija, Ostaria, Anadolou
    Attackable Capitals: Augolia & Regionopolis
  • Feb. 14th 2022: Imperial Dawn
    A true conqueror is never satisfied. The true conqueror aspires to build an empire.
    Conquerable regions: Borderlands, Ungverija, Ostaria, Anadolou
    Attackable Capitals: Augoloia, Regionopolis, Turul Varos
  • Feb. 28th 2022: Season Conclusion

New Seasonal Units

Freedom is calling. Recruit warriors from the far reaches of the Highlands and unlock three new Seasonal Units comprised of the bravest and best the realm has to offer. Band together with your kinsmen and draft the following Highlanders throughout Season X:

Bagpipers (3-Star)

The sons and daughters of the Highlands have answered the call to fight for freedom, and three brand-new Seasonal Units are coming to Season X: Highlanders. The first of these new Units brings a brand-new battle mechanic to the fray: the Bagpipers (3-Star).

Historically, the bagpipes were so feared as a “weapon of war” that they were classified as such until as recently as 1996. To Scottish armies of old, bagpipes were more than just an instrument—they were a political symbol, marching their men into harm’s way to a glorious melody in the pursuit of freedom. Pipers were even stationed at the Battle of Waterloo as part of the 79th (Cameron Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, and their music reinforced the resolve of the regiments.

While some may think of bagpipes as an instrument of torture due to their loud and sometimes grating blares, they certainly intimidate enemy forces and were carried and played by ancient Scottish clans of old to do just that. In Conqueror’s Blade, the Bagpipers will carry on this rich history of political symbolism, intimidation, and uplifting performance.

Perhaps now thought of as reserved for royal ceremonies, funerals, and Hogmanay, the bagpipes remain a staple of Scottish culture, and their tradition is kept alive to this day.

The first unit of their kind in Conqueror’s Blade and our foray into bard-type mechanics, the Bagpipers provide stirring martial music as they march into battle alongside the Highlander armies, bolstering morale and the fighting spirit of the men.

While they may not be equipped with conventional weapons such as broadswords or spears, the Bagpipers have their own unique way of carrying their troops to victory—buffing their allies’ attacks with inspiring melodies. The music of these defiant men makes such a difference to the Highland units in battle that the Loegrians have forbidden the playing of their tunes wherever they can, deeming the sound of bagpipes to be an incitement to insurrection.

Core Unit Statistics

Basic Attributes
Health8,833Strength (Units)6
Labour0.84Max Level18
Combat Proficiency
Piercing AP0Piercing DMG0Piercing DEF403
Slashing AP0Slashing DMG0Slashing DEF398
Blunt AP0Blunt DMG0Blunt DEF187

Terrain Effects:

  • Desert - Bad
  • Plains - Fair
  • Hills - Fair
  • Steppe - Fair
  • Urban - Good

Unit Traits:

  • Bagpipes Variation - For 5 seconds after starting to play or switching a song, boosts will be provided to nearby allies. This boost can only be obtained once every 30 seconds.
    • Heart of Bravery: Increases all Damage Attributes by an additional 180 points
    • Unbending Spirit: Increases all Defense Attributes by an additional 120 points
    • Highland Air: Restores 800 Health at once.
  • Elation - After stopping or switching songs, the last song's effect will remain in effect for 5 seconds.
  • Highlanders - For the duration of Season X this unit's Leadership cost is reduced by 10%.
  • Noncombatants - This is an unarmed support unit, not intended for combat. Upon using the "Attack" command, if the unit is not playing music, it will spread out to avoid taking enemy attacks head on.


  • Line - The band spreads out into two columns.
  • Music - Ideal for playing music.

Unit Orders:

  • Hearts of Bravery - Increases all types of attacks of nearby allied units.
  • Unbending Spirit - Increases all types of defenses of nearby allied units.
  • Performing - The band ceases performing and quickly move toward a set location. They take 30% extra damage for 5 seconds after the skill ends.

