| 2008 JOHN DEERE 2305 TLB: Is It a Yanmar Tractor? (2024)


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2008 JOHN DEERE 2305 TLB: Is It a Yanmar Tractor?

Bernie Pokorski
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Back in 2009, my wife bought me my 2008 John Deere 2305 TLB for my 60th birthday. It's a great tractor, and as I understand it, it is a Yanmar product that was shipped to John Deere as sub-assembly. It has "Tuff Torq" hydraulic pump / hydrostatic transmission assembly.
I recently changed its Hydraulic /Transmission fluid, installing Mobil DelVac Tractor Hydraulic Fluid and new filter elements. The recent discussion regarding John Deere's Class-Action lawsuit again NAPA (and possibly others?) for selling their brand(s) of Hydraulic Fluid that they claimed was equivalent to John Deere's J20C Hydraulic Fluid, when it is not so.
According to the Mobil DelVac jugs, Mobil's Hydraulic Fluid is equivalent to John Deere's J20C hydraulic fluid's specifications. Does anyone know If Mobil's Delvac is truly an equivalent to John Deere's J20C Hydraulic Fluid specifications? | 2008 JOHN DEERE 2305 TLB: Is It a Yanmar Tractor? (3)

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Welcome Bernie. The engine is Yanmar as the 3TNV76. The hydrostatic transmission needs to be looked up for the correct fluid(s) to use.
There is a PDF on the web on the Deere site called,
Your machine is listed in there. | 2008 JOHN DEERE 2305 TLB: Is It a Yanmar Tractor? (5)

Yes, J20C for cool weather and for 0F or minus temps, J20D.

The Mobil Delvac Tractor Fluid webpage,
Per the page, it's SAE 80. J20C has a 10W30 base oil or a close SAE 30 grade.

The data on the Mobile webpage is confusing. All the viscosity, flash points, and pour point are in the technical range of J20C as shown.
I'm adding the Deere technical sales brochure. Look it over. The last page and to the bottom right Deere gives clues to other brands being a close specification match.
Ever observance of the J20C and meets other brand specs, the top common ones always there are the CAT T0-2 and Kubota UDT Hyd. Trans. Fluid.
The CASE uses MS specs, also known as Military Specifications. It's too broad to use the CASE.

I really can't say one way or the other if the Mobil Delvac meets J20C. In ways it does and in oil grade it doesn't. Sorry, I'm on the fence here.

Our database also has the full Hygard technical performance and testing JD lubricant guide too.

Bernie Pokorski
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KC2GIU, Thank you for your reply and the excellent reference material.


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I think the point JD is trying to make in their legal challenge is that any technical comparison to JD20x has to be false advertising because JD does not publish any technical specs except for the viscosity and required safety data like flash point. They don't even publish what base fluid is used. There are lots of other hydraulic fluids besides petroleum products.

Both JD and Delvac so-called tech specs are just advertising fluff. Read them and they are full of words like:
"Excellent, good, multi-purpose, enhanced, compatible, superior.... no science at all; just fluff.

I can talk about visoosity, having worked with it a lot developing specialized fluid measuring methods for several companies. Viscosity itself is supposed to be a measure of a fluid's internal shearing resistance. It is difficult to pin down, and ends up being measured by different methods. There is still a lot of debate on how to measure viscosity and no one standard.

Delvac advertising uses gear based viscosity whereas Deere JD20x tends toward advertising usingengine based viscosity.
80 SAE gear lubricant viscosity is roughly equivalent to 20/30 engine oil visosity.

Another area where trans/hydraulic fluids differ is in their compatibility with internal seals.

To give you an example of how crazy this gets, our 2007 JD310SG backhoe requires using JD's Torque-Gard Plus 50 ENGINE OIL as the trans/hydraulic fluid. It's made and designed by Deere and it doesn't use Deere's own J20C trans/hydraulic fluid.
The service manager tells me that is becaouse our JD310SG has some rubber parts that are not compatible with Deere's J20C trans/hydraulic fluid.

Still, in spite of all the trumpeting about compatibility and failures, failures seem rare. We ran the wrong fluid in our own 310SG for thousands or hours without a problem. Fact is, it seemed to work better than the recommended fluid that is in there now.
Makes a guy wonder what all the flap is about.

Rene Smythe
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On the topic of oil, does anyone know of a lab that can test oil for what it is: Petroleum base, synthetic blend or synthetic?



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------ Original Message ------

From "Scotty" <roger@...>


Date 12/15/2023 1:37:51 AM

Subject Re: 2008 JOHN DEERE 2305 TLB: Is It a Yanmar Tractor?

I think the point JD is trying to make in their legal challenge is that any technical comparison to JD20x has to be false advertising because JD does not publish any technical specs except for the viscosity and required safety data like flash point. They don't even publish what base fluid is used. There are lots of other hydraulic fluids besides petroleum products.

Both JD and Delvac so-called tech specs are just advertising fluff. Read them and they are full of words like:
"Excellent, good, multi-purpose, enhanced, compatible, superior.... no science at all; just fluff.

I can talk about visoosity, having worked with it a lot developing specialized fluid measuring methods for several companies. Viscosity itself is supposed to be a measure of a fluid's internal shearing resistance. It is difficult to pin down, and ends up being measured by different methods. There is still a lot of debate on how to measure viscosity and no one standard.

Delvac advertising uses gear based viscosity whereas Deere JD20x tends toward advertising usingengine based viscosity.
80 SAE gear lubricant viscosity is roughly equivalent to 20/30 engine oil visosity.

Another area where trans/hydraulic fluids differ is in their compatibility with internal seals.

To give you an example of how crazy this gets, our 2007 JD310SG backhoe requires using JD's Torque-Gard Plus 50 ENGINE OIL as the trans/hydraulic fluid. It's made and designed by Deere and it doesn't use Deere's own J20C trans/hydraulic fluid.
The service manager tells me that is becaouse our JD310SG has some rubber parts that are not compatible with Deere's J20C trans/hydraulic fluid.

Still, in spite of all the trumpeting about compatibility and failures, failures seem rare. We ran the wrong fluid in our own 310SG for thousands or hours without a problem. Fact is, it seemed to work better than the recommended fluid that is in there now.
Makes a guy wonder what all the flap is about.

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