Veterancy Bonuses:

Core Path:

  • The Soldier's Life (2): Each level increases health by 3%.
  • Move as One (2): Each level increases movement speed by 3%.
  • Unswerving (2): Increases blunt defense by 3%.
  • Reflexes (2): Each level reduces ranged damage taken by 5%.
  • Bloodbath (2): Each level increases slashing defense by 3%.
  • Close Quarters (2): Reduces melee damage taken by 5%.
  • Toughen Up (2): Each level increases piercing defense by 3%.
  • Hone (2): Every level reduces Symphonic Variation's cooldown by 1 second.

Top Path:

  • Turn It Up (1): Increases the buff effects of bagpipe music by 15%.

Bottom Path:

  • Wind Pipers (1): Increases the effective range of the bagpipe music by 15%.

Claymores (4-Star)

Recruit warriors from the far reaches of the Highlands when three brand-new Seasonal Units arrive in Season X: Highlanders. The second of these new Units is a heroic band of greatsword-wielding warriors: the Claymores (4-Star).

Originating in Scotland and brandished in battles between 1400–1700 by Highland Scots, a claymore is often referred to as The Blade of Scotland. The unique weapon was created in the early Renaissance period, and the name is derived from the Gaelic word “claidheamohmor”, meaning “great sword”. The word ‘greatsword’ is attributed to any two-handed double-edged sword, whereas a ‘claymore’ is the term for the similar yet basket-hilted blade historically used by Scottish Highlanders.

While greatswords are often cumbersome due to their immense size and weight, the claymore had ample slashing power and, in close quarters, could hack through an enemy formation like a hot knife through butter.

In Conqueror’s Blade, the Highlander clans march into battle at the side of their chieftain, and there is no greater honour that can be bestowed upon a soldier than to be entrusted with one of the prized claymores; forged by the most skilled swordsmiths in the land and capable of cutting through steel mail and flesh alike.

Going all-out with every attack, the Claymores make excellent shock troops by charging into battle, gaining defence as they attack. The enemies of the clans dread conflicts where they must face these fearless warriors, particularly after the Battle of Gallows Hill, where thirty claymore-armed warriors held off many times their own numbers in the face of a furious barrage from the Loegrians.

Core Unit Statistics

Basic Attributes
Health8908Strength (Units)20
Labour2.80Max Level22
Combat Proficiency
Piercing AP0Piercing DMG0Piercing DEF351
Slashing AP1512Slashing DMG1350Slashing DEF410
Blunt AP0Blunt DMG0Blunt DEF498

Terrain Effects:

  • Desert - Bad
  • Plains - Good
  • Hills - Fair
  • Steppe - Fair
  • Urban - Good

Unit Traits:

  • For Freedom -Each time a Claymore warrior attacks and hits an enemy, all defences are increased by 40 points. Stackable up to 5 times.
  • Fearless Heart - When a Claymore unit uses a skill other than "For Freedom" it will get a "Heart of Bravery" effect. For 5 seconds, it will get to ignore an extra 10% damage. Every time it attacks, it will restore 150 Health on itself and nearby allies. Stackable up to 5 times. It also reduces melee damage taken by 20% for 2 seconds. This effect will become stronger when using "For Freedom" restoring 300 points of Health and reducing melee damage taken by 35%.
  • Highlanders - For the duration of Season X this unit's Leadership cost is reduced by 10%.
  • All-out Attack - Highland Warriors go all out on every attack. "Highland Charge" and "Claymore Strike" share a cooldown. After using "For Freedom", the unit enters a weakened state in which movement speed and attack speed are reduced by 50%, damage dealt is reduced by 40%, and damage taken is increased by 40%. Lasts 10 seconds.


  • Dispersed - The unit spreads out a little to lessen the damage from ranged attacks.
  • Column - A narrow formation effective for charging under enemy fire.

Unit Orders:

  • Highland Charge - The unit charges toward the target, inflicting damage to enemies along the way (with 'For Freedom', the charge inflicts greater damage to Blocking). After the charge ends, the unit gains the 'Fearless Heart' effect.
  • Claymore Strike - The warrior swings their swords, dealing damage to nearby enemies (with 'Freedom of Faith', enemies will be knocked back). The unit also obtains the 'Fearless Heart' effect.
  • For Freedom! - The Claymores roar for freedom, empowering their other skills and Unwavering Heart for 15 seconds. They gain 40% damage reduction, 20% increased damage, and 2,000 maximum health. Once the skill runs out, the Claymores are weakened for 10 seconds, reducing their movement and attack speed by 50%, damage by 40%, and increasing the damage they take by 40%.

Veterancy Bonuses:

Core Path:

  • The Soldier's Life (2): Each level increases health by 3%.

Top Path:

  • Razor-Sharp (3):Each level increases slashing damage by 3%.
  • The Soldier's Life (2): Each level increases health by 3%.
  • Reflexes (2): Each level increases ranged resistance by 5%.
  • Hone (3): Each level increases slashing armour penetration by 3%.
  • Cold Blood (3): Each level reduces Highland Charge and Claymore Stroke cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Move as One (2): Each level increases movement speed by 5%.
  • Razor-Sharp (2): Each level increases slashing damage by 3%.
  • Vigorous Strike (2): Each level increases Claymore Strike damage by 5%.
  • Gale Force (1): Increases damage dealt during For Freedom by 15%.

Bottom Path:

  • Toughen Up (2): Each level increases piercing defence by 3%.
  • The Soldier's Life (2): Increases health by 3%.
  • Reflexes (3): Each level reduced ranged damage taken by 5%.
  • Fear Nothing (3): Each level reduces damage taken during Highland Charge by 5%.
  • A Hundred Paces (1): Each level reduces Highland Charge and Claymore Strike cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Bloodbath (2): Each level increases slashing defense by 3%.
  • The Soldier's Life (3): Increases health by 3%.
  • Unwavering (3): Each level reduces damage taken during Courageous Heart by 3%.
  • Profound (1): Increases maximum health during "For Freedom!" by 2,000.

Houndsmen (5-Star)

Clans will be united, and history will be made as three brand-new Seasonal Units arrive to fight for freedom in Season X: Highlanders. The last of the troops to answer the call to freedom is the Houndsmen (5-Star), the first Unit of its kind.

What could be better than charging into battle with a fiercely loyal companion? Less man’s best friend, and more “man’s best killing machine on four legs”, canines have been used throughout history in both hunting and warfare.

With gnashing jaws and slashing paws, dogs were used to break up enemy formations in war before their human counterparts were sent in to attack, using the chaos to their advantage.

In Scotland, inscribed stones have been found to show mounted hunters accompanied by dogs, proving that there is no greater friend in battle than a fluffy one for the people of the Highlands.

In Conqueror’s Blade, hunting with hounds is among the many peacetime pursuits of the Highlands nobility. Those with superior hunting prowess become the dedicated master of the hunt for their clan. The Houndsmen themselves are kennel masters—responsible for keeping the hunting grounds safe from poachers and Loegrian intruders. The Highlanders’ enemies consider the use of dogs in battle to be an underhanded tactic, most likely because of the high levels of success these attacks tend to enjoy.

Armed with bows, the Houndsmen have mid and long-range precision archery damage at their disposal, as well as their deerhounds to deploy for savage melee encounters.

The hound is as loyal to its hunter as the hunter is to his hound, and their close relationship extends to a loyal bond on the battlefield. As both fight, the damage they deal increases, and the dogs will never leave their side. When a hound is struck down, the hunter will unleash his full force on the enemy to avenge his fallen companion.

Core Unit Statistics

Basic Attributes
Health1,855Strength (Units)36
Labour5.04Max Level30
Combat Proficiency
Piercing AP1389Piercing DMG1776Piercing DEF390
Slashing AP0Slashing DMG0Slashing DEF372
Blunt AP0Blunt DMG0Blunt DEF239

Terrain Effects:

  • Desert - Bad
  • Plains - Fair
  • Hills - Fair
  • Steppe - Fair
  • Urban - Good

Unit Traits:

  • Trained Hunters - Enemies hit will suffer bleeding for two seconds.
  • Loyal Hound - The hunting hounds will attack any foe that attacks this unit. This reduces enemy attacks and movement speed.
  • Man's Best Friend - An enemy attacked by a hunter or a hound will take even more damage when attacked by the other as well. When all hunters are killed, the hounds will continue to surround and attack enemies for 5 seconds before dying. When all hounds have been killed, the attack of hunters will be increased by 120% permanently.
  • Highlanders - For the duration of Season X this unit's Leadership cost is reduced by 10%.


  • Dispersed - A loose formation that reduces unit vulnerability to ranged weapons.
  • Stand Ground - The unit spreads out slightly with their hounds to the front. Good for ranged attacks.

Unit Orders:

  • Hunting Stance -The hunters assume a Hunting Stance and launch three arrows in quick succesion.
  • Hobbling Shots - The hunters fire a volley of arrows in a target direction that slow enemies hit.
  • Get 'em! - Hounds charge in the designated direction and gnash enemies along the way. After using this you can use the 'Heel!' skill.

Veterancy Bonuses:

Core Path:

  • Like Clockwork: Each level increases rate of fire by 5%.

Top Path:

  • A Hundred Paces (3): Each level increases the maximum range by 5 meters.
  • Impaler (2): Each level increases bleed damage by 50 points.
  • Quick March (3): Each level increases Triple Arrow's base damage by 4%.
  • Unwavering (3): Each level reduces damage taken by 5%.
  • Cold Blood (3): Each level increases piercing damage by 3%.
  • Move as One (2): Each level increases movement speed by 5%.
  • Improved Supplies (3): Each level increases ammo by 10%.
  • Razor-Sharp (2): Each level increases damage dealt to infantry by 5%.
  • TBA (1): Hobbling Shots triggers Hunter's Will

Bottom Path:

  • Move as One (2):Each level increases movement speed by 5%.
  • TBA (3): Each level increases the damage enemies slowed by hounds take by 5%.
  • TBA (2): Each level increases the duration of slow and damage reduction effects dealt to enemies by 1 second.
  • TBA (2): Each level reduces Hunting Stance duration by 2 seconds.
  • A Hundred Paces (3): Each level increases maximum range by 5 meters.
  • TBA (3): Each level reduces the cooldown of Hobbling Shots by 2 seconds.
  • The Soldier's Life (3): Each level increases health by 5%.
  • Improved Supplies (3): Each level increases ammo by 10%.
  • TBA (1): Reduces damage hounds take from infantry for 2 seconds after impact by 50%.

Highlanders Battle Pass

Freedom is calling as Highlanders nears in Conqueror’s Blade! Highlanders can earn over 100 levels of rewards from the Battle Pass in Highlanders, including all-new and exclusive cosmetics, Emotes, currency to exchange for new Weapon Skins, and so much more. The ultimate reward sits at Tier 100—theLaird of the Isles Hero Attire. You’ll also receive theClan Chieftain Hero Attirestraight away when you activate your Battle Pass on December 21!

Quality of Life Improvements

  • Weapon Specialisation System - Starting in Season X, Mastery Points will be converted into Skill Points (up to a limit of 100,000 and at a ratio of 2.5 to 1). All skills will then be unlocked using Skill Points. Scholarly Texts will be converted into Mastery Points.
  • Mount Maintenance - If you find yourself constantly needing to keep an eye on your loyal steed’s health, that will cease to be a concern. Hay will be removed in Season X, including the Hay available from the in-game Horse Seller.
  • Character Creation and Personalization - Get ready for a smoother character creation process in Season X, as well as brand-new face tattoo designs! Ink your Warlord’s face with several new designs to breathe new life and personality into your characters (plus, they just look really cool). The personalization menu will now include hair style, hair colour, facial tattoos, and scar adjustments.
  • Inventory Optimization - Tabs will be added to optimize the inventory for cleaner organization, and you can find your items in Hero, consumable, and materials tabs. The Wagon has also had a makeover and will contain collected resources, artillery, and other tabs.
  • Territory Wars -Territory Wars will also undergo some changes in Season X, including adjustments to match/battle durations, initial Fief Levels and Fief Quests, Cohort/Imperial Restorationist Fief Ownership, Construction Items, Open-World marching, and more.

Data Gathered By: Foghladha of Gaiscioch | Last Update: June 9th, 2024 at 2:07PM PDT

Season 9 History

The War Report
Hosted by: Foghladha

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (1)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (2)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (3)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (4)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (5)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (6)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (7)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (8)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (9)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (10)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (11)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (12)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (13)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (14)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (15)

Conqueror's Blade Highlanders (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